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C Cspace Cowboy.5903

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I don't know. What do pug guilds do? It's called Alliances. Might as well call it Guildwars: Factions 2....The bigger the guilds the more they dominate....what happens to the single pug guy from a guild that doesn't wvw….how does that work? If server is not going to matter anymore. Nothing has been said completely about Servers. The only thing that's been talked about is Guild Alliances for wvw… so what happens to the little guys. I seen the screencap...but truelly it never explained anything. Most of the onesie pug groups don't have a clue what's in store for them, and right now their all thinking the worst.

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@"Blocki.4931" said:What do you expect? "Btw alliances in 2 weeks"? The fact it was publicly mentioned should be enough.

I didnt hear anything about that, did we watch the same stream? You know what sucks? This game has the best mmo combat system i ever played, no one else can touch it, and its all wasted because who needs a great combat system when you let pvp wvw fall into shambles. Along with raiding, replayability. You cant make an hour or two of solo content every 3/4 months and expect to have that be all there is of a massive multiplayer online game.

I think the lws5 event is great it looks well done and will have some good story included, and getting to go to far shiverpeaks is awesome i hope. But that cant be all there is. Meanwhile what about the other 80/90% of the game modes? What are they supposed to do after they play the solo instance content of the episode? Sure map meta, thats it?

My friend in game quit tonight, and he played this game ..oh heck he played this franchise since gw1. Nothing looks like its going to change, he is done. He was already on the fence and this just pushed him over. I want better for the game, but serious changes are needed and thats never going to happen. If they have not gotten the message after all this time, they never will. They will be happy to make a game that caters to people that have no desire to do more than look good onscreen and bang out the latest map metas that pay off. I was worried before, i started the game at Christmas and it wasnt but a few months later they had the layoffs, i was like oh boy hope that isnt a bad sign for the game. Now after playing for a while and talking to people i see that nothing will change, and LW is what passes for full game content.

I want to wait and see what happens with the saga, because that does sound cool. But i hope they drop some love for other game modes soon.

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