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10 targets on Signet of Inspiration should be baseline.

Daniel Handler.4816

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Sand Squall: The increased boon duration that this skill grants has been increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. The number of allies this affects has been increased from 5 to 10.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Squallhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imbued_Melodies

edit:We have to spend two trait lines to use SOI 3.6s faster than the tempest equivalent. We can add on mimic and CS for superiority but dps tempest wastes nothing, the warhorn was already meta, they keep their bar full of conjures.

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While I'm not a fan of these changes, what you have here is not accurate. The change will bring SoI down to a 20s base cooldown, or 13.2 seconds with permanent alacrity and improved alacrity. This means that you can use the skill twice every 26.4 seconds.

Therefor, the Mesmer version, while requiring the trait in inspiration, is notably better before considering CS or mimic.

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@Pyroatheist.9031 said:While I'm not a fan of these changes, what you have here is not accurate. The change will bring SoI down to a 20s base cooldown, or 13.2 seconds with permanent alacrity and improved alacrity. This means that you can use the skill twice every 26.4 seconds.

Therefor, the Mesmer version, while requiring the trait in inspiration, is notably better before considering CS or mimic.

You're right, I missed that. Still, I wouldn't consider this noticeably better. Power tempest loses basically nothing to come within 3.6s of our two traitline baseline. They use warhorn anyway and they keep all of their utility slots.

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@Daniel Handler.4816 said:

@Pyroatheist.9031 said:While I'm not a fan of these changes, what you have here is not accurate. The change will bring SoI down to a 20s base cooldown, or 13.2 seconds with permanent alacrity and improved alacrity. This means that you can use the skill twice every 26.4 seconds.

Therefor, the Mesmer version, while requiring the trait in inspiration, is notably better before considering CS or mimic.

You're right, I missed that. Still, I wouldn't consider this noticeably better. Power tempest loses basically nothing to come within 3.6s of our two traitline baseline. They use warhorn anyway and they keep all of their utility slots.

Sure, it's not a drastically more powerful setup, especially considering how little the tempest has to sacrifice for it. I just wanted to make sure you're working from a good starting point.

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@Pyroatheist.9031 said:

@Pyroatheist.9031 said:While I'm not a fan of these changes, what you have here is not accurate. The change will bring SoI down to a 20s base cooldown, or 13.2 seconds with permanent alacrity and improved alacrity. This means that you can use the skill twice every 26.4 seconds.

Therefor, the Mesmer version, while requiring the trait in inspiration, is notably better before considering CS or mimic.

You're right, I missed that. Still, I wouldn't consider this noticeably better. Power tempest loses basically nothing to come within 3.6s of our two traitline baseline. They use warhorn anyway and they keep all of their utility slots.

Sure, it's not a drastically more powerful setup, especially considering how little the tempest has to sacrifice for it. I just wanted to make sure you're working from a good starting point.

That's not really a fair comparison based on how the professions are balanced. Playing power tempest over weaver is already a huge DPS loss in PvE settings.Eles also have much worse flexibility in traitlines in comparison to Mesmers in terms of damage with dependency on %damage multiplier trait stacking whereas Mesmers have power high power coefficients as a base line.

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@zencow.3651 said:

@Pyroatheist.9031 said:While I'm not a fan of these changes, what you have here is not accurate. The change will bring SoI down to a 20s base cooldown, or 13.2 seconds with permanent alacrity and improved alacrity. This means that you can use the skill twice every 26.4 seconds.

Therefor, the Mesmer version, while requiring the trait in inspiration, is notably better before considering CS or mimic.

You're right, I missed that. Still, I wouldn't consider this noticeably better. Power tempest loses basically nothing to come within 3.6s of our two traitline baseline. They use warhorn anyway and they keep all of their utility slots.

Sure, it's not a drastically more powerful setup, especially considering how little the tempest has to sacrifice for it. I just wanted to make sure you're working from a good starting point.

That's not really a fair comparison based on how the professions are balanced. Playing power tempest over weaver is already a huge DPS loss in PvE settings.Eles also have much worse flexibility in traitlines in comparison to Mesmers in terms of damage with dependency on %damage multiplier trait stacking whereas Mesmers have power high power coefficients as a base line.

Playing support Chrono is a huge DPS loss in PvE. Even if we were allowed to run Dueling/Domination/Chrono we would still have less DPS than power tempest. Even if you gave us an extra utility slot.

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@Pyroatheist.9031 said:

@Pyroatheist.9031 said:While I'm not a fan of these changes, what you have here is not accurate. The change will bring SoI down to a 20s base cooldown, or 13.2 seconds with permanent alacrity and improved alacrity. This means that you can use the skill twice every 26.4 seconds.

Therefor, the Mesmer version, while requiring the trait in inspiration, is notably better before considering CS or mimic.

You're right, I missed that. Still, I wouldn't consider this noticeably better. Power tempest loses basically nothing to come within 3.6s of our two traitline baseline. They use warhorn anyway and they keep all of their utility slots.

Sure, it's not a drastically more powerful setup, especially considering how little the tempest has to sacrifice for it. I just wanted to make sure you're working from a good starting point.

Effectively dps tempest is better at boon increasing than support tempest or dps chrono. But support chrono is better than them all.

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@Daniel Handler.4816 said:

@Pyroatheist.9031 said:While I'm not a fan of these changes, what you have here is not accurate. The change will bring SoI down to a 20s base cooldown, or 13.2 seconds with permanent alacrity and improved alacrity. This means that you can use the skill twice every 26.4 seconds.

Therefor, the Mesmer version, while requiring the trait in inspiration, is notably better before considering CS or mimic.

You're right, I missed that. Still, I wouldn't consider this noticeably better. Power tempest loses basically nothing to come within 3.6s of our two traitline baseline. They use warhorn anyway and they keep all of their utility slots.

Sure, it's not a drastically more powerful setup, especially considering how little the tempest has to sacrifice for it. I just wanted to make sure you're working from a good starting point.

That's not really a fair comparison based on how the professions are balanced. Playing power tempest over weaver is already a huge DPS loss in PvE settings.Eles also have much worse flexibility in traitlines in comparison to Mesmers in terms of damage with dependency on %damage multiplier trait stacking whereas Mesmers have power high power coefficients as a base line.

Playing support Chrono is a huge DPS loss in PvE. Even if we were allowed to run Dueling/Domination/Chrono we would still have less DPS than power tempest. Even if you gave us an extra utility slot.

That's a fair sacrifice you make for being able to provide quickness and alacrity as it should be.

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@zencow.3651 said:

@Pyroatheist.9031 said:While I'm not a fan of these changes, what you have here is not accurate. The change will bring SoI down to a 20s base cooldown, or 13.2 seconds with permanent alacrity and improved alacrity. This means that you can use the skill twice every 26.4 seconds.

Therefor, the Mesmer version, while requiring the trait in inspiration, is notably better before considering CS or mimic.

You're right, I missed that. Still, I wouldn't consider this noticeably better. Power tempest loses basically nothing to come within 3.6s of our two traitline baseline. They use warhorn anyway and they keep all of their utility slots.

Sure, it's not a drastically more powerful setup, especially considering how little the tempest has to sacrifice for it. I just wanted to make sure you're working from a good starting point.

That's not really a fair comparison based on how the professions are balanced. Playing power tempest over weaver is already a huge DPS loss in PvE settings.Eles also have much worse flexibility in traitlines in comparison to Mesmers in terms of damage with dependency on %damage multiplier trait stacking whereas Mesmers have power high power coefficients as a base line.

Playing support Chrono is a huge DPS loss in PvE. Even if we were allowed to run Dueling/Domination/Chrono we would still have less DPS than power tempest. Even if you gave us an extra utility slot.

That's a fair sacrifice you make for being able to provide quickness and alacrity as it should be.

If that were the case WvW chronos, which can't use wells, should not need a whole traitline just to target 10.

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@Daniel Handler.4816 said:

@Pyroatheist.9031 said:While I'm not a fan of these changes, what you have here is not accurate. The change will bring SoI down to a 20s base cooldown, or 13.2 seconds with permanent alacrity and improved alacrity. This means that you can use the skill twice every 26.4 seconds.

Therefor, the Mesmer version, while requiring the trait in inspiration, is notably better before considering CS or mimic.

You're right, I missed that. Still, I wouldn't consider this noticeably better. Power tempest loses basically nothing to come within 3.6s of our two traitline baseline. They use warhorn anyway and they keep all of their utility slots.

Sure, it's not a drastically more powerful setup, especially considering how little the tempest has to sacrifice for it. I just wanted to make sure you're working from a good starting point.

That's not really a fair comparison based on how the professions are balanced. Playing power tempest over weaver is already a huge DPS loss in PvE settings.Eles also have much worse flexibility in traitlines in comparison to Mesmers in terms of damage with dependency on %damage multiplier trait stacking whereas Mesmers have power high power coefficients as a base line.

Playing support Chrono is a huge DPS loss in PvE. Even if we were allowed to run Dueling/Domination/Chrono we would still have less DPS than power tempest. Even if you gave us an extra utility slot.

That's a fair sacrifice you make for being able to provide quickness and alacrity as it should be.

If that were the case WvW chronos, which can't use wells, should not need a whole traitline just to target 10.

And why shouldn't it?

If we're comparing WvW, the Tempest has to give up Staff for Warhorn which is much worse for damage.

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@zencow.3651 said:

@Pyroatheist.9031 said:While I'm not a fan of these changes, what you have here is not accurate. The change will bring SoI down to a 20s base cooldown, or 13.2 seconds with permanent alacrity and improved alacrity. This means that you can use the skill twice every 26.4 seconds.

Therefor, the Mesmer version, while requiring the trait in inspiration, is notably better before considering CS or mimic.

You're right, I missed that. Still, I wouldn't consider this noticeably better. Power tempest loses basically nothing to come within 3.6s of our two traitline baseline. They use warhorn anyway and they keep all of their utility slots.

Sure, it's not a drastically more powerful setup, especially considering how little the tempest has to sacrifice for it. I just wanted to make sure you're working from a good starting point.

That's not really a fair comparison based on how the professions are balanced. Playing power tempest over weaver is already a huge DPS loss in PvE settings.Eles also have much worse flexibility in traitlines in comparison to Mesmers in terms of damage with dependency on %damage multiplier trait stacking whereas Mesmers have power high power coefficients as a base line.

Playing support Chrono is a huge DPS loss in PvE. Even if we were allowed to run Dueling/Domination/Chrono we would still have less DPS than power tempest. Even if you gave us an extra utility slot.

That's a fair sacrifice you make for being able to provide quickness and alacrity as it should be.

If that were the case WvW chronos, which can't use wells, should not need a whole traitline just to target 10.

And why shouldn't it?

If we're comparing WvW, the Tempest has to give up Staff for Warhorn which is much worse for damage.

Still better than Mesmer damage in a zerg, and you get a free cast of Sand Squall through imbued melodies should you chose to keep a staff. Sure you'd have to give up aura heals but you wouldn't be losing an entire traitline and you'd keep all your utility slots.

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There's several problems with that:

  1. Risking your scholar uptime/life in general is something no Ele would do.
  2. Boon extension is unimpressive in WvW where removes and corrupts fly around frequently.

Traiting for only one relevant thing is just how balance goes and should be and Eles envy how traitline efficient Mesmers are. Inspiration at least brings incredibly relevant stuff like Medic's Feedback for reflect and faster rez and Inspiring Distortion for Aegis spam to a certain extent unlike Tempests having to waste the entire Earth line (that's probably the worst line in the game) for protection or Fire line for condi clear on auras which both have incredibly poor GM traits.

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The only reason to use SoI in WvW is for invuln + "free" party aegis with inspiration traitline because extending boons except for stability & resistance is kind of pointless and trying to time for resistance is very difficult.SoI doesn't make use of concentration.

Protection is stacked very high with firebrands on tome of courage , also shield skill, especially if they're minstrelRegen is stacked high with firebrands due to mace , scrappers apply it tooSwiftness is 100% with heraldsMight is 100% with heralds but stacks are dependent on party, so the only time SoI affects a bit is for empowersFury is 100% with heraldsQuickness requires firebrands to drop trait for extra pages and use their heal skillAlacrity requires people to run renegade realistically

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