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my top list of gw2 gamers for this year!


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1. me

2. Me again cus I am like a angel and play like there is 2 people making game 6v5

3. I see some guy once peal for me after I pealed for them and he showed signs of not being a ego warrior but a true team pvper! U have made my list guy who’s name I forgot.

4 vallun cus the man never brakes and his stream replaces my Netflix and chill.

5. I see a bit once who could not be finished when down or a bug. That guy died on his capped point but held it for long enough due to not being able to cleave and it won us the game. He was the real MVP of that game.

6 girlwars cus sees kinda h.. and at same time so is roxas so his best thf

7 defo Mohamed Lee

8 milk/bread/coffee

9 to visit New York at Xmas and dress as Santa takeing hand outs. I think u make allot of money

10 anyone who is a hipster by saying pvp is dead and can’t admit it’s not and still is really really fun. We just salty there is no esl as most kids don’t play for fun they play to earn or will move to a game that they can cash cow. The future of gaming is not to enjoy the game for what it is but to earn cash from it and moan for what’s not there. So my number 10 is Defo the guy I see the other day who looked to be enjoying him self. I will never forget that guy.

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