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Lily of the Elon: Direct City Access?


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@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@Cantatus.4065 said:

@JustTrogdor.7892 said:This pass was very disappointing to me. IMO it is the worst pass out of all of them. Everything is spread out and it doesn't give the convenience of the others. It certainly doesn't feel like a luxury area that offers "convenience and comfort to those in the know". For me it really only works a quick portal to Crystal Oasis. I use my other passes for everything else. I wish Anet would consider a redesign.

Agreed. Everything is just so far apart and not set up in any sort of practical way. You have the main bank and guild bank on opposite sides. The mystic forge is on its own platform for some reason. The crafting area is upstairs - away from both the bank and AH. And then you have this giant area downstairs which is apparently entirely for the ecto gamble. It's just a building of inconvenience compared to the other VIP areas. The only thing I use it anymore is to get to PoF and as others have pointed out, even that isn't terribly convenient.

Putting a bank and AH on the second level would be an improvement, in addition to opening that door so we don't have to run around a pyramid.

This pass was not designed to be "exclusive" because that many people get access to it because it came with the expansion.
If you were someone who had never intended to buy a pass and you were happy running around Lion's Arch, you will love the Lily of Elon. It's better because everything is closer than LA and you can TP to it for nothing. If you have other passes, no wonder you would complain about the Lily of Elon, you have in some way access to the most convenient form of these areas because they were designed to actually be exclusive.

It didn't and does not come with the expansion by default. It comes with the Deluxe or Ultimate version of the expansion. It wasn't a pre-purchase bonus and isn't part of the standard package.

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@Djinn.9245 said:

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Once your Springer mount can jump higher, you can jump over though. From there on out it's rather easy to get anywhere in Amnoon.

As has been said earlier in the thread, there are many ways to get into the city from the Lily of the Elon. My question is why you can't just go straight in since this is a special pass area. Instead you have to go out of your way to get in.

Why is it important, everything of importance that is in Amnoon is also in Lily of the Elon. Barring actual events. In fact it has all the bounties rather than just one area.

And other than that you can just hop over said door and end up at a better availability of directions simply by being higher up.

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@JustTrogdor.7892 said:

@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@Cantatus.4065 said:

@JustTrogdor.7892 said:This pass was very disappointing to me. IMO it is the worst pass out of all of them. Everything is spread out and it doesn't give the convenience of the others. It certainly doesn't feel like a luxury area that offers "convenience and comfort to those in the know". For me it really only works a quick portal to Crystal Oasis. I use my other passes for everything else. I wish Anet would consider a redesign.

Agreed. Everything is just so far apart and not set up in any sort of practical way. You have the main bank and guild bank on opposite sides. The mystic forge is on its own platform for some reason. The crafting area is upstairs - away from both the bank and AH. And then you have this giant area downstairs which is apparently entirely for the ecto gamble. It's just a building of inconvenience compared to the other VIP areas. The only thing I use it anymore is to get to PoF and as others have pointed out, even that isn't terribly convenient.

Putting a bank and AH on the second level would be an improvement, in addition to opening that door so we don't have to run around a pyramid.

This pass was not designed to be "exclusive" because that many people get access to it because it came with the expansion.
If you were someone who had never intended to buy a pass and you were happy running around Lion's Arch, you will love the Lily of Elon. It's better because everything is closer than LA and you can TP to it for nothing. If you have other passes, no wonder you would complain about the Lily of Elon, you have in some way access to the most convenient form of these areas because they were designed to actually be exclusive.

It didn't and does not come with the expansion by default. It comes with the Deluxe or Ultimate version of the expansion. It wasn't a pre-purchase bonus and isn't part of the standard package.

But tons of people are buying the deluxe package because it isn't really that expensive and you get tons of stuff with it. And people can get the deluxe upgrade for nothing but gems later and use gold to do so.For the most part, there are that many people who have the pass and they knew there would be that many people getting it, it would lessen sales of other passes.If you have one pass, why do you really need more than one?This pass is designed to be less efficient because it doesn't cost more than a little bit of a more expensive expansion upgrade that many people were going to buy anyway, this allows them to actually make money off the other passes.There is no money to be made off the other passes if they made the Lily of the Elon pass as good as the others, they make more profit by making good passes that people have to buy on their own for like 1000 gems.This pass is fine for what it was, nothing more than a little bit extra on an better expansion pack deal that came with a ton of other stuff.

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@FrizzFreston.5290 said:

@Djinn.9245 said:

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Once your Springer mount can jump higher, you can jump over though. From there on out it's rather easy to get anywhere in Amnoon.

As has been said earlier in the thread, there are many ways to get into the city from the Lily of the Elon. My question is why you can't just go straight in since this is a special pass area. Instead you have to go out of your way to get in.

Why is it important, everything of importance that is in Amnoon is also in Lily of the Elon. Barring actual events. In fact it has all the bounties rather than just one area.

And other than that you can just hop over said door and end up at a better availability of directions simply by being higher up.

I'm glad that you are satisfied with the current situation. I would prefer not to have to jump over walls or run around to the door to get into the city from the special place that I paid extra for.

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@hellsqueen.3045 said:This pass is designed to be less efficient because it doesn't cost more than a little bit of a more expensive expansion upgrade that many people were going to buy anyway, this allows them to actually make money off the other passes.

Can you please link the information from Anet that says this? Or is this your opinion that you seem to be stating as fact?

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@Djinn.9245 said:

@hellsqueen.3045 said:This pass is designed to be less efficient because it doesn't cost more than a little bit of a more expensive expansion upgrade that many people were going to buy anyway, this allows them to actually make money off the other passes.

Can you please link the information from Anet that says this? Or is this your
that you seem to be stating as fact?

Most of the money they make without expansions is gem purchases.

Core Guild Wars and Heart Of Thorns Deluxe Additions are purchasable for gems in the gem store later down the track, Path of Fire should be the same.

If people can get gems using gold to buy the deluxe addition, why would they stick something as good to make money off of as a really well made pass area?

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@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@JustTrogdor.7892 said:

@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@Cantatus.4065 said:

@JustTrogdor.7892 said:This pass was very disappointing to me. IMO it is the worst pass out of all of them. Everything is spread out and it doesn't give the convenience of the others. It certainly doesn't feel like a luxury area that offers "convenience and comfort to those in the know". For me it really only works a quick portal to Crystal Oasis. I use my other passes for everything else. I wish Anet would consider a redesign.

Agreed. Everything is just so far apart and not set up in any sort of practical way. You have the main bank and guild bank on opposite sides. The mystic forge is on its own platform for some reason. The crafting area is upstairs - away from both the bank and AH. And then you have this giant area downstairs which is apparently entirely for the ecto gamble. It's just a building of inconvenience compared to the other VIP areas. The only thing I use it anymore is to get to PoF and as others have pointed out, even that isn't terribly convenient.

Putting a bank and AH on the second level would be an improvement, in addition to opening that door so we don't have to run around a pyramid.

This pass was not designed to be "exclusive" because that many people get access to it because it came with the expansion.
If you were someone who had never intended to buy a pass and you were happy running around Lion's Arch, you will love the Lily of Elon. It's better because everything is closer than LA and you can TP to it for nothing. If you have other passes, no wonder you would complain about the Lily of Elon, you have in some way access to the most convenient form of these areas because they were designed to actually be exclusive.

It didn't and does not come with the expansion by default. It comes with the Deluxe or Ultimate version of the expansion. It wasn't a pre-purchase bonus and isn't part of the standard package.

But tons of people are buying the deluxe package because it isn't really that expensive and you get tons of stuff with it. And people can get the deluxe upgrade for nothing but gems later and use gold to do so.For the most part, there are that many people who have the pass and they knew there would be that many people getting it, it would lessen sales of other passes.If you have one pass, why do you really need more than one?This pass is designed to be less efficient because it doesn't cost more than a little bit of a more expensive expansion upgrade that many people were going to buy anyway, this allows them to actually make money off the other passes.There is no money to be made off the other passes if they made the Lily of the Elon pass as good as the others, they make more profit by making good passes that people have to buy on their own for like 1000 gems.This pass is fine for what it was, nothing more than a little bit extra on an better expansion pack deal that came with a ton of other stuff.

I get it, you are fine with the pass as you never planned to buy one anyway, even though you did in an indirect way if you bought the deluxe or ultimate. That doesn't mean others can't be of the opinion that it is less than optimal and could use some work. Just because "tons of people are buying the deluxe package" as well as some of your other claims/opinions as to why Anet designed it that way, doesn't mean it everyone is thrilled with it or has to be.

Here is the description of the pass on the sales page, "Rub elbows with Amnoon’s elite with an exclusive pass to a luxury riverboat casino notorious for serving both the nobility and criminal underground. This decadent den of iniquity offers convenience and comfort to those in the know, with access to vendors, banking, the Black Lion Trading Company, and more. "

It is described as an exclusive pass. Not "A less efficient pass because tons of people are going to buy the Deluxe Version anyway". Personally I find the pass not to be of convince or comfort based on the layout. It was one of the main features of the Deluxe package that encouraged me to buy as I don't use the other stuff very often. Again I should have waited until launch for feedback, I thought I learned that with HoT but apparently not. :smile:

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@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@Djinn.9245 said:

@hellsqueen.3045 said:This pass is designed to be less efficient because it doesn't cost more than a little bit of a more expensive expansion upgrade that many people were going to buy anyway, this allows them to actually make money off the other passes.

Can you please link the information from Anet that says this? Or is this your
that you seem to be stating as fact?

Most of the money they make without expansions is gem purchases.

Core Guild Wars and Heart Of Thorns Deluxe Additions are purchasable for gems in the gem store later down the track, Path of Fire should be the same.

If people can get gems using gold to buy the deluxe addition, why would they stick something as good to make money off of as a really well made pass area?

People have always been able to buy the other "really well made" passes with gold to gems as well when they are available. So I don't really see where you are going with that.

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@JustTrogdor.7892 said:

@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@JustTrogdor.7892 said:

@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@Cantatus.4065 said:

@JustTrogdor.7892 said:This pass was very disappointing to me. IMO it is the worst pass out of all of them. Everything is spread out and it doesn't give the convenience of the others. It certainly doesn't feel like a luxury area that offers "convenience and comfort to those in the know". For me it really only works a quick portal to Crystal Oasis. I use my other passes for everything else. I wish Anet would consider a redesign.

Agreed. Everything is just so far apart and not set up in any sort of practical way. You have the main bank and guild bank on opposite sides. The mystic forge is on its own platform for some reason. The crafting area is upstairs - away from both the bank and AH. And then you have this giant area downstairs which is apparently entirely for the ecto gamble. It's just a building of inconvenience compared to the other VIP areas. The only thing I use it anymore is to get to PoF and as others have pointed out, even that isn't terribly convenient.

Putting a bank and AH on the second level would be an improvement, in addition to opening that door so we don't have to run around a pyramid.

This pass was not designed to be "exclusive" because that many people get access to it because it came with the expansion.
If you were someone who had never intended to buy a pass and you were happy running around Lion's Arch, you will love the Lily of Elon. It's better because everything is closer than LA and you can TP to it for nothing. If you have other passes, no wonder you would complain about the Lily of Elon, you have in some way access to the most convenient form of these areas because they were designed to actually be exclusive.

It didn't and does not come with the expansion by default. It comes with the Deluxe or Ultimate version of the expansion. It wasn't a pre-purchase bonus and isn't part of the standard package.

But tons of people are buying the deluxe package because it isn't really that expensive and you get tons of stuff with it. And people can get the deluxe upgrade for nothing but gems later and use gold to do so.For the most part, there are that many people who have the pass and they knew there would be that many people getting it, it would lessen sales of other passes.If you have one pass, why do you really need more than one?This pass is designed to be less efficient because it doesn't cost more than a little bit of a more expensive expansion upgrade that many people were going to buy anyway, this allows them to actually make money off the other passes.There is no money to be made off the other passes if they made the Lily of the Elon pass as good as the others, they make more profit by making good passes that people have to buy on their own for like 1000 gems.This pass is fine for what it was, nothing more than a little bit extra on an better expansion pack deal that came with a ton of other stuff.

I get it, you are fine with the pass as you never planned to buy one anyway, even though you did in an indirect way if you bought the deluxe or ultimate. That doesn't mean others can't be of the opinion that it is less than optimal and could use some work. Just because "tons of people are buying the deluxe package" as well as some of your other claims/opinions as to why Anet designed it that way, doesn't mean it everyone is thrilled with it or has to be.

I am just saying don't expect it to change maybe other than a way to have direct access to the city because it seems it is meant to entice people who were on the fence about getting one of the obviously superior passes.It's a good pass, it's pretty, it is more efficient than Lion's Arch. People who were on the fence about it may be like "Wow, if this is so good, imagine a better one"

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I'm not necessarily expecting it to change. I simply provided my feedback that Anet can choose to do nothing with and I'm fine with that as well. That's a big part of what these forums are for. I just don't buy into the "People should expect it to be less optimal because tons of people are going to buy the Deluxe version argument," and I don't think that argument necessarily disputes what I see as the negative aspects of the pass.

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@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@JustTrogdor.7892 said:It didn't and does not come with the expansion by default. It comes with the Deluxe or Ultimate version of the expansion. It wasn't a pre-purchase bonus and isn't part of the standard package.

But tons of people are buying the deluxe package because it isn't really that expensive and you get tons of stuff with it. And people can get the deluxe upgrade for nothing but gems later and use gold to do so.For the most part, there are that many people who have the pass and they knew there would be that many people getting it, it would lessen sales of other passes.If you have one pass, why do you really need more than one?This pass is designed to be less efficient because it doesn't cost more than a little bit of a more expensive expansion upgrade that many people were going to buy anyway, this allows them to actually make money off the other passes.There is no money to be made off the other passes if they made the Lily of the Elon pass as good as the others, they make more profit by making good passes that people have to buy on their own for like 1000 gems.This pass is fine for what it was, nothing more than a little bit extra on an better expansion pack deal that came with a ton of other stuff.

It was a $25 difference in real money cost between the standard and deluxe, aka almost double the cost. While I'm sure lots of people did spring for the deluxe, I'm equally sure the majority did not because, well, people. This is the same game where players already hamstrung to heck and back by their free core account complain at those of us with mounts in central Tyria :# . It's not the ubiquitous pass you imply.

Fine, given that the $25 gets you over $40 worth of stuff, it may be argued that it shouldn't be as good as, say, Mistlock Sanctuary, but I'd say that's a poor argument since the personal value of any one of the components of the upgrade package is subjective. For example, I have no interest in the Identity Kit or outfit, the only part of the upgrade that had any value to me is the character slot and the pass. That's $25 for $18.75 worth of goods to me, a terrible deal (which is why I only own the standard in spite of having been with GW for more than 10 years). I'd rather use my money for something else in the game than spend $25 on a character slot and an arguably deprecated VIP area.

You seem more interested in ArenaNet's bottom line than you are player experience but are missing out on this: for most players, one pass, any pass, greatly reduces the incentive to buy another one. "Giving away" any pass is a bad business decision if their goal was to keep players incentivized to buy additional VIP passes, which is why I doubt your arguments are anything more than post facto rationalizations on the part of a fan for an odd game design decision. If the odd placement and lay out of the VIP area was meant to maintain the value of the other passes, they failed. The key advantage the Lily of Elon pass is that it provides fast travel to the Amnoon region, allowing those who want to hop back and forth from central Tyria to avoid the ~3 silver travel cost. That is something no other pass can provide, yet you still gain the same advantages of all the other passes minus Mistlock's unique return to previous position and Fractal access (if there is any pass that discourages players from buying another one, it's Mistlock :) ). However inconveniently placed the Lily of Elon is, you're still closer to the city and the rest of the PoF content than you can get with any of the other VIP passes. Which is why, as weirdly placed as it is, I still might get stupid and buy the upgrade package one of these days ;)

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@Chip H.3951 said:

@hellsqueen.3045 said:

@JustTrogdor.7892 said:It didn't and does not come with the expansion by default. It comes with the Deluxe or Ultimate version of the expansion. It wasn't a pre-purchase bonus and isn't part of the standard package.

But tons of people are buying the deluxe package because it isn't really that expensive and you get tons of stuff with it. And people can get the deluxe upgrade for nothing but gems later and use gold to do so.For the most part, there are that many people who have the pass and they knew there would be that many people getting it, it would lessen sales of other passes.If you have one pass, why do you really need more than one?This pass is designed to be less efficient because it doesn't cost more than a little bit of a more expensive expansion upgrade that many people were going to buy anyway, this allows them to actually make money off the other passes.There is no money to be made off the other passes if they made the Lily of the Elon pass as good as the others, they make more profit by making good passes that people have to buy on their own for like 1000 gems.This pass is fine for what it was, nothing more than a little bit extra on an better expansion pack deal that came with a ton of other stuff.

It was a $25 difference in real money cost between the standard and deluxe, aka almost double the cost. While I'm sure lots of people did spring for the deluxe, I'm equally sure the majority did not because, well, people. This is the same game where players already hamstrung to heck and back by their free core account complain at those of us with mounts in central Tyria :# . It's not the ubiquitous pass you imply.

Fine, given that the $25 gets you over $40 worth of stuff, it may be argued that it shouldn't be as good as, say, Mistlock Sanctuary, but I'd say that's a poor argument since the personal value of any one of the components of the upgrade package is subjective. For example, I have no interest in the Identity Kit or outfit, the only part of the upgrade that had any value to me is the character slot and the pass. That's $25 for $18.75 worth of goods to me, a terrible deal (which is why I only own the standard in spite of having been with GW for more than 10 years). I'd rather use my money for something else in the game than spend $25 on a character slot and an arguably deprecated VIP area.

You seem more interested in ArenaNet's bottom line than you are player experience but are missing out on this: for most players, one pass, any pass, greatly reduces the incentive to buy another one. "Giving away" any pass is a bad business decision if their goal was to keep players incentivized to buy additional VIP passes, which is why I doubt your arguments are anything more than post facto rationalizations on the part of a fan for an odd game design decision. If the odd placement and lay out of the VIP area was meant to maintain the value of the other passes, they failed. The key advantage the Lily of Elon pass is that it provides fast travel to the Amnoon region, allowing those who want to hop back and forth from central Tyria to avoid the ~3 silver travel cost. That is something no other pass can provide, yet you still gain the same advantages of all the other passes minus Mistlock's unique return to previous position and Fractal access (if there is any pass that discourages players from buying another one, it's Mistlock :) ). However inconveniently placed the Lily of Elon is, you're still closer to the city and the rest of the PoF content than you can get with any of the other VIP passes. Which is why, as weirdly placed as it is, I still might get stupid and buy the upgrade package one of these days ;)

As mentioned though, once they release the upgrade pack on the gem store it is something you can grind out gold for and not actually spend a cent on it.So really, it is even accessible to people who did not buy the deluxe addition and they may not even spend actual money on getting it.

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@hellsqueen.3045 said:As mentioned though, once they release the upgrade pack on the gem store it is something you can grind out gold for and not actually spend a cent on it.So really, it is even accessible to people who did not buy the deluxe addition and they may not even spend actual money on getting it.

I know there are players that believe this, and for some, it is even true to them ;), but there are no free gems, just gems you sold your time (at a rather dismal salary) to get and someone else paid real money for so they could get your gold without investing the time. Since neither gems nor gold cost ANet anything, it's a win-win for them, and players too if that's how they value their time. Roughly $25 real money was given to ArenaNet no matter how you get your upgrade. It may not have been your real money, but it was someone's real money.

For me, my time is a lot more valuable than grinding out ~600 gold for something I can have at the press of a button if I really want it. My game time is limited and my budget not so constrained that I can't drop some money here and there to support ArenaNet if there is something I genuinely want. The list of things I would buy with my gold before gems for a gemstore upgrade is vast :p

Regardless, the notion is irrelevant to the quality/value of the pass. Any VIP area pass can be purchased indirectly with in game gold.

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@Djinn.9245 said:

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:

@Djinn.9245 said:

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Once your Springer mount can jump higher, you can jump over though. From there on out it's rather easy to get anywhere in Amnoon.

As has been said earlier in the thread, there are many ways to get into the city from the Lily of the Elon. My question is why you can't just go straight in since this is a special pass area. Instead you have to go out of your way to get in.

Why is it important, everything of importance that is in Amnoon is also in Lily of the Elon. Barring actual events. In fact it has all the bounties rather than just one area.

And other than that you can just hop over said door and end up at a better availability of directions simply by being higher up.

I'm glad that you are satisfied with the current situation. I would prefer not to have to jump over walls or run around to the door to get into the city from the special place that I paid extra for.

I just don't think that the door specifically needs to be open. (Mostly think it could be cooler and more scenic) It seems to me as more of an overreaction to a fairly minor, if any at all, inconvenience.

On the other hand, opening of that one door doesn't improve much and would turn the casino in a highway so to speak. While not many may think that that matters as there isn't that much going on... it would change the atmosphere of that area completely merely by opening that door.

A compromise could be a more indicated route to the Southern gates of Amnoon. Which has all sorts of impractical obstacles in the way of convenience.

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@FrizzFreston.5290 said:

@Djinn.9245 said:

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:

@Djinn.9245 said:

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Once your Springer mount can jump higher, you can jump over though. From there on out it's rather easy to get anywhere in Amnoon.

As has been said earlier in the thread, there are many ways to get into the city from the Lily of the Elon. My question is why you can't just go straight in since this is a special pass area. Instead you have to go out of your way to get in.

Why is it important, everything of importance that is in Amnoon is also in Lily of the Elon. Barring actual events. In fact it has all the bounties rather than just one area.

And other than that you can just hop over said door and end up at a better availability of directions simply by being higher up.

I'm glad that you are satisfied with the current situation. I would prefer not to have to jump over walls or run around to the door to get into the city from the special place that I paid extra for.

I just don't think that the door specifically needs to be open. (Mostly think it could be cooler and more scenic) It seems to me as more of an overreaction to a fairly minor, if any at all, inconvenience.

On the other hand, opening of that one door doesn't improve much and would turn the casino in a highway so to speak. While not many may think that that matters as there isn't that much going on... it would change the atmosphere of that area completely merely by opening that door.

A compromise could be a more indicated route to the Southern gates of Amnoon. Which has all sorts of impractical obstacles in the way of convenience.

No one ever said that specific door needs to be opened or that there needs to be a route through the Casino. Anet has placed all of that digital information where it is. They can easily create a path that doesn't go through wherever they don't want it to go. There is literally no excuse not to have a route directly into the city.

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@Auron.5186 said:First time I got near the door and saw it closed I was like: "kitten? Where's my RP immersion?"I get that you can double click and everything but it would be nice to have a decent entrance to the place.

I didn't know they censured like that in the forums, lol, that's funny.

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@Kichwas.7152 said:The worst thing is that it's an inventory item... so everytime I bank it on one toon and log into to another to go there... I log back in to the first toon and get booted out... and then have to TP to a bank somewhere and repeat...

Make it an account unlock, not an inventory item.

Shared. Inventory. Slot.

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Just to put this out there, but during Beta Weekend, that door from the casino was open. However, during Beta Weekend, the Lily of Elon was a tiny boat, packed with all the NPCs, moored at a dock and not the place we have now. The tiny boat is still in the game, and you can find it floating nearby; the docks were removed and only the submerged walkway that was underneath the docks remains. Either they used the boat/docks as a placeholder to hide what Lily would be, or they made major changes at the last moment. The door used to be open.

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