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A Bug Amongst Bugs

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Linken.6345 said:You cant pvp on any map so how are you doing this?


We have The Mists which is all about PvP?

and that uses the overflow system?

@Truth.5279 said:Snip I log into PVP straight into a dead map with the immediate option to transfer to a living map. Snip

That sounds like the overflow system to me.

What overflow system?You got the Mists which include sPvP and WvW.Theres also the mists lobby which has Free for all arena.

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@"Linken.6345" said:Did you even read the OP? I even quoted the relevant part

Hi there,I assume that comment was supposed to be quoted as it looks like a direct response.

To answer your question, yes I did.

Lets go over the turn of events here:

  • OP asks why he loads onto a dead pvp map instead of going strait to the living map
  • your response was "you cant pvp on any map" which was a derailment to the original OP question
  • I then continued this derailment you created and corrected your knowledge that you can indeed PvP in The Mists
  • you started talking about an overflow
  • I basically repeated myself that you can PvP in the Mists.
  • you ask me if I read the Op
  • I now respond with this.

Im with OP to be honest, when I come out of a match my duo partner is on another map and Ive got the option to leave my dead map, hitting accept puts me on the same map as my partner.

Now, I may be wrong and that's not what OP meant at all but it certainly applied.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@"Linken.6345" said:Did you even read the OP? I even quoted the relevant part

Hi there,I assume that comment was supposed to be quoted as it looks like a direct response.

To answer your question, yes I did.

Lets go over the turn of events here:
  • OP asks why he loads onto a dead pvp map instead of going strait to the living map
  • your response was "you cant pvp on any map" which was a derailment to the original OP question
  • I then continued this derailment you created and corrected your knowledge that you can indeed PvP in The Mists
  • you started talking about an overflow
  • I basically repeated myself that you can PvP in the Mists.
  • you ask me if I read the Op
  • I now respond with this.

Im with OP to be honest, when I come out of a match my duo partner is on another map and Ive got the option to leave my dead map, hitting accept puts me on the same map as my partner.

Now, I may be wrong and that's not what OP meant at all but it certainly applied.

First you cant load into a pvp map when you first start the gameNo pvp map from my knowlage can go from a dead map into a living one. aka the pve overflow system you get a pop up to low population geta buff when transfering to a populated one you got 1 hour untill map closes permanently.Unless the OP was asking about when queing for pvp they get inserted into a map that have 500 vs xxx and then have to reque.Thats however not what the OP stated they were doing, ( clearly our brains work diffrently but I thought I was pretty clear)

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Linken.6345 said:Did you even read the OP? I even quoted the relevant part

Hi there,I assume that comment was supposed to be quoted as it looks like a direct response.

To answer your question, yes I did.

Lets go over the turn of events here:
  • OP asks why he loads onto a dead pvp map instead of going strait to the living map
  • your response was "you cant pvp on any map" which was a derailment to the original OP question
  • I then continued this derailment you created and corrected your knowledge that you can indeed PvP in The Mists
  • you started talking about an overflow
  • I basically repeated myself that you can PvP in the Mists.
  • you ask me if I read the Op
  • I now respond with this.

Im with OP to be honest, when I come out of a match my duo partner is on another map and Ive got the option to leave my dead map, hitting accept puts me on the same map as my partner.

Now, I may be wrong and that's not what OP meant at all but it certainly applied.

First you cant load into a pvp map when you first start the gameNo pvp map from my knowlage can go from a dead map into a living one. aka the pve overflow system you get a pop up to low population geta buff when transfering to a populated one you got 1 hour untill map closes permanently.Unless the OP was asking about when queing for pvp they get inserted into a map that have 500 vs xxx and then have to reque.Thats however not what the OP stated they were doing, ( clearly our brains work diffrently but I thought I was pretty clear)

Your changing the premise of your post.

You have gone from "cant pvp on any map" to "cant load into pvp maps"... For that our conversation ends here. I am not interested in an arguement, especially with someone who will change what they say in attempt to argue.

I stand by what I said to your original comments.

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Wow guys chill. :D

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:I think the second poster thought the OP was referring to the Open World Map feature that offer a change of maps to a more populated (living) map when the population is low (dead).

Pretty sure this is what OP meant. It happens in the "PvP lobby" aka Heart of the Mists. "When I log into PvP" sounds like clicking on the "enter PvP" button in the PvP window, which teleports you to the HotM. (Protip: relatively quick teleport to Lion's Arch from anywhere at zero cost, since the Lion's Arch portal is right behind you when you teleport to HotM.)

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