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One simple fix for any post balance patch issues


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Remove Paladin Amulet!


  • it's too good on bunker builds but nowhere else the best option
  • since we have a 30% direct damage nerf marauder is the new paladin
  • berserker is the new marauder
  • demolisher has its niche


Side Note 1: I have used paladin amulet for years exclusively on reaper because everthing else has resulted in being a freekill to the metabuilds of other classes. That amulet kept me playing the game. And now I am the one who says it does harm the game more than it is useful. Toughness+vita condi and hybrid amulets have been removed some time ago. With the overall direct damage nerf it's time to remove the last remaining toughness+vita power amulet.

Side Note 2: You did a good job ANet! The overal balance the patch has achieved is really good. Nothing is obviously broken and there are just minor things to look at (the lich form autoattack and firebrand for example).

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@KrHome.1920 said:

knights and cavaliersThe bunker is left with base health and less damage, which is significant. He will die faster and deal less damage. Anybody can just burst such a build on zerk amulet without having to worry about anything.

mmm no, pretty sure core necro bunker is using knights atm. carrion works too I believe but ofc you can do way more damage to them. I could also make an unkillable rev bunker with knights or cavaliers. they're huge problems with game wide reduced damage.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:mmm no, pretty sure core necro bunker is using knights atm. carrion works too I believe but ofc you can do way more damage to them. I could also make an unkillable rev bunker with knights or cavaliers. they're huge problems with game wide reduced damage.The metabattle version uses paladin and I am pretty sure for a reason. :p

This is the only problematic version of the build. Carrion is absolutely killable with a burst build. The only players I 've seen complaining about that have been semi bunkers by themself that now realize that their damage doesn't cut it anymore (e.g. boonbeast, spellbreaker, weaver) and that deny to adapt to a new meta.

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@KrHome.1920 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:mmm no, pretty sure core necro bunker is using knights atm. carrion works too I believe but ofc you can do way more damage to them. I could also make an unkillable rev bunker with knights or cavaliers. they're huge problems with game wide reduced damage.The metabattle version uses paladin and I am pretty sure for a reason. :p

This is the only problematic version of the build. Carrion is absolutely killable with a burst build. The only players I 've seen complaining about that have been semi bunkers by themself that now realize that their damage doesn't cut it anymore (e.g. boonbeast, spellbreaker, weaver) and that deny to adapt to a new meta.

regardless, knights and cavaliers are doing way too much and make dodge optional. not good.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:regardless, knights and cavaliers are doing way too much and make dodge optional. not good.Okay okay before this is getting endless here, then I'd like to just leave an advice here for players facing a knights/cavalier core necro in 2v2 or 1v1:

Just build offensive: berserker amulet + damage modifier traits + some mobility or block or stealth for the moment he pops lich, then just kill him like a raid boss.

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This is one of the solutions I was thinking about in “this post” (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1175231/#Comment_1175231):

! Core necro has “garbage” power damage (outside of Lichform), very low mobility, no access to stability, few long cooldown break stuns, no invulnerability. Most of its damage comes from slow projectiles that can be blocked, reflected, or even evaded by sidestepping. Also, it has good damage resistance, potentially high life steal (situational) and condition cleaning.!! Reaper has better damage, mobility (from Shroud 2) and stability, but it has to fight a lot in melee range.!! Their weaknesses are very easy to exploit, but probably many people reacted to the power nerf by using a more tanky build and using less CC skills. Now some of these people want to easily kill necromancer even doing low damage and low CC pressure.!! The current necromancer is exactly what Arenanet wanted it to be, with even more exploitable weaknesses than before.!! I can “see” few solutions:! 1- People can stop pretending to kill necromancer with low damage and low CC pressure, adapting their builds to the current state of the game.! 2- Arenanet could nerf the necromancer sustain and buff its damage.! 3- Arenanet could rework the necromancer to be more similar to other professions, taking away passive defences and giving active defences and more mobility to it (I don’t expect it to happen and I don’t want it to happen).! 4- Arenanet could remove from PvP the amulets used for tanky builds, forcing people to play more offensive builds (my currently preferred solution).!! I expect a balance patch to nerf condition damage for every profession, similarly to the power damage nerf.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:say hello to weaknessglOh cmon... weakness duration has been hardnerfed. The uptime caused by the bunker build is maybe 10% if you have one or two cleanses.

no... with curses its at least 50%. otherwise if metabattle is god then yeah 10%If it runs curses it is not the bunker build.

Besides that weakness application in curses has been nerfed. I use this traitline in some of my builds. It's noticeable. 50% was right before the patch, but not these days.

@Black Storm.6974 said:Thanks for your feedback. One addition: I was not exclusively referring to core necro. We will see more bunker builds of other classes in the future that will be more effective than core necro. That's why I think the whole amulet has to go. Trying to nerf sustain around that amulet will mess up the overall balancing. I don't think it's possible. If anet starts doing this everyone will run paladin at the end of the day because otherwise the sustain is too low.

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I agree. Maybe setting a more manageable “base” by removing one or few amulets is a better idea than continuously try to nerf and buff things without coming to a solution.

I’d also let details about profession balance outside of the discussion, because this discussion is more about tweaking the new base for the future balance changes.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:i don't care what metabattle says, 6 sec of weak on shroud enter is better then blood magic since it shuts down power burst. its like a semi invuln lol.If it is not cleansed, blocked, dodged (yes lesser enfeeble has a delayed impact, you might not have noticed it yet, but this trait gets dodged 24/7 by competent players).

Weakness leaves a 50% chance to deal the full amount of damage and another 50% to glance off, which still deals damage. It's not even a 50% damage reduction and you call it a semi invulnerability. Using the term (semi)invulnerability to describe a damage reduction is questionable to say the least.

Srsly all that time you are trying to find weird arguments you could just build a burst build, find someone that does the same, get on discord and be the king of 2v2 arena as long as core necro and fb duos are present there.

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