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War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition


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FYI the wiki has a summary of all the items and their retail or TP values at:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/War_Eternal_Supply_Drop_Requisition#Notes

As you can see from the wiki's list, it's a minimum of 4410 gems worth of value, assuming you would (or might be likely) to buy everything in it.

Here's the calculus I used to decide to purchase:

  • 2400 gems is the same cost for two select MountFit licenses and there are at least two I was considering already. The rest would be gravy.
  • 2310 gems is the cost of two deeply discounted select licenses (1680) plus an outfit voucher (630); 90 gems is worth the cost of everything else in the package.

or tl;dr it's an amazing discount, the best Evon Gnashblade has offered to date(assuming you want at least two select MountFits, plus any other major item)

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I think it all hinges on whether you get all the mount skins(in which case they are worth 400 each), or pick and choose(1200 each). Since I am the latter, and in fact, really /dislike/ some of the options a 400 pick would get me, it's a great deal. Especially since I only have 3-4 outfits(do you count the ones converted from tonics?) and maybe 5 gliders. So I have a LOT of options to pick from for those.

As said earlier, if you're a 'already have the vast majority or all of them' type. then no, this isn't for you.

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