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PLS fix!

xp eke xp.6724

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Hello mates and arenanet team,i dont have much problems with most rounds or players, but there are some matches i never want to play against.What do i mean?well at most seasons i play ranked, i realize the matchmaking start to give me after some games a thief on my side while im also playing one. But it gets worser as more i play: ofc i will have later also doublethiefes on enermies team (the last match was against one is staff bounce the other condi bounce). Thats still not all, cause if i start duo-qing, we also get 2 mirrages (or 1 mirrage and a weaver) on enermie side.So my enermie team gets 4 players that are practically evading for 3/4 sec every seconds they want to do so and also can do at the same time enough dmg so every casuall player feel completely helpless.

To get out of one of these situation, do my duo-parter and me have to play double class? (ofc my parter or me will change our class cause we want to avoid at least one doubleclassing)?is this the only way to get the chance to never see a doubleclass again on my side while im playing one? Or will the game then try to give me more absurd situations (like 5 legends vs 3 bronze and us)? Cause i never want to be in a situation i have to play something my team needs to have a fair matchup or have to be better then our top players at all classes at any time.

Oh and pls do something against being able to do far more then 1k dmg while being completely immune to all incomming dmg (outside of dots you allready hit). A good beginning would be, to increase the time you are able to hit them. Imo the game would feel far better if you take all evades/immortals beside of the normal dodges and remove them or replace them by blocks (if you replace them with blocks, then you still need to place more unblockables!). But give the players never the chance to reduce all dmg to 0, while also being able to do a lot dmg on theyr own esp that often!

btw. i know that you can sidestep staff thiefes, condi thief can be also pretty simple outplayed by timing the condi-removes, mirrages have only a few bursts you need to memory and on what time they are able to be hit (at best with cc so teammates can try some followup), that doesnt mean i enjoy to play against multible of those builds if i cant choose more then half of my teammates.

thanks for reading and try to stay constructive.I hope for everyone you will never have matches that toxic your experience as a player.

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@Kageseigi.2150thats just not fun to play against or with^^. esp cause the situations are too linear:Double thief makes the rest of the teams have to play bulky (or try to counter it) cause 2 thiefes can +1 so fast you are permanenty 4v5 or if they fail on that its exately the opposite. The necro, guard (depending on thiefbuild), rev, ranger mains just want to end the game as fast as posible, the warriors, engies, mesmers and ele mains dont care as long they dont get some of the previous named cause otherwise they have to babysit them all the time.

as lower the elo, as painfuller it is to have doublethief matches (esp if they are on both sides). So if you are the thief, you can feel that your mates are praying that you get them out of that situation and i feel allways sorry for all players if we are at that situation.

So thats the reason i ask if i duo and play doubleclass just to reroll as soon the match starts will stop the doubleclass on at least that profession we choose^^.

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@xp eke xp.6724 said:@Kageseigi.2150thats just not fun to play against or with^^. esp cause the situations are too linear:Double thief makes the rest of the teams have to play bulky (or try to counter it) cause 2 thiefes can +1 so fast you are permanenty 4v5 or if they fail on that its exately the opposite. The necro, guard (depending on thiefbuild), rev, ranger mains just want to end the game as fast as posible, the warriors, engies, mesmers and ele mains dont care as long they dont get some of the previous named cause otherwise they have to babysit them all the time.

as lower the elo, as painfuller it is to have doublethief matches (esp if they are on both sides). So if you are the thief, you can feel that your mates are praying that you get them out of that situation and i feel allways sorry for all players if we are at that situation.

So thats the reason i ask if i duo and play doubleclass just to reroll as soon the match starts will stop the doubleclass on at least that profession we choose^^.

I'll repeat this again on yet another thread even if it really has 0 relevance to anything.The most fun game I ever had included 5 thieves, 4 revenants and a warrior.

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Ok i tested out over 10 matches and it works.If you duo-q double-class, you cant get that profesion on your side once more!

This is great for me :)

@Yannir.4132If you like those matches, im fine with it. you still have enough options to do so (unranked, spvp and tournaments)

@lare.5129I dont want to win, i want enjoyable matches (btw i love to fight against better players)And it wasn´t enjoyable for me, to have double thiefes on my side. But i solved that problem on my own for ranked :) (btw i don´t got matches with too different divisions till now, what was my biggest apprehension)I also dont enjoy fighting enermies that can evade a long time. By that i cant do much more then accept and/or hope that arenanet read that.

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@Kageseigi.2150 said:

@xp eke xp.6724 said:ofc i will have later also doublethiefes on enermies team

Wow, usually people pray for the other team to have double Thieves.

As a Thief, I pray to not have another Thief on my team... or I get yelled at to switch :-(

That's not how it is now. People would love to have 2 thieves on their team if theyre both condi thieves. They know if they have 2 condi thieves, and the other team only has 1.. they know they are gonna roll that other team.Condi thieves are the carry class of this season and if you have 2.. odds are you are gonna get a win.

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