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LFG in NA for PvE, WvW, story


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Currently in Sorrow's Furnace (willing to change that but want to stay in North American servers). Sometimes casual, sometimes hardcore. Mostly do WvW, metas and world bosses - not big on PvP. I have gotten as far as I could solo and now I need help with my story. I offer max scribe talents, and when I'm online, I can always jump into a mission or activity to help the guild.

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Hey! We'd love to have you in Memories of Arah (MoA)! We do a lot of PvE content together and also try to do WvW when we can. Most of us are on Borlis Pass, though. Our members consist of a mix of long-time vets, fresh newbies, and returning players, so the range of content we do is pretty wide. We have official guild activities on friday and saturday night (10:30, 10pm EST respectively), which isnt required but is usually a lot of fun. We use discord, dont require 100% rep, and are fairly casual about not kicking anyone out for being inactive. Let me know if interested :)

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