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Here's mine!Bx200Te.jpg

And here is a step guide for anyone not knowing how to post pictures in the comment section:a) Take a screenshot ingame using the "print screen" key on your keyboard.b) Find the screenshot in the appropriate folder (by default it should be in User > Documents > Guild Wars 2 > Screens unless I am mistaken).c) Use a site like https://imgur.com or Facebook to upload it online (as for imgur, simply click "New Post" and select your screenshot either by pulling the picture from the folder to the Imgur window or locating it manually through "browse")d) Once you have the picture infront of you in your browser, right click the picture and choose "Copy Image URL" or something similar (as mentioned above).e) Click on the "Image" picture in the comment box here on the GW2 forums (at the top of the comment box) and paste the link ( ctrl V ). You can use the Preview option down below (next to Edit) if you want to make sure that your image is visable.

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