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A lot of skills have a requirement to be facing a target, or they'll count as a misfire....... unfortunately the game is very obtuse about which ones are like that. some skills will not let you cast if you're not facing them, others will cast and then not do anything because you're not facing at the time, some you can start casting then look away and the skill will firebackwards at the target, and some will misfire and immediately go on interrupt cooldown.

They've cleaned up a few skills that used to cast behind you, but weren't meant to.... and its made me realize the Devs might not comprehend how players view/utilize the camera controls, because the "About face" trick isn't bound by default, and thus gets argued over being "player skill", "an exploit", or "high level play", but has a very, very, very clear difference in combat performance when its used or not used. The same can be said about "walking through" enemies in PvP, since cleaves have a firing arc they detect hits in, and walking through enemies can cause them to miss.

While they are a logical, mechanical consequence of the game using geometric math for things.... it creates a bunch of obtuse situations that can make or break a moment in combat. That affects advanced game play to the point that I don't think the Devs appreciate how it affects the skill gap in PvP.

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