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Suggestion: AT-League


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I was showering and thinking about the Mota, than i got a idea about a Ingame At League:


You can enter the league with a Guildgroup that should have minimum 3 Player, so you can still search for people when someone has no time or you find as a small Guild/Team new players to group up.You earn points by playing AT's , based on the place that you reach, i would use the same number as QP.You can play as many AT's as you want BUT you will only earn points once per day.It will always count the highest place that you reach this day, so yes maybe one Team wins everyday every AT but than this team is definitely the best Team and if there is more than one Team winning, so like 5-6 Teams you have more close opponents, but a constant better Team will be always higher placed than a constant worser Team.The Leaderboards should be visible ingame, every Friday at wvw reset should be the Leaderboard reseted and the "Weekly Winner" be crowned.as earnings i would suggest a Title for the first placed team, the Top 5 oder Top 10 should get maybe something like a "Tournament Fighter" Title (or no title only for first place) and a lil bit of Gold like first place 100 Gold each and so on till place 64.

I would actually call it "Guild Wars".


  • Guild Teams 3-5 Player
  • 1 Placement per day
  • always the Highest win will count


  • Place 1 100 Gold every player and Title "Weekly Winner" (maybe temporarly for 1 week?)
  • Place 2 50 Gold every player and the title "Tournament Fighter"
  • Place 3-4 25 Gold every player and the title "Tournament Fighter"
  • Place 5-8 15 Gold every player and the title "Tournament Fighter"
  • Place 9-16 10 Gold every player
  • Place 17-32 5 Gold every player
  • Participation 2 Mystic Coins and 3 Unidentified Dye

                                                                                                       the "_" are Placeholders (and suggestions)

Feel free to say what you think about that, personaly i think it could bring a lil bit of competition and fresh air into the dustyness of pvp.Critizm is welcome but not be hard against my english, its not my main language.

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I don’t really care about the weekly winner part but rating for ats would be fine though for a bit your gonna see teams trying just as hard as for monthly where as most wont which will pushes the win rates of teams that might win a lot atm to being close to average when in fact they aren’t. We had a team que that was just that impossible to compete for rank 1 when you aren’t trying as hard as them and rank 2 will just be second try hardest even if they have worse players on average than a team that rn doesn’t try hard but wins becuz they are good

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