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@"Dami.5046" said:Why are some of you so intimidated by there being AI in the game?

Because GW2 isn't an easy game for an AI to play. GW1 was child's play for an AI, mostly static combat with barely any movement, only 8 skills to deal with, easy to play builds with very few combos and not-existent (or very simple) rotations. Also, GW1 AI had zero proactive capabilities, it was only reactive, as in responding to things after they happen, not before they do, the AI was incapable of moving out of area of effect skills, unless they hit first at least once, the AI couldn't use spells like Protective Spirit as a Hydra was casting a meteor, and so on. Finally the AI in GW1 had zero situational awareness, if there was a map hazard (like the rolling boulders around Ilsudur), you had to micro manage the heroes to move them away otherwise they'd simply stand there and get crashed. The AI in GW1 was dumb. It gave the illusion of being smart because GW1 was a very very slow game (by AI standards)

GW2 is a completely different animal.

If you could try a raid with heros without bothering anyone why is that an issue?

I hope this is a joke but let's respond, since the AI lacks any situational awareness it would have to be programmed on a per boss basis. Meaning every single Raid boss would have dozens of different AI packages for all the different mechanics and roles. This wasn't needed in GW1 because that game wasn't complex enough, you mostly faced normal player skills. Meanwhile, each Raid boss in GW2 has completely different patterns that players have trouble adapting to, and you think an AI could? And on that matter, than an AI -should- be good at Raid mechanics? Then those struggling with dealing with mechanics would be completely walled off Raids.

If an AI can hand kite at Deimos, why in the world would I want to "Train" a human to do it. If an AI can grab the orbs at Dhuum, why would I want to get human players to do it? Adding heroes (with good AI to actually be useful) in Raids is how you kill Raids completely for new players.

Edit: and when special care was needed in GW1, the AI did... nothing. Remember when Glint used Crystal Hibernation (getting healed when hit by elemental damage) and the AI Elementalist would happily spam fireballs or meteors on it, healing her. You could circumvent this problem by not using elemental damage on your heroes (or micro manage) but nothing similar is available in GW2, mechanics are much more complex and involved than anything in GW1

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