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Need help with profession

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Hi everyone !

First of all, english isn't my mother tongue, so please excuse my mistakes. ^^

I come to you because I need help with profession/build. Traditonnally, I'm a tank/bruiser/support player, exclusively PvE and mostly solo OW and I wonder which profession fit with this playstyle preferencies.

I've already looked at some guide on web and tried some profession but none of them seems to fit what I'm looking for (maybe I'm doing things wrong ^^). I'm aware that pure tank don't really exist in GW2, but maybe there is something close to it in utility in group.

So, to sum up, I'm looking for a profession which could do most of the OW PvE content solo and could switch to a support role in multi-PvE content.

I already leveled up :

  • Revenant : The leveling phase was awesome, but I'm struggling hard on the post-80 content and earning this hero point in PoF/HoT was so painfull. I've tried both Herald and Renegade elite spec but it's too squishy for me. Never tried Condi.
  • Engineer : Haven't unlocked all the elite spec yet, it seems cool but it don't have the tanky/support feel. And my first hero point farming of PoF/HoT traumatized me a bit (a loooot) so I prefer be sure before doing it a second time. ^^
  • Necro : Tried Minionmancer Reaper. Powerfull but very repetitive/boring playstyle and when I tried fractal with it, I feel a bit useless in the group. Never up/tried Scourge. Does the shield really usefull in game ?
  • Guardian : Used a 80 boost to get him. Same feel as Engineer.

Many thanks in advance for your reply !Have a nice game.

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I enjoy Scourge as a bruiser/support myself. It's tanky and provides team support through providing might, condi cleanse, and loads of barrier. Barrier is a little tricker to use than your normal 'heals' though as its about mitigating incoming damage as opposed to healing damage taken. You have to barreir people before they take a lot of damage instead of after in other words.

Guardian(mainly firebrand) and engineer(scrapper) are both good bruiser/team support professions. Guardian can be hard though because you're really squishy and rely on using your blocks correctly. Scrapper is a little easier but not as good support in PvE as scourge or firebrand. Its mostly just a tanky bruiser.

You could also run a shout warrior for team support and be pretty tanky while providing healing and cleansing to your team.

Elementalist tempest is a great support but like guardian kind of squishy.

All in all I would say give scourge a try, I think its super fun myself

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Thank you for the return ! It's very helpfull !

I'll try the Scourge first then, my Necro is already 80 and I feel it tankier than the Guardian. Have you a build or some advise that I can follow ? And what stuff need I ?

Shout Warrior will be the second. I never played Warrior, so it could be nice to discover a new profession !

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@"ThePanoo.8957" said:Thank you for the return ! It's very helpfull !

I'll try the Scourge first then, my Necro is already 80 and I feel it tankier than the Guardian. Have you a build or some advise that I can follow ? And what stuff need I ?

Shout Warrior will be the second. I never played Warrior, so it could be nice to discover a new profession !

This has a lot of good info to get you started. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scourge_-_Support_HealerYou'll probably want to tweak it though to fit your playstyle

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@"ThePanoo.8957" said:

  • Revenant : The leveling phase was awesome, but I'm struggling hard on the post-80 content and earning this hero point in PoF/HoT was so painfull. I've tried both Herald and Renegade elite spec but it's too squishy for me. Never tried Condi.

And there's your problem right here. You just happily walked right past a supportive super tank with pretty good damage cause "meh, condi".Punishment for your sin: Doing strike missions for a week!

Now as for your revenent super tank - i'm talking condi Herald here. You will have good enough damage with nice aoe, absurd sustain and good/very good group support ability. There is a price to be payed ofc....literally. To get most amazing results you need to get non-standard gear that costs either gold or effort. You can use cheaper alternatives, but don't blame me if your super tank drops to just regular tank cause you were stingy in few places.

So here's the proper build, which i use for my strike missions and kick ass with it:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAk6ZlhQKsIyiJRXMICjBSiMBqgjr0XzE-zRJYvRHfZkQGESJ49BJE2AvFe+0A-e

This is the deluxe version, take what you can from it. One word of advice - don't skip on the rune of tormenting. It is absolutely amazing and will both rack up your sustain and damage by leaps and bounds.

Plaguedoctor gear will require some work to get - it's a domain of kourna exclusive gear (unless you have legendary gear), and will require farming some incribed shards and volatile magic to get. The shards you can get easy via karma traders in Bjora marches - trade your eternal ice for shards and you'll speed this up massively.

As for your survival, you have a two blocks (shield & staff), Ability to have 100% uptime on protection, additional damage reduction when under effect of resistance, glint heal that converts incoming damage to healing, staff's own healing and most badass of all, healing each time to apply torment thanks to rune of tormenting (Mallyx ult and mace say hi). Staff #5 is also a breakbar destroyer skill that will help you deal with those annoying hero points.

Did i mention this is the light tanking build? You can use apothecary gear and use retribution instead of invocation if you want more sustain. Planar protection in retribution + dwarven battle training + steadfast rejuvenation will make Zhaitan look handsome compared to you. That's how disgusting it'll be;]

You're welcome!

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Nearly every class can be built to be tanky, but here are some of my favourite tank builds:

  • Power herald with retribution or salvation traitline gives you a lot of passive healing. Use with staff and/or shield for a lot of block uptime and extra healing. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAw6ZldQKMHyi1QXsHCj9RisAqgl+TarH-e
  • Sword condi weaver that focuses on burning, fire - arcane - weaver traitlines. Weaver naturally has low health and armour so you still need to be good at evading, but you have a lot of evade skills and very good self healing and barrier. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAw2OKXbvfA-zhQwZA-e
  • Sword/Shield holosmith with inventions and alchemy traitline is very tanky, just keep protection up and you have 40% damage reduction. You can also run a similar scrapper build with hammer. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAw6DTyssK8klyeLA-e
  • Pretty much any warrior build that uses defense traitline and possibly a shield is very tanky, even in full berserker gear.
  • Any soulbeast build using nature magic and wilderness survival traitlines has very good self healing and a lot of boons.

Gear is more up to you and what you can afford/how tanky you want to be. If you want something cheap, I would recommend marauders (with some commander gear if you can get it) for power builds, and carrion/rabid for condi builds.

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@ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

You're welcome!

Thank you very much for this ! I will try it as soon as possible. Rev is really a profession that I love for both the playstyle and the background, and I was quite sad that it didn't fit what I'm looking for. So I'm very excited to give him another try !I'm kinda new to the gear farming/crafting so I will need to look at some guide to get that stuff.

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:Power herald with retribution or salvation traitline gives you a lot of passive healing. Use with staff and/or shield for a lot of block uptime and extra healing.

Another Rev build ! It's Christmas ! Thank you ! I already tried Dwarf/Herald, but maybe I speced it wrong, so I'll give it another try !

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