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An improvement in PvP


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We've had the same game mode for 7 years now, and honestly it's so stale now, that I don't believe for a minute a balance patch would fix it.

Game's that have had the same the game mode that are popular are popular based off on variability in how the game is played.

For example, DoTA2... there are over 120 heros that you can play in different roles with different item builds, which has simply kept the game mode alive.

Conquest since I've played it, has always had this meta that never let anything else in, and the amount of variance per class that you can create (especially thanks to the trait design before the release of HoT along with buffing the shit out of new specs to completely cut out the old) has created a very stale PvP game mode. Through this lack of variability the population has declined and at this point it's entirely noticeable, and the match making will continue to get worse from the decline.

Meta's in games like Dota2 and LoL are so full of diversity and strategies that are pocketed, and variants of team comps, etc. etc.The variability in this game is very small.

The meta's have been complained about for years.Class X and Class Y are too broken, please nerf it to hell because it's being abused by almost everybody in conquest.This has been the same exact story for years. This game mode does not cater to variance and for years people have been playing this game believing it will improve by simple changes in skills.

If you want to see an improvement in PvP, it's time to:A) Bring GvG, AB, HoH or another game type that was beyond successful in GW1 back, and promoted VARIABILITY IN PLAY.

B ) Slap a short term bandaid on it that'd extend it's life for another year, and do an entire trait system rework, like the one that was done all the way back before HoT.

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@Chaith.8256 said:Game studios:

1.) Lore-rich, persistent world, storied questlines, in-game economy, Realm vs. Realm mode, tens of thousands of items & npcs.

2.) Balanced, watchable, possesess real depth of PvP content.

Pick one

LOL! It takes just one smart person to create 2nd option. Original dota creator for example was just 1 guy with warcraft 3 map editor.Only 1 option requires an entire squad of hard-working people producing content.So nope, those are not exclusive options. Both can co-exist, but since smart people are more rare than gold on this planet, you won't see such co-existance often.

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@Crypto.7609 said:

@Chaith.8256 said:Game studios:

1.) Lore-rich, persistent world, storied questlines, in-game economy, Realm vs. Realm mode, tens of thousands of items & npcs.

2.) Balanced, watchable, possesess real depth of PvP content.

Pick one

LOL! It takes just one smart person to create 2nd option. Original dota creator for example was just 1 guy with warcraft 3 map editor.Only 1 option requires an entire squad of hard-working people producing content.So nope, those are not exclusive options. Both can co-exist, but since smart people are more rare than gold on this planet, you won't see such co-existance often.

This guy knows

Warcraft 3 editor was the best man. I usto mod cinematics back then. Given what we had to work with people could make really amazing stuff.

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As a player who has 1,200 hours in GW2 and 2,500 hours in Dota 2 - I approve of this message.

One thing to note is the difficulty with trait reworking in GW2.PVP, PVE, and WVW are standardized among all classes so if you rework traits in PVP -> you are also reworking traits in PVE and WVW.

I think that's the main reason why ANET is lazy. PVE is working fine right now so they don't want to bother changing anything trait or class related hence the lack of diversity in PVP and WVW.

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@Crypto.7609 said:

@"Chaith.8256" said:Game studios:

1.) Lore-rich, persistent world, storied questlines, in-game economy, Realm vs. Realm mode, tens of thousands of items & npcs.

2.) Balanced, watchable, possesess real depth of PvP content.

Pick one

LOL! It takes just one smart person to create 2nd option. Original dota creator for example was just 1 guy with warcraft 3 map editor.Only 1 option requires an entire squad of hard-working people producing content.So nope, those are not exclusive options. Both can co-exist, but since smart people are more rare than gold on this planet, you won't see such co-existance often.

So DOTA does not have: "Lore-rich, persistent world, storied questlines, in-game economy, Realm vs. Realm mode, tens of thousands of items & npcs."

If it's so easy for game to have #2, and all it takes is one person for deep, watchable, satisfying PvP, why has no studio hired that one guy and focused the rest on a rich PvE game? It's never been done & I'm not wrong cause' dota did one of the two things.

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@Chaith.8256 said:Game studios:

1.) Lore-rich, persistent world, storied questlines, in-game economy, Realm vs. Realm mode, tens of thousands of items & npcs.

2.) Balanced, watchable, possesess real depth of PvP content.

Pick one

Has #1 and continued to add to it.

Had #2 and then gave up adding to it with the criticism of Stronghold.

I don't know what the appeal behind conquest is to anyone anymore.

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