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Guild Wars 3 ( Or a Guild Wars PVP standalone game )


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I'm making this post full aware that this could be unlikely. However I have come up with Ideas on changes I would like to see that are too big to implement to Guild Wars 2.These changes are focused on a pvp perspective primarily but also cover general new game mechanics. These changes / Ideas together will create the cleanest and most skillful gameplay that doesn't insult people who have invested time into the game imo.

Main PvP Game modes: 1 vs 1 , 2 vs 2 , 3 vs 3, and Battle Royale

Cooldowns : All cooldowns are removed. Instead, All skills and Utilities are tied to an Energy / Magic point system. ( Using the same attack skill consecutively will cast a stale version of the skill. )

Dodge : After a dodge roll there is a 0.75 second window before able to ''chain'' another dodge. This allows bad dodging to be punished. Offensive abilities / Weapon skills will no longer have dodge mechanics tied to them. ( ie. Blurred Frenzy, Unrelenting Assault , Whirlwind, etc. )

Hitstun : All attacks will have hitstun on impact. Different skills will have varying levels of hitstun value. This allows for some combos to be created and prevents spam vs spam dance off combat. However some skills will be designed to resist incoming hitstun for the duration of its outgoing attack.

Block : Blocks are no longer tied to weapon skills. Instead, every class has the ability to block ( no cooldown ). However there is a block bar mechanic in place. While holding up a block your bar will slowly drain. If your guard is being hit, the block bar will deplete faster in chunks per hit it takes. If your bar hits 0 ( guard broken ), you will be stunned for a 4 second duration which cannot be stunbroken. Total block bar values will vary depending on the weapon you have active while blocking. Some attacks do more damage to Bar than others.

Stamina : Dodging, physical attacks, sprinting, and interactive movement options on certain terrain / obstacles , will have varying stamina costs.

Sprint : Everyone can sprint at the cost of draining stamina. ( Some classes run faster than others ).

Boons : Boons are no longer tied to weapon skills / traits. Instead, each class has their own set of unique boons ( a level 3, 2, and a1 ) they can grant the party . ( Strongest to weakest boon format) ( The following are examples )Guard = Protection , Resistance , RegenWar = Might , Fury , VigorRev = Fury , Might, SwiftnessThief = Fury, Swiftness, BloodpaintEngi = Regen, Protection, RetaliationRanger = Retaliation, Fury, ResistanceEle = Arcane Power , Regen, SwiftnessMesmer = Vigor , Retaliation, FuryNecro = Resistance, Protection, Bloodpaint

Each Support Boon skill has a 2 second channeling time before cast. This makes boon rip mechanics more meaningful if losing boons mid battle. ( Boons last 30, 20, and 10 minutes. Different levels of boon also have stronger or weaker effectiveness ).

Bloodpaint : Heal for a % of physical damage dealt to an enemy.Resistance : Reduces incoming Magical attack damage and duration of condition effects.Arcane Power : Grants a Magical power bonus. Grants a Physical Power bonus ( less than might )

Amulets : The amulet build system no longer exists. Builds now come from stat point allocation.

Magic Power : Points allocated to this stat increase magical attack damage and mp pool.

Heal : The main healing ability of a class is the only ability to remain under the cooldown mechanic. Healing power is no longer a stat. All heals and support heals will heal an appropriate amount depending on class / role.

Stat Points :Strength = Increase physical damageDefense = Adds points to your total block bar.Dexterity = Increases crit chance and ferocity.Vitality = Increases Hp and Reduces some incoming Magical attack damage.Stamina = Increases overall stamina and stamina regen rate.Magic = Increases Magical attack damage and overall mp pool.

Conditions : Damaging condition skills do not scale with magic power and instead will do an appropriate amount of damage depending on the ability and class. Conditions are now treated as a supporting background DoT dps aid and not a main source of damage. Classes will have limited access to conditions according to their classes' theme. Damaging Conditions come from condition abilities with appropriate cast times and animations and will not come from random or outside elements such as traits, sigils and runes etc.

Armor :Heavy = Significantly reduces incoming Physical damage, but weak against Magical DamageMedium = Average reduction of incoming Physical damage and Magical DamageLight = Significantly reduces incoming Magical Attack Damage, but weak against Physical Damage

Friendly fires on ( Test ) to see if needed to keep group combat clean as to have to be mindful of hitting allies with Aoe's if badly positioned , and to punish uncoordinated players ganking if trying to mindlessly pile on 1 single target.

That's it. You may not like all but im sure some of these are good and would lead to a cleaner game both to play and spectate.

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Nobody wanted GW2. People wanted GW1 with an updated engine that allowed for more movement and free-aiming. It's worth almost nothing to salvage anything from GW2. If you really wanted a game of any remote value which had to be spawned, more or less directly, from the tenants of GW2, I'd recommend starting with the mount movement. Base all player movement and attack options around current mount gimmicks (i.e. leaping, jumping, swooping, then somehow slamming into the ground with a separate skill or just firing AoE projectiles), and then build your flavor/classes around their usage and availability (You will probably end up with no more than 4 classes, and that's perfectly fine).

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ArenaNet doesn't have the the trust it needs to sell another title. With the amount of bad exposure they have right now, after the template-fiasco, the German "hacker" and the living world announcement. No one in their right mind would support them in a new game.They will have to get that trust back before ever thinking of moving on.

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What exactly is hitstun? Getting interrupted when hit?

You are proposing a completely different game, its not even close to gw2 right now.

@Swagg.9236 said:Nobody wanted GW2. People wanted GW1 with an updated engine that allowed for more movement and free-aiming. It's worth almost nothing to salvage anything from GW2. If you really wanted a game of any remote value which had to be spawned, more or less directly, from the tenants of GW2, I'd recommend starting with the mount movement. Base all player movement and attack options around current mount gimmicks (i.e. leaping, jumping, swooping, then somehow slamming into the ground with a separate skill or just firing AoE projectiles), and then build your flavor/classes around their usage and availability (You will probably end up with no more than 4 classes, and that's perfectly fine).

All the features that gw1 had with gw2 combat would be fun.

Im still wondering why they never bothered to implement gvg, random arena, faction wars etc.Also mixing classes was the shizz.

And guildhalls took so long to come, when ppl loved them in gw1

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@BadMed.3846 said:A standalone PvP gw2 is likely to be a commercial disaster. Think about investment and return. PvP population is only a very small proportion of the game population. Also, the incentive to play is often gear for other game modes. I doubt it will ever happen.

Actually A-net is 100% to blame for the PvP and now slumping WvW population, the game was built around these game modes. Had they maintained and continued content design for them and not left them for ages with nothing people would still be doing them. As it stands now if you've been doing them for any length of time you'd probably of done EVERYTHING there is to do and gain everything there is to earn.

Then slam bad game balance and horrible class designed, paired with the watering down of mechanics without compensation or separation from raids to streamline it for the babies who can't and never will touch those modes and we end up here. Balancing the game around raiding was the WORST DECISION THEY EVER MADE, and it has led to so many problems in the game design/class balance and contradicts the magnum opus of this game so much that people can't take it seriously. They did this themselves, and they continue to do it. They don't understand and I highly doubt they ever will or even want to because they are looking at how much they can milk, not how much they can earn. Which is why we no longer have nor in my eyes will ever have expansions again....

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