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Can we have an official response please?


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@Levetty.1279 said:Its pretty telling that the people defending Mirage can only point to golem tests and shout about how its on the list so it must be good. A few thousand more dps on a build that is only useful on a golem and 3 raid bosses doesn't suddenly make the build good. The game is more then those 3 bosses. PvE is more then raids.

This isn't even considering the fact that the build is ignoring the mirrors mechanic and barely using the ambush mechanic because you can't afford to throw dodges away for attacks because you only have 2, no way to get endurance back outside of vigor and the mirrors mechanic is kitten. Meaning in the one small area where it is useful all its doing is replacing the 2 condi traits from Chaos with 2 slightly better traits from Mirage. Hardly an elite spec.

Almost every fight I've been in with a decently played condi mirage, the mirage has been at or near the top of the DPS meters. They consistently perform closer to the golem numbers than the other specs in my experience. I still haven't seen them beating weaver on KC or solidly played scourge or firebrand, but they routinely beat condi engy, condi tempests and Power DH. I've seen mirage putting up very solid numbers on VG, Gors, MO, Samarog, Deimos, Sloth (if not being forced to take an additional shroom), and Sabetha. Additionally, they still absolutely crush everything on Matthias and Cairn in my experience.

*I edited my post to be more clear regarding sloth shrooms since everyone seems to be freaking out about it.

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Fix the sluggishness of Axe and the spec would be 10x better for me. Like others have mentioned, Axe 2 fires in slow motion all the damn time. I don't know what causes the delay before the skill is used, but its fucking awful. Personally, I also experience similar issues with Axe 3 a fair amount of the time, but not as often as with Axe 2.

Also, ambush attacks need serious buffs. They are designed, for the most part, to be intentionally weak because of our potential ability to use 4 of them at once, if we take IH. The only solution here is to remove IH and then give our ambush attacks significant buffs. Making IH baseline would only superficially help, since they would still be balanced around a potential 4 of them going off at once, so they woudl still be left weak (and potentially even nerfed slightly due to no longer needing to trait for IH...).

For now that is all I would change, and then I'd re-evaluate how Mirage performs with those improvements to it.

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@Knox.8962 said:

@Levetty.1279 said:Its pretty telling that the people defending Mirage can only point to golem tests and shout about how its on the list so it must be good. A few thousand more dps on a build that is only useful on a golem and 3 raid bosses doesn't suddenly make the build good. The game is more then those 3 bosses. PvE is more then raids.

This isn't even considering the fact that the build is ignoring the mirrors mechanic and barely using the ambush mechanic because you can't afford to throw dodges away for attacks because you only have 2, no way to get endurance back outside of vigor and the mirrors mechanic is kitten. Meaning in the one small area where it is useful all its doing is replacing the 2 condi traits from Chaos with 2 slightly better traits from Mirage. Hardly an elite spec.

Almost every fight I've been in with a decently played condi mirage, the mirage has been at or near the top of the DPS meters. They consistently perform closer to the golem numbers than the other specs in my experience. I still haven't seen them beating weaver on KC or solidly played scourge or firebrand, but they routinely beat condi engy, condi tempests and Power DH. I've seen mirage putting up very solid numbers on VG, Gors, MO, Samarog, Deimos, Sloth (if not being forced to take a shroom), and Sabetha. Additionally, they still absolutely crush everything on Matthias and Cairn in my experience.

first of all , have you considered that other people you played with are not anywhere decent .second , already said times and times , as mirage you wouldn't need to take care of a lot mechanic simply coz you can't . like orb clear , sab cannon , mo adds etc .you don't take shroom so you have higher number , you know that's a joke right ?"i compare my dps to other's 3/4 dps while they doing mechanic for the whole team i must feel better "you are purposely making raid harder for others so your mirage have good number comparing others 3/4 or 1/2 dps lol . it's amazing that people haven't had you on blocklist and kick on sight yet . the mindset you have might be worse than mirage itself .

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@Knox.8962 said:

@Levetty.1279 said:Its pretty telling that the people defending Mirage can only point to golem tests and shout about how its on the list so it must be good. A few thousand more dps on a build that is only useful on a golem and 3 raid bosses doesn't suddenly make the build good. The game is more then those 3 bosses. PvE is more then raids.

This isn't even considering the fact that the build is ignoring the mirrors mechanic and barely using the ambush mechanic because you can't afford to throw dodges away for attacks because you only have 2, no way to get endurance back outside of vigor and the mirrors mechanic is kitten. Meaning in the one small area where it is useful all its doing is replacing the 2 condi traits from Chaos with 2 slightly better traits from Mirage. Hardly an elite spec.

Almost every fight I've been in with a decently played condi mirage, the mirage has been at or near the top of the DPS meters. They consistently perform closer to the golem numbers than the other specs in my experience. I still haven't seen them beating weaver on KC or solidly played scourge or firebrand, but they routinely beat condi engy, condi tempests and Power DH. I've seen mirage putting up very solid numbers on VG, Gors, MO, Samarog, Deimos, Sloth (if not being forced to take a shroom), and Sabetha. Additionally, they still absolutely crush everything on Matthias and Cairn in my experience.

I'll assume pugs since you rotate the players you play with. Yes, we've already figured out that condi mesmer and mirage have a higher tolerance for bad players since a significant amount of damage comes from your phantasms making rotation and positioning less important (if not using axe).

Tempest, condi engi and power DH are not meta any more even if they are strong builds. Those classes all have superior new PoF damage builds. This also leads to the following assumption: the people you play with are not interest in best performance and haven't even bothered to adapt their playstyle and build to PoF. If your alternating dps wasn't a give away that you are talking about pugs, this is.

Matthis and Cairn are fights which favor mesmer, nothing new here.

No mention of Soulbeast, which will crush you damage wise. No mention of Renegade which too would be superior and provide better utility to the group (alacrity). Weaver rotation is quite difficulty to pull off, most elementalist will not have adapted, less so if they are pugs. No mention of Power Holo which is super easy to pull off and will out deeps you too.

As mentioned in other threads, mirage damage flattens out quickly while other classes can improve a lot more as their players move towards peak performance. Now if we assume that you actually were puging and you were unable to beat scourge (will likely get adjusted at least in the barrior utility department) and firebrand, imagine how that difference would look on actually decent players. Same goes for the other builds, as players improve on them, they will catch up and surpass you on Mirage.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Knox.8962 said:

@Levetty.1279 said:Its pretty telling that the people defending Mirage can only point to golem tests and shout about how its on the list so it must be good. A few thousand more dps on a build that is only useful on a golem and 3 raid bosses doesn't suddenly make the build good. The game is more then those 3 bosses. PvE is more then raids.

This isn't even considering the fact that the build is ignoring the mirrors mechanic and barely using the ambush mechanic because you can't afford to throw dodges away for attacks because you only have 2, no way to get endurance back outside of vigor and the mirrors mechanic is kitten. Meaning in the one small area where it is useful all its doing is replacing the 2 condi traits from Chaos with 2 slightly better traits from Mirage. Hardly an elite spec.

Almost every fight I've been in with a decently played condi mirage, the mirage has been at or near the top of the DPS meters. They consistently perform closer to the golem numbers than the other specs in my experience. I still haven't seen them beating weaver on KC or solidly played scourge or firebrand, but they routinely beat condi engy, condi tempests and Power DH. I've seen mirage putting up very solid numbers on VG, Gors, MO, Samarog, Deimos, Sloth (if not being forced to take a shroom), and Sabetha. Additionally, they still absolutely crush everything on Matthias and Cairn in my experience.

I'll assume pugs since you rotate the players you play with. Yes, we've already figured out that condi mesmer and mirage have a higher tolerance for bad players since a significant amount of damage comes from your phantasms making rotation and positioning less important (if not using axe).

Tempest, condi engi and power DH are not meta any more even if they are strong builds. Those classes all have superior new PoF damage builds. This also leads to the following assumption: the people you play with are not interest in best performance and haven't even bothered to adapt their playstyle and build to PoF. If your alternating dps wasn't a give away that you are talking about pugs, this is.

Matthis and Cairn are fights which favor mesmer, nothing new here.

No mention of Soulbeast, which will crush you damage wise. No mention of Renegade which too would be superior and provide better utility to the group (alacrity). Weaver rotation is quite difficulty to pull off, most elementalist will not have adapted, less so if they are pugs. No mention of Power Holo which is super easy to pull off and will out deeps you too.

As mentioned in other threads, mirage damage flattens out quickly while other classes can improve a lot more as their players move towards peak performance. Now if we assume that you actually were puging and you were unable to beat scourge (will likely get adjusted at least in the barrior utility department) and firebrand, imagine how that difference would look on actually decent players. Same goes for the other builds, as players improve on them, they will catch up and surpass you on Mirage.

Not disagree with you . but power tempest and power DH are still strong for few fights (still meta enough even for qt standard , better than mirage anyway ). the alacrity skill will cost a lot of renegade dps , tho he can cast it while not doing dps due to mechanic .

also no matter how strong other elites are , Knox is comparing his dps with people who are doing shroom or cannon . ofc he will have much better number. it's pointless to argue with him before he changes that mindset.

back to topic , soulbeast ,firebrand , condi weave , renegade and scourge are fairly easy to play (war and thief are the only one behind due to lower dps number). few weeks later pug will kick mirage on sight (it's worse than reaper for many fights coz no meaningful aoe ) i'm not sure why they haven't . taking mirage is literally making raid harder for everyone unless its matt or carin .And i bet mirage axe 3 will be famous soon for team wipe potential .

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@musu.9205 said:also no matter how strong other elites are , Knox is comparing his dps with people who are doing shroom or cannon . ofc he will have much better number. it's pointless to argue with him before he changes that mindset.

Wow, I didn't even notice that. I was under the impression people would know that you can't compare dps between classes that shroom/canon and those that just dps. Good catch.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Ojimaru.8970 said:Consider for a moment,
just a moment
, that you've spent two years working on a project. Just as you complete it, your stakeholders scream in your face, tell you to throw everything out and start over. Oh, and they want a perfect, well-packaged product in four weeks. How would

I'm glad to see some logic and reason being applied. This is exactly correct. Can we get an official response? I doubt it, considering that we all know it would only lead to people getting more salty and imposing their own unrealistic expectations.

PSA - everyone should expect that it will take a good 3-4 months before Anet is through with balancing all the new especs, JUST like it was in HoT.

A simple "we're looking into this" would be enough for me. It's sad that Mirage have no place in the game, the same time that Mesmers become fewer and fewer. You hardly see any Mesmers anymore and creating a spec that simply doesnt belong anywhere, and the only think he is suppose to do (selfish dps) is being done better by most classes makes things worse.

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I didn't say that shroom dpsers were losing to non-shroom dps. I'm talking apples to apples comparisons. I raid with a static group and since PoF launch have also done many pug runs to see what people are playing elsewhere.

The complaint was that the 'mirage defenders' were only pointing at golem numbers. My comment was that in real fights the mirage performs closer to theoretical than almost any other class. This makes it better than even the golem numbers would lead you to believe.

Just so we're clear, I believe that mirage is woefully undertuned compared to Scourge, Weaver, renegade, Soulbeast, and Firebrand.

I just believe that anet didn't intend for those specs so be 10% better than the pre-pof specs.

I'd also like to point out that we've seen better real world results with 2 duelists and 1 axe clone and spamming 2 when it is available than we see with 3 duelists.

The attack hits hard enough that on a golem it is very close, but when you add whirl finishers it gets even better.

On a larger target the delta is even larger because all of the whirls should hit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@FaboBabo.3581 said:So the " whats ur intention with mirage ANet?"- thread got deleted due to any BS- forum rule ?

Great we still have the " whats ur intention with sand shade" thread...

I got a warning and I'm not able to post new threads for a couple of days for that. For saying that I'm disappointed and expressing the reasons why I'm leaving for now. And cause I replied to a dev with a list of all Mirage's bugs and problems.

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@Harry Foud.1935 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:So the " whats ur intention with mirage ANet?"- thread got deleted due to any BS- forum rule ?

Great we still have the " whats ur intention with sand shade" thread...

I got a warning and I'm not able to post new threads for a couple of days for that. For saying that I'm disappointed and expressing the reasons why I'm leaving for now. And cause I replied to a dev with a list of all Mirage's bugs and problems.

what you wrote made perfect sense.



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@Beautilation.7915 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:So the " whats ur intention with mirage ANet?"- thread got deleted due to any BS- forum rule ?

Great we still have the " whats ur intention with sand shade" thread...

I got a warning and I'm not able to post new threads for a couple of days for that. For saying that I'm disappointed and expressing the reasons why I'm leaving for now. And cause I replied to a dev with a list of all Mirage's bugs and problems.

what you wrote made perfect sense.


Oh wow. Thank you. I'm glad someone has it. Thank you mate :)

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@Harry Foud.1935 said:

@Beautilation.7915 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:So the " whats ur intention with mirage ANet?"- thread got deleted due to any BS- forum rule ?

Great we still have the " whats ur intention with sand shade" thread...

I got a warning and I'm not able to post new threads for a couple of days for that. For saying that I'm disappointed and expressing the reasons why I'm leaving for now. And cause I replied to a dev with a list of all Mirage's bugs and problems.

what you wrote made perfect sense.


Oh wow. Thank you. I'm glad someone has it. Thank you mate :)

Too muchz quastion, delete fazt.

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@Beautilation.7915 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:So the " whats ur intention with mirage ANet?"- thread got deleted due to any BS- forum rule ?

Great we still have the " whats ur intention with sand shade" thread...

I got a warning and I'm not able to post new threads for a couple of days for that. For saying that I'm disappointed and expressing the reasons why I'm leaving for now. And cause I replied to a dev with a list of all Mirage's bugs and problems.

what you wrote made perfect sense.


Oh wow. Thank you. I'm glad someone has it. Thank you mate :)

Too muchz quastion, delete fazt.

They probably got nervous.

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@Levetty.1279 said:Its pretty telling that the people defending Mirage can only point to golem tests and shout about how its on the list so it must be good. A few thousand more dps on a build that is only useful on a golem and 3 raid bosses doesn't suddenly make the build good. The game is more then those 3 bosses. PvE is more then raids.

This isn't even considering the fact that the build is ignoring the mirrors mechanic and barely using the ambush mechanic because you can't afford to throw dodges away for attacks because you only have 2, no way to get endurance back outside of vigor and the mirrors mechanic is kitten. Meaning in the one small area where it is useful all its doing is replacing the 2 condi traits from Chaos with 2 slightly better traits from Mirage. Hardly an elite spec.

Right. Just looking at a DPS meter doesn't give the full picture of a class. You can't just look at a number and say, "Welp, this class is fine. What are you complaining about!?" Mirage DPS may be fine, but that doesn't mean it's mechanically sound nor that it doesn't have issues. As others have pointed out, mirage still has a lot of bugs with its skills such as many of them misfiring, not summoning illusions, etc. There are also some things (such as mirrors) that are clunky and could use another pass. Granted, fixing some of these things might boost a mirage's dps even more, but there's also very limited data to prove the dps is consistently reliable. And if it is the case that fixing these things and other tweaks improve mirage's dps too much, then I'll welcome nerfs to bring it back in line. I'd much rather a fun class that performs consistently and has solid mechanics than one that is pure numbers.

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@Cantatus.4065 said:

@Levetty.1279 said:Its pretty telling that the people defending Mirage can only point to golem tests and shout about how its on the list so it must be good. A few thousand more dps on a build that is only useful on a golem and 3 raid bosses doesn't suddenly make the build good. The game is more then those 3 bosses. PvE is more then raids.

This isn't even considering the fact that the build is ignoring the mirrors mechanic and barely using the ambush mechanic because you can't afford to throw dodges away for attacks because you only have 2, no way to get endurance back outside of vigor and the mirrors mechanic is kitten. Meaning in the one small area where it is useful all its doing is replacing the 2 condi traits from Chaos with 2 slightly better traits from Mirage. Hardly an elite spec.

Right. Just looking at a DPS meter doesn't give the full picture of a class. You can't just look at a number and say, "Welp, this class is fine. What are you complaining about!?" Mirage DPS may be fine, but that doesn't mean it's mechanically sound nor that it doesn't have issues. As others have pointed out, mirage still has a lot of bugs with its skills such as many of them misfiring, not summoning illusions, etc. There are also some things (such as mirrors) that are clunky and could use another pass. Granted, fixing some of these things might boost a mirage's dps even more, but there's also very limited data to prove the dps is consistently reliable. And if it is the case that fixing these things and other tweaks improve mirage's dps too much, then I'll welcome nerfs to bring it back in line. I'd much rather a fun class that performs consistently and has solid mechanics than one that is pure numbers.

agreed 100%.

Another thing for example is mirage mantle ; 1,5 sec protection when u gain mirage cloak. The trait is weak. Nothing more to say about this.I do think the trait is weak BECAUSE, Anet was feared to give Mesmer a sustain tool outside of Inspiration, cause it COULD maybe break pvp/wvw.

This is due to the low patch timers they have. If they would give mirage mantle a healing on top of the protection for example, and it WOULD BE too strong, they would need 2 months to change a number in an editor file.

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@Cantatus.4065 said:

@Levetty.1279 said:Its pretty telling that the people defending Mirage can only point to golem tests and shout about how its on the list so it must be good. A few thousand more dps on a build that is only useful on a golem and 3 raid bosses doesn't suddenly make the build good. The game is more then those 3 bosses. PvE is more then raids.

This isn't even considering the fact that the build is ignoring the mirrors mechanic and barely using the ambush mechanic because you can't afford to throw dodges away for attacks because you only have 2, no way to get endurance back outside of vigor and the mirrors mechanic is kitten. Meaning in the one small area where it is useful all its doing is replacing the 2 condi traits from Chaos with 2 slightly better traits from Mirage. Hardly an elite spec.

Right. Just looking at a DPS meter doesn't give the full picture of a class. You can't just look at a number and say, "Welp, this class is fine. What are you complaining about!?" Mirage DPS may be fine, but that doesn't mean it's mechanically sound nor that it doesn't have issues. As others have pointed out, mirage still has a lot of bugs with its skills such as many of them misfiring, not summoning illusions, etc. There are also some things (such as mirrors) that are clunky and could use another pass. Granted, fixing some of these things might boost a mirage's dps even more, but there's also very limited data to prove the dps is consistently reliable. And if it is the case that fixing these things and other tweaks improve mirage's dps too much, then I'll welcome nerfs to bring it back in line. I'd much rather a fun class that performs consistently and has solid mechanics than one that is pure numbers.

Exactly. I've been saying this for weeks. Also most builds in benchmarks don't even use shatter, cause why shatter a full stacked phantasm. So now you have no ambushes, no mirrors, and no shatters. But yeah good dmg on paper to the golem.Happy Halloween tho.

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@Ojimaru.8970 said:Consider for a moment, just a moment, that you've spent two years working on a project. Just as you complete it, your stakeholders scream in your face, tell you to throw everything out and start over. Oh, and they want a perfect, well-packaged product in four weeks. How would you respond?

While I get your point... the lackluster state of the Revenant after so long a time doesn’t exactly bode well for these situations.

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@Harry Foud.1935 said:

@Cantatus.4065 said:

@Levetty.1279 said:Its pretty telling that the people defending Mirage can only point to golem tests and shout about how its on the list so it must be good. A few thousand more dps on a build that is only useful on a golem and 3 raid bosses doesn't suddenly make the build good. The game is more then those 3 bosses. PvE is more then raids.

This isn't even considering the fact that the build is ignoring the mirrors mechanic and barely using the ambush mechanic because you can't afford to throw dodges away for attacks because you only have 2, no way to get endurance back outside of vigor and the mirrors mechanic is kitten. Meaning in the one small area where it is useful all its doing is replacing the 2 condi traits from Chaos with 2 slightly better traits from Mirage. Hardly an elite spec.

Right. Just looking at a DPS meter doesn't give the full picture of a class. You can't just look at a number and say, "Welp, this class is fine. What are you complaining about!?" Mirage DPS may be fine, but that doesn't mean it's mechanically sound nor that it doesn't have issues. As others have pointed out, mirage still has a lot of bugs with its skills such as many of them misfiring, not summoning illusions, etc. There are also some things (such as mirrors) that are clunky and could use another pass. Granted, fixing some of these things might boost a mirage's dps even more, but there's also very limited data to prove the dps is consistently reliable. And if it is the case that fixing these things and other tweaks improve mirage's dps too much, then I'll welcome nerfs to bring it back in line. I'd much rather a fun class that performs consistently and has solid mechanics than one that is pure numbers.

Exactly. I've been saying this for weeks. Also most builds in benchmarks don't even use shatter, cause why shatter a full stacked phantasm. So now you have no ambushes, no mirrors, and no shatters. But yeah good dmg on paper to the golem.
Happy Halloween tho.

Yeah, that's another thing: If getting the best mirage dps numbers comes from not using most of the mirage's mechanics, that sends a pretty big message that there's something wrong with those mechanics and the cohesiveness of the spec. It also gets back to the point myself and others have made about mirage not being distinct enough from the base mesmer. If the best dps for mirage comes purely from using it to stack additional conditions while mostly ignoring ambushes, mirrors, shatters, clone generation, Lingering Thoughts, illusion retargeting, etc. then it's really not much of an elite spec comparatively speaking.

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@Dastion.3106 said:

@Ojimaru.8970 said:Consider for a moment,
just a moment
, that you've spent two years working on a project. Just as you complete it, your stakeholders scream in your face, tell you to throw everything out and start over. Oh, and they want a perfect, well-packaged product in four weeks. How would

While I get your point... the lackluster state of the Revenant after so long a time doesn’t exactly bode well for these situations.

meanwhile they replied to a post about a achievement point bug on reddit . such priority .they can't even be bothered to tell us that certain bugs they are aware of .coz you know , when its useless , its working as intended , when people found a use of something , that's a bug

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@musu.9205 said:

@Dastion.3106 said:

@Ojimaru.8970 said:Consider for a moment,
just a moment
, that you've spent two years working on a project. Just as you complete it, your stakeholders scream in your face, tell you to throw everything out and start over. Oh, and they want a perfect, well-packaged product in four weeks. How would

While I get your point... the lackluster state of the Revenant after so long a time doesn’t exactly bode well for these situations.

meanwhile they replied to a post about a achievement point bug on reddit . such priority .they can't even be bothered to tell us that certain bugs they are aware of .coz you know , when its useless , its working as intended , when people found a use of something , that's a bug

i read somewhere that devs are restricted from answering if it isnt sepcifically told em. Meaning thaat in depth balance/bug - fixxes are something "secret" to the company.I could understand this, cause they dont wan't to raise false hopes etc., but i feel like we are at the point in which u should allow the devs to talk with us.

All i want to hear is ; we are working on your Profession, please hang out a little bit more.

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@musu.9205 said:

@Dastion.3106 said:

@Ojimaru.8970 said:Consider for a moment,
just a moment
, that you've spent two years working on a project. Just as you complete it, your stakeholders scream in your face, tell you to throw everything out and start over. Oh, and they want a perfect, well-packaged product in four weeks. How would

While I get your point... the lackluster state of the Revenant after so long a time doesn’t exactly bode well for these situations.

meanwhile they replied to a post about a achievement point bug on reddit . such priority .they can't even be bothered to tell us that certain bugs they are aware of .coz you know , when its useless , its working as intended , when people found a use of something , that's a bug

i read somewhere that devs are restricted from answering if it isnt sepcifically told em. Meaning thaat in depth balance/bug - fixxes are something "secret" to the company.I could understand this, cause they dont wan't to raise false hopes etc., but i feel like we are at the point in which u should allow the devs to talk with us.

All i want to hear is ; we are working on your Profession, please hang out a little bit more.

i dont get why they have to do 100% opposite everything of hot in pof .HOT we got good communication for elite spec balance and changes . i can fairly say that DD and chrono are two spec which got most of it .but it helps other classes too by a lot . now they suddenly considered that is wasting of time .mirage is not going to be fixed without good communication and let's face it devs usually have little clue about mesmer practical gameplay in all game mode .they made so many buffs that turned out to be nerf or meaningless . other elites have many problems too but mirage is just worst combined with bugs +core mes mechanic issue +low dps +most useless traits skills + low power level in pvp.

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@musu.9205 said:

@Dastion.3106 said:

@Ojimaru.8970 said:Consider for a moment,
just a moment
, that you've spent two years working on a project. Just as you complete it, your stakeholders scream in your face, tell you to throw everything out and start over. Oh, and they want a perfect, well-packaged product in four weeks. How would

While I get your point... the lackluster state of the Revenant after so long a time doesn’t exactly bode well for these situations.

meanwhile they replied to a post about a achievement point bug on reddit . such priority .they can't even be bothered to tell us that certain bugs they are aware of .coz you know , when its useless , its working as intended , when people found a use of something , that's a bug

i read somewhere that devs are restricted from answering if it isnt sepcifically told em. Meaning thaat in depth balance/bug - fixxes are something "secret" to the company.I could understand this, cause they dont wan't to raise false hopes etc., but i feel like we are at the point in which u should allow the devs to talk with us.

All i want to hear is ; we are working on your Profession, please hang out a little bit more.

That's what I wanted from the start. A simple "we're aware, we're looking into this" and what I got is a leve 3 warning and "jailed" in forums.

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