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unknown or very rare event

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there is a hidden cave on top of the provernic crypt, Gendarran Fields. it is not the mini-dungeon. it has lit candles, books, and scrolls. there used to be an event giver npc, an archeological explorer. if you talk to it, it transforms into the event boss and you have to kill it. i am trying to do it on my alt. the npc is not spawning. it is driving me crazy due to my completest habit. anyone experience this event and how to trigger it off?

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@Randulf.7614 said:I found the hidden cave you mentioned (eventually). Can't say I can find a record of any event being there. When do you recall seeing it? I suspect the Cave is just Hermit Guilland's home

4-5 months ago. i remember more. i spoke the npc outside the cave, followed him into the cave, spoke to him again and the event triggered. he became the event boss.

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