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SPVP needs fixing


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I am posting this in general discussion because I feel it will get no recognition in the spvp forums since its an abandoned category. Explain to me how me playing league results in me being paired with either a seasoned player, or a player that started yesterday? in a LEAGUE RANKED GAME? Shouldnt their pairing be based on rank? like gold-diamond for example? I really dont understand how the devs expect this to work in the long run? I mean what is Anet going to do? Dish out massive cash keeping the PVE community constantly doing new content? Cause PVP is usually what gaming companies rely on when players finish the PVE content until the next big update or xpac. On top of that, there is no real penalty for the constant amount of players who continue to afk or leave the match.....I mean maybe a warning the first couple of time, but after a while, they need to be stripped of their entire rank, or something. This system makes no sense. The PVE, which I played a ton, is very well structured, but the PVP is a complete mess. HELP?!?!?

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@Khisanth.2948 said:The main reasons big rank disparity between opponents is because the population isn't large enough while trying to prevent queue times from getting too big.

i just left a game where the person at the very beginning said he will afk, but did at the end when we were super close. Obviously i reported him, but I am sure there will be no real penalty. Additionally, there would be more players if it was structured appropriately.

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