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Kalla legend utilities


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Is it me? Or do these utilities all feel kind of useless? even in pve?

the bleed one is "ok" in groups. The ice one applies vuln but no chill so useless as a condi (semi useless at least, im aware vuln is still good).... the stun one is great for interrupt spam... and soul cleave is... really bad now. At least on a condi build, it seems to do nothing (vipers/tb)


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icerazor on my screen is listed as doing (20x) 2140 damage as full viper. So id definitely say he is worth casting, useful even in small groups or alone. Razorclaw on the other hand needs a full group to reach his potential, and he is hamstrumg by the bloodfury bug that does not increase bleeding duration when under fury as it should.

Infact icerazor does so much damage that he have killed things after i died to a mob.

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Hrm. Interesting. I noticed icerazor does do some damage, but i would hardly call it "enough". Perhaps I'm not factoring the fact he does that in a group though however.

I dunno, I just expected the utilities to buff condi somehow. I mean, compared to unyielding anguish and even banish enchantment it just feels subpar. But it does provide some group functionality. I guess there's something to be said about the elite for a group.

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