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Rising Momentum


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@Sampson.2403 said:Thx. Fyi - Wiki says that it doesn't stack with others. Only the highest movement boon applies

So the max is 50% right.Swiftness is 33%.Super speed is 100%.

The wiki says this, but if you look under at the “version history” it has the patch note saying it does stack. In testing it definitely does stack as well, so the wiki is wrong about this and should be changed.

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@"Sampson.2403" said:Does superspeed max out your speed bonus while in combat or can rising momentum bring it up even further? (Since they stack)

This might help clear things up for you:


So no, Superspeed and Rising Momentum do not stack , because there is a hardcap for movement. Rising Momentum is mostly only useful when using upkeeps in non-shiro legends.

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Funny thing about this trait, it actually stacks with superspeed even though you can't go above 100%. So if you are crippled and use Impossible odds, you will still be moving at high speed since it subtracts the cripple before subtracting rising momentum from superpseed. Your character will be doing a hastened crippled animation while bolting away it's a true meme to behold.

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