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Sharing some of my core and Reaper WvW builds


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By no means are these S tier builds, but ones I very much enjoy and have had a lot of success with. Criticisms and tips are welcome. Just know that I am already aware of the weaknesses and flaws in these builds. The only thing I would appreciate advice on is for improving stats with different gear.

I am most proud of my "Demolisher" builds, which I put in quotations because it isn't technically Demolisher, but rather inspired by. I've tried a variety of different stat allocations and haven't landed on one I'm more satisfied with. It has a good balance of armor, vitality, precision, ferocity and power. While in Shroud and with a couple conditions on the target, it's easy to stay at or slightly above 100% crit chance. If anyone can improve on it I'd love to see a better version!

Power Curses "Demolisher" Reaper

Power Spite "Demolisher" Reaper

Power Curses "Demolisher" Necromancer

Celestial/Grieving Terrormancer core

Berserker Dreadmancer core

Bloodwells condibunker core

I'm sharing these for other WvW Necros who enjoy playing solo or in small groups. They are merely templates to start with and can be customized to your liking. I'm only adding these disclaimers to refrain from any misunderstandings as I am not promoting any of this as "super good builds."

Hope it helps someone (:

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My curiousity was drawn to the dreadmancer. I see you took dread trait but only have 1 source of fear. Is this more of a party build that requires others to also have fear?

Also impressed with the stat combinations on Power spite Demolisher. If I wasnt so lazy on not making ascended gear I would def attempt it.

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@iKeostuKen.2738 said:My curiousity was drawn to the dreadmancer. I see you took dread trait but only have 1 source of fear. Is this more of a party build that requires others to also have fear?

Also impressed with the stat combinations on Power spite Demolisher. If I wasnt so lazy on not making ascended gear I would def attempt it.

@iKeostuKen.2738 said:My curiousity was drawn to the dreadmancer. I see you took dread trait but only have 1 source of fear. Is this more of a party build that requires others to also have fear?

Also impressed with the stat combinations on Power spite Demolisher. If I wasnt so lazy on not making ascended gear I would def attempt it.

The Dreadmancer build has 5 sources of corrupt; Unholy Feast, Corrupt Boon, Path of Corruption, Weakening Shroud and Dark Pact. Although this requires the opponent to have Stability in order for it to be converted to Fear, I still find it to happen quite often. Few things don't have at least one or two sources of Stability, and besides a handful of things like Balanced Stance for example, most of those things aren't pulsing so a corrupt will remove it completely.

Also, I made a bit of a mistake with that build. Although I do sometimes use Corrupt Boon, I usually take Spectral Ring instead. So that is definitely an oops on my part and I'll correct it right now.

And for the sake of example, here's a short .gif of what this build looks like in action. I've seen Life Blasts go as high as 15k while the target is Feared and I have 15 - 25 stacks of Might. It's very gimmicky but extremely fun.

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@"Nimon.7840" said:Currently messing around with this build in small-scale 3-6man group:https://tinyurl.com/y6sd4e7y

But thinking about changing from gs to staff

Looks nice! A lot of Vulnerability stacking so you probably shred people pretty well with that. Personally, I prefer GS over Staff but in PvP, I think Staff is a better choice for area denial. The Blind + corrupt from Nightfall and the pull from Grasping Darkness are too much for me to give up in WvW. Also, when traited with Augury of Death, I've found "Nothing Can Save You!" to be extremely good in small scale/zerg situations. Since the cooldown reduction a while back you can have almost permanent Unblockable uptime in zergs as long as you're always hitting 5 targets, it's pretty amazing.

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

@"Nimon.7840" said:Currently messing around with this build in small-scale 3-6man group:

But thinking about changing from gs to staff

Looks nice! A lot of Vulnerability stacking so you probably shred people pretty well with that. Personally, I prefer GS over Staff but in PvP, I think Staff is a better choice for area denial. The Blind + corrupt from Nightfall and the pull from Grasping Darkness are too much for me to give up in WvW. Also, when traited with Augury of Death, I've found "Nothing Can Save You!" to be extremely good in small scale/zerg situations. Since the cooldown reduction a while back you can have almost permanent Unblockable uptime in zergs as long as you're always hitting 5 targets, it's pretty amazing.

First I was playing chilling nova. But I got immobilized so often yesterday, that I had to change to relentless pursuit.

And for the staff: I generally like gs over staff. Especially in spvp and wvw solo roaming, but as soon as there are many enemies, you sometimes have to back out of the fight and refill lifeforce somehow. Doing that with axe is cancerous

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

@iKeostuKen.2738 said:My curiousity was drawn to the dreadmancer. I see you took dread trait but only have 1 source of fear. Is this more of a party build that requires others to also have fear?

Also impressed with the stat combinations on Power spite Demolisher. If I wasnt so lazy on not making ascended gear I would def attempt it.

@iKeostuKen.2738 said:My curiousity was drawn to the dreadmancer. I see you took dread trait but only have 1 source of fear. Is this more of a party build that requires others to also have fear?

Also impressed with the stat combinations on Power spite Demolisher. If I wasnt so lazy on not making ascended gear I would def attempt it.

The Dreadmancer build has 5 sources of corrupt; Unholy Feast, Corrupt Boon, Path of Corruption, Weakening Shroud and Dark Pact. Although this requires the opponent to have Stability in order for it to be converted to Fear, I still find it to happen quite often. Few things don't have at least one or two sources of Stability, and besides a handful of things like Balanced Stance for example, most of those things aren't pulsing so a corrupt will remove it completely.

Also, I made a bit of a mistake with that build. Although I do sometimes use Corrupt Boon, I usually take Spectral Ring instead. So that is definitely an oops on my part and I'll correct it right now.

And for the sake of example,
I've seen Life Blasts go as high as 15k while the target is Feared and I have 15 - 25 stacks of Might. It's very gimmicky but extremely fun.

Oh thats frickin sick. Never thought about corrupting boons for the fear itself!

Will def be trying this build out as well =D

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@iKeostuKen.2738 said:

@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

@iKeostuKen.2738 said:My curiousity was drawn to the dreadmancer. I see you took dread trait but only have 1 source of fear. Is this more of a party build that requires others to also have fear?

Also impressed with the stat combinations on Power spite Demolisher. If I wasnt so lazy on not making ascended gear I would def attempt it.

@iKeostuKen.2738 said:My curiousity was drawn to the dreadmancer. I see you took dread trait but only have 1 source of fear. Is this more of a party build that requires others to also have fear?

Also impressed with the stat combinations on Power spite Demolisher. If I wasnt so lazy on not making ascended gear I would def attempt it.

The Dreadmancer build has 5 sources of corrupt; Unholy Feast, Corrupt Boon, Path of Corruption, Weakening Shroud and Dark Pact. Although this requires the opponent to have Stability in order for it to be converted to Fear, I still find it to happen quite often. Few things don't have at least one or two sources of Stability, and besides a handful of things like Balanced Stance for example, most of those things aren't pulsing so a corrupt will remove it completely.

Also, I made a bit of a mistake with that build. Although I do sometimes use Corrupt Boon, I usually take Spectral Ring instead. So that is definitely an oops on my part and I'll correct it right now.

And for the sake of example,
I've seen Life Blasts go as high as 15k while the target is Feared and I have 15 - 25 stacks of Might. It's very gimmicky but extremely fun.

Oh thats frickin sick. Never thought about corrupting boons for the fear itself!

Will def be trying this build out as well =D

The corrupts come in very handy, believe me. When you're against something like a Warrior, Guardian or Soulbeast (with Dolyak Stance and Strength Of The Pack) for example, you can Fear them quite a few times. Warriors in particular since Balanced Stance is pulsing, you can just repeatedly corrupt it on them and chain Fears if you play it right.

It's SUPER fun seeing people panic when they get almost 1 shot but being that it's full glass, and core Necro at that, you'll pay dearly for any mistakes, lol. So be careful and I wish you luck!

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