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Chrono treatment for all elite specs

Me Games Ma.8426

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Don't worry, this is just a fun thread. I'd like to think about ways to make the other elite specs as clunky as chronomancer is right now. I'll present my ideas first:

  • Mirage:You were the Illusion all along. Your attacks don't have any effects.
  • Tempest:Overloads can only be used if you run the elements traitline.
  • Weaver:Attuning to elements now applies an elemental effect to your character. Fire makes you burn. Water cleanses burn but applies chill. Earth roots you in place. Air causes knockback and pull effects to be more intense on you.
  • Reaper:You can no longer kill foes. You are now to escort the dead to the underworld.
  • Scurge:Sand Shades only work in the desert.
  • Scrapper:All your abilities now cost an amount of Airship Parts.
  • Holosmith:Holoforge only works during the day.
  • Daredevil:Your screen is black but you can now hear better. (This specialization nkw requires a full surround sound system to operate)
  • Deadeye:You can only use Deadeye's Mark on Bounty Bosses.
  • Druid:Celestial avatar only works during the night.
  • Soulbeast:Merging with your pet grants you the pets skills but you loose all weapon and utility skills.
  • Berserker:Berserker Mode sets you into downed state when it ends.
  • SpellbreakerFull Counter pauses the game. Then you choose which ability is going to hit you next. The game resumes and full counter only works if you guessed right.
  • Dragonhunter:You are unable to ride a skyscale. It is afraid of you.
  • Firebrand:While using tomes you have the effect:"easy to interrupt". (It is hard to fight while reading).
  • Herald:Your soul is doomed to fight the war eternal in the mists. Your character now has "Permadeath"
  • Renegade:Can only be used by Charr.
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  • 2 weeks later...

@"Me Games Ma.8426" said:Don't worry, this is just a fun thread. I'd like to think about ways to make the other elite specs as clunky as chronomancer is right now. I'll present my ideas first:

  • Mirage:You were the Illusion all along. Your attacks don't have any effects.
  • Tempest:Overloads can only be used if you run the elements traitline.
  • Weaver:Attuning to elements now applies an elemental effect to your character. Fire makes you burn. Water cleanses burn but applies chill. Earth roots you in place. Air causes knockback and pull effects to be more intense on you.
  • Reaper:You can no longer kill foes. You are now to escort the dead to the underworld.
  • Scurge:Sand Shades only work in the desert.
  • Scrapper:All your abilities now cost an amount of Airship Parts.
  • Holosmith:Holoforge only works during the day.
  • Daredevil:Your screen is black but you can now hear better. (This specialization nkw requires a full surround sound system to operate)
  • Deadeye:You can only use Deadeye's Mark on Bounty Bosses.
  • Druid:Celestial avatar only works during the night.
  • Soulbeast:Merging with your pet grants you the pets skills but you loose all weapon and utility skills.
  • Berserker:Berserker Mode sets you into downed state when it ends.
  • SpellbreakerFull Counter pauses the game. Then you choose which ability is going to hit you next. The game resumes and full counter only works if you guessed right.
  • Dragonhunter:You are unable to ride a skyscale. It is afraid of you.
  • Firebrand:While using tomes you have the effect:"easy to interrupt". (It is hard to fight while reading).
  • Herald:Your soul is doomed to fight the war eternal in the mists. Your character now has "Permadeath"
  • Renegade:Can only be used by Charr.

Pure gold. Thanks for the laugh, good sir.

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  • 1 month later...

Love this. We need more threads like this.

Lemme do a take on it, with maybe less "when the stars align" scenarios. Hope they'll be interesting.

-SPELLBREAKER: Broken ZenBy something unexpected happening or failing at performing key moves, you lose concentration.

missing a burst depletes all adrenaline.unprocced full counters knock you down.

-BERSERKER: Uncontrolled FrenzyBy going berserk and giving in to the rage, you lose control over yourself.

Entering Berserk shuffles your skills on your bar, and remains that way until the end of the duration. (Yes, even your f1 switches place with another skill.)

-DRAGONHUNTER: Big GameAs a profession that hunts dragons, giant beasts, you are disinterested or outright bored by picking on weak prey. You are less motivated in fights against them.

You cannot critically hit enemies that have a lower health percentage than you.

-FIREBRAND: Concentration.(The original idea is pretty great so i roll with a version of that.)While reading Tomes, you can become very distracted from enemy attacks, making you unable to act.

Every incoming attack dazes you for 1 second while you have a Tome equipped.BONUS: This daze procs after the effects of those incoming attacks, meaning any stun is cancelled; Being "silenced" is the worst that can happen to you while wielding a Tome.

HERALD: DedicationLegends have high expectations of you; They want you to represent them, and only them. They only grant you their strength if you meet this expectation.

Whenever you swap legends, you start on 0 energy. Legend swap has no cooldown.the trait "Charged Mists" becomes "Token of Trust"; If you exceeded 25% energy on your previous legend, you start with 15% on this one.

RENEGADE: Lack of Strong Theme(I have no idea what this thing is supposed to be themed around so i need your help finding a fitting nerf)

I guess there's no need to beat on a dead horse.

DRUID: Positive ConditioningYour pet is enchanted by the purity and peace of the astral from, making them unwilling to participate in violence.

While astral form is active, and for 5 additional seconds after deactivation, your pet becomes passive.

SOULBEAST: Becoming One(The original one was perfect for this one as well, this is a version.)By merging, you slowly forget the lines between man and beast.

You only have access to merged skills similar to norn spirit elites, and over the course of 10 seconds, you inherit the stat qualities of the pet you merged with more and more, both positive and negative. For example, as a bird type, your power, precision ad movement speed is increased while toughness and vitality is reduced.You slowly regain your original stats after the merge is over.Oh, forgot to mention: you lose the percentage of the pet's missing health, from your current health upon merging. Woops!

DAREDEVIL: Blindsight(Also a version of the original)You abandon your sight for superior hearing, taking all the benefits and costs.

You are now only able to see enemies that are moving or using a skill; idle enemies are invisible to you. "Better hope it won't be too late when you do see them!"BONUS:This includes stealthed targets. You can see them when they're moving or using skills. "Now you just gotta tell your team somehow!"

DEADEYE: Singular FocusUpon picking your target, you keep your attention on them so much so that you might not notice other things.

Upon marking a foe, every other enemy becomes invisible to you for 10 seconds. This invisibility is removed if they hit you with an attack.

SCRAPPER: Unsafe DesignBuilding from scraps sure has disadvantages. Things are not always guaranteed to work.

There's 25% chance for every skill to fail upon activation. When this happens, the skill glows red and an error sound plays.Failed skills go on a cooldown of 15 seconds.BONUS: When skills fail, they receive an effect called Ingenious Fix. This effect gives 25% chance for the skill to activate without going on a cooldown, resulting in double use. It stacks with itself up to 3 times. (Meaning, a skill at 3 stacks has 75% chance to proc Ingenious Fix, and the remaining 25% makes the skill fail.)If Ingenious Fix is procced, all stacks are removed from that skill.

HOLOSMITH: Redirected ResourcesKeeping all that heat in check sure takes a lot of energy. In fact, it takes so much energy, that it's taken from your external shielding modules, making you more vulnerable.

The more heat you have, the less toughness you have. If you overheat, your pacemaker stops and you die.

TEMPEST: ImbalanceFocusing so much on a single element at a time makes you lose your connection with the others.

Not visiting an element for longer than 15 seconds begins a stat decay based on the element. Fire is power and condition damage, water is healing power and concentration, air is precision and fury, earth is toughness and vitality. Decay stops at 75% of the original stat value, and the original is restored upon visiting the element.

WEAVER: Endless CycleYou think you're clever for being able to weave between elements so elegantly, but in fact, you're trapped by it.

Leaving an element puts it on a cooldown of 20 seconds. This cooldown is removed once you have visited all the other three elements since it began.

REAPER: ReluctanceWhen in reaper shroud, you're less effective against healthy enemies, as it is not their time to die yet.

Damage is reduced by the amount of health percentage the enemy has while in reaper shroud.BONUS: Since these healthy foes are far from 'death', they are also less effective against you: Their damage is reduced in the same way against you while you're in reaper shroud.

SCOURGE: Sand UrnOnly specific sand works for shades, you know; You need to carry it to the battlefield and spread it to use it.

As you move, you leave behind a sand trail that stays there for 5 seconds. Shades can only be placed in these sandy areas.Oh yeah, also, you no longer count as a shade :)

CHRONOMANCER: AlignmentYou are not just manipulating time; you channel it, you are part of it and it is part of you. May it favor you over your enemies.

You have a non-boon effect that determines your combat speed, as if it was quickness or slow, but it stacks with them.this effect gives refular movement speed when you're at 75%. Anything above that is making you quicker and quicker, anyhing below that is making you slower and slower. "Cute, the snail is trying to recover."

MIRAGE: AssociationAssociation is quite similar to Alignment. You are so in line with deception, that you've become half illusion. Don't look so happy about it though. You will feel the pain and joy of your illusions.

50% of all damage and healing done to all your clones and phantasms is redirected at you.This redirected damage cannot extend 50% of the illusion's maximum health.

Sorry for the long read.

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Very nice @"rdigeri.7935" !

Here's another (incomplete) cycle.

Weaver:You took juggling the elements way to serious.

  • Switching Elements causes you to throw an elemental orb into the sky (depending of the element you just left). Catching the orb will instantly attune you to the orbs element. Your element stays disabled until you either pick up or catch the orb. Orbs land 5s after throwing.

Mirage:"Sanity is but a mirage!" Your illusion spells start to slowly consume your mental health.

  • Every clone you summon while in combat has a chance to twist your mind turning all your clones into enemies that target yourself.

Chronomancer:You can no longer manipulate time without your blue box.

  • As a new profession mount/mechanic you get a blue box that is essentially the best piece of technology you will ever see (best dps, infinite hp and instant travel) but in the most crucial moments there is always a reason that you don't have access to it and have to solve your problems without your crazily op time box. But you now have a screwdriver.

Reaper:You are so evil and dark that you sold your soul to dhuum who requures you to gather souls for him.

  • You have to kill something every 120 seconds or dhuum will come forth and take your soul instead killing you instantly.

Scurge:You are considered a scurge and NPCs will hate you.

  • You can no longer interact with NPCs aside from Palava Joko.

Scrapper:Fixing machines causes your hands to get oily.

  • Every machine skill you cast (turrets, gyros, gadgets etc.) adds 10% of oil to your hands. Each attack with your weapons has a chance of dropping your weapon depending on the oil. You can remove oil by jumping into water.

Holosmith:It's just holograms!

  • Your holoforge skills only affect creatures of the night and reapers that are in shroud.

Daredevil:You have become so daring that you became addicted to it.

  • Whenever someone dares you to do something you can nkt decline. Additionally you can never choose truth when they ask you 'truth or dare'.

Druid:You accrpted your druidic spirit and are now a tree.

  • You're a tree like druids have ever been in Guild Wars.

Berserker:You fall into blind rage when activating berserker mode.

  • Entering berserker mode blinds you. While in berserker mode you get blinded whenever you miss an attack. You deal 300% more damage. You cannot exit berserker mode until all foes are defeated.

Spellbreaker:Anti magic magic is still magic!

  • You can't fight fire with fire. All negative effects of your magical spellbreaker abilities affect you as well.

Dragonhunter:Hunting dragons that fly in the sky has made your neck stiff.

  • You can only point your camera in the sky.

Firebrand:The priory requires your service and knowledge.

  • Taking the firebrand specialization teleports you into the priory's library where you are required to do research. You can not leave.
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