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Feeding Skyscale /Charged Crystals

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How can i feed my Skyscale up to 4 times day if I can only get 1 charged Crystal per day? Farming crystals is no problem and I bought the Gift of Crystal so I could have a home node but that only gave me 3 normal ones today....boooo :( I guess unless I have other accounts it's going to take me 12 whole days to move onto the next Skyscale thingy. because I can only make one piece of food a day? Or am I missing something?

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:If you don't have stockpiles of Season 4 map currencies, you'll be needing those 12 days, possibly, anyway.

Just a heads-up.

Thanks.. Is that just for the Saddle achievement ? if so, I've got more than enough for that :)

@Rukario.1695 said:It's better to just buy the food on the TP.

Agreed, though I think I'll just stick with buying one and making one per day. I don't mind only feeding twice a day and getting on with some other achievements for the week, It's just that the thought of doing this one thing for nearly two weeks just seemed so looooooooooong and monotonous.. I never even knew charged crystals existed till now.

Thanks for all your quick replies :)

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