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Redesign Guardian Shouts


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Due the current easy boon stript and interrupt trough blocks, playing with shouts felt like a very weak utilities(as some one who wont have PoF at anytime, it becomes a burden to compete with the spam PoF elite specs), stability has become mostly useless on fights since its on a 6sec(easy removed) on 24-30sec or trough F3+virtues wich easilly countered as well, and will get the DH interrupted skill canceled even after casted, same happens with using DH f2 with stability.

Sugestion:Shouts are skills that take effect instantly and affect all allies or enemies within earshot, in this case i would sugest remove the boons from shouts or reduce/change (game as already plenty of that) and give another direct effect, so here are some ideais.

-" Receive the Light!" - Remove the cone and make it like the area shout, also removes 1 condition from affected ally. (maybe rename skill to LoD, Light of Deliverance??? :P )

  • Number of Targets: 5
  • Radius: 600

-"Hold the Line!"- Removes 1 condition per affected ally

  • Copy X% of the caster amor to affected allies for 6 seconds , if ally has less than 75% HP (cant be stacked), meybe target would receive a blue shield icon while under this effect.-
  • Apply 6-8 seconds of regen if afected ally has less than 90% hp.
  • Number of Targets: 5
  • Radius: 600

-"Retreat!"- -Aegis (20s): Block the next incoming attack.-Swiftness (20s): 33% Movement Speed

  • Copy X% of the caster amor to affected allies for 6 seconds , if ally has less than 75% HP (cant be stacked).
  • Number of Targets: 5
  • Radius: 600

-"Save Yourselves!"- (4 seconds.) Other party members gain +100 armor.

  • Gain 0.7sec of resistance per condition affected (pulled to caster)
  • increase heal output by X% per condition pulled
  • Taunt closest tergets (gain +50 armor per taunted enemy)
  • Number of Targets: 5
  • Radius: 600

-"Stand Your Ground!""

  • Removes 1 condition per affected ally
    • Party members in earshot gain +240 armor when not moving for 3seconds
    • 5 Stability (6s)
      • Number of Targets: 5
    • Radius: 600

Feel My Wrath!" i actually hate this skill ..... i would love a condi cleanse and party heal ~:P or improve the shout healing skill :<

This is just a bit of theory crafting.. i think the game is to much boon spam and boon hate spam mindlessly... besides it feels game lost its quality...

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Shouts have a 600 radius.Mantras have a 120 radius and a 240 range cone in front.That's a huge difference.

You say you don't have PoF, so you probably haven't tried it but actually hitting party members with Mantras is a complete pain.(outside of PvE of course, where getting everyone to stack on a spot is easy)

I would LOVE to see Receive the Light change to a 600 radius circle like the other shouts instead of the cone.I also wish they'd lower the cooldown on Save Yourselves to 30 seconds to be in line with the other Shouts.But the power gap between Shouts and Mantras isn't really that large. A couple of small tweaks would easily make them competitive.

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Just make superior aria remove two conditions (like it did way back) and add a small aoe heal (500) that scales extremely well (1/1) with healing power. Reduce cd on all of them and reduce the boon uptime with the same amount. Shouts should be used frequently, i think war shouts are in a good place cd wise. Job done.

And no i dont care that war has a heal on theirs.

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