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Legendary Insights reward in strike missions.


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@"Nephalem.8921" said:Just do escort, trio and w4 bosses 1-3 each week. these are world boss difficulty and give you lis.Strikes are just way too easy. You can clear that with 2 daredevils in the timelimit just autoattacking ignoring all mechanics.

Yeah but you cannot complete the 2 collections that way. I see the OPs point but I agree with others ... if Legendary armour comes to PVE, it will be through fractals not through something like strike missions. I can say, I do agree with OP regarding rewards, atm there is simply no motivation to keep repeating. I get that we have a chance at the Ebon Shoulders but a "chance" based on RNG really isn't a huge motivator to me. It would be nice if they had their own unique wallet based currency like Beetle races and offered something to work for.

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@Neosayayin.3498 said:I wish strike missions gave Legendary Insights and a new legendary armor came out tothe pve mode of the game but I know a lot of raiders are gone get mad because of this. The rewards for this mode are boring and Arenanet are giving the same rewards in all of the PVE events. The rewards are useless but if you give non raiders a way to get a legendary armor(with out animation) the people are gone do strikes more often.

Please no. Strike mission should not give LI. The fact that u don’t need to learn mechanics, rotations, group comps, then you really shouldn’t be rewarded anything great.

If it’s the stepping stone to raids, And you can start with exotics to kill vg, cairn. Then strike missions should be able to drop selectable stat exotic armor. With a currency to buy selectable stat trinkets (or somewhat). But legendary armor or flashy legendary armor.... no. Strike missions are easier then t1s.

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Wow imo give them an li cause why not. Always ppl are scared to met New ppl in raids? Even if IT gives an li they would need 150 weeks xDAn li is imo no skillproof ppl which search in raids for alot of li can be still bad. Not even kp can Show Ur personality learning skill. Met alot of ppl low li which play Mode decent than ppl with high li. So why ppl are scaredHf gl

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@Pifil.5193 said:There should be open world pve legendary armour, requiring similar levels of grind to WvW or PvP armour. I was half expecting these to be a part of that.Just use the same system legendary weapons are already using. There's literally no reason you can't do that already, except for Anet withholding legendary armor to strongarm people into raiding.

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