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Throwing / ransoming matches for gold


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I play at the gold 1 level,mostly solo queue and am fed up of the attitude of some people.. Am trying to get better every season however the amount of people throwing matches on purpose is getting out of hand. The subject in question literally made a point of throwing from the start. We took a lead 4v5 and was pretty close but we got snowballed because of the handicap. I have attached pictures of the person's messages below. It's not that I am mad because I lost. I believe it's not fair when you are arguably the better team yet losing cause of such reasons.

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Its all the way at the "top" too. Sadly its just mama's basement trolls playing multiple accounts in ranked each season. It's said to be frowned apon but nothing is ever done about it. Only 2 ways to deal with it since no one is actually hard banned for it.

*Make a free account or buy one and start to wintrade with a buddy or more at off times like the pros (Click que at the same time thru voice chat). Become a pro wintrader and get to the top of the cheaterboard.

*Quit ranked where the non stop "afks", "Disconnects", and random walk into a mob and die instantly people are and play unranked. Unranked is a better non troll community.

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@Ziggityzog.7389 said:Unranked is a better non troll community.

I don't know about better, because I only play unranked, but I wouldn't go this far. Pretty much every match I play there's somebody posting text constantly about how awesome they are in ranked and how everyone else sucks. Then at the end of the match they've scored the lowest across the board because they were typing the whole time (or because they just suck). There are lots of afks and some rage-quitting. It may not be as bad, but it's not free of that stuff.

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Got stuck with the same jerk twice threatening afk because we were down 100 points. Next match he ran straight to enemy treb at beginning of the match and he and another party member just spam targeted each other the rest of the match. The enemy team was kind enough to let me exit spawn to go report them after I reminded them that there was every possibility they would get stuck with him next match.

Yeah haven't played an spvp match since. It's as bad as playing hotjoin.

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@Justine.6351 said:Got stuck with the same jerk twice threatening afk because we were down 100 points. Next match he ran straight to enemy treb at beginning of the match and he and another party member just spam targeted each other the rest of the match. The enemy team was kind enough to let me exit spawn to go report them after I reminded them that there was every possibility they would get stuck with him next match.

Yeah haven't played an spvp match since. It's as bad as playing hotjoin.

You can report from the scoreboard just FYI.

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