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Can we get more Fun Boss Fights

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I was in Domain of Vabbi or Domain of Istan, there was a living story or story boss fight.Basically went like this.Run up to boss and start dpsing.AoE rings appear all over the zoneBoss teleports awayFunky shaped (triangles, trapezoids, etc.) AoE rings appear all over the zone againI run up to boss and start dpsing againMore AoE rings appear ALL over the zone againBoss does some dancing movement and even more AoE rings appear ALL over the zone againI'm down because I missed getting out of an AoE ring that deals 80% damage to my hp.I die, the boss is at 80% hp (his hp stays because its story/living story)I go back and goto the boss and start dpsingThe boss.... Teleports awayAnd a ton of AoE rings appear all over the zone...Basically same thing happens again and again.20 minutes later he finally dies.

I really enjoy fighting bosses where I have to look at the ground 99% of the time, because all of the AoE rings happening and they deal 80%+ damage. It makes the fighting intense.

It's more fun than back when game started where the stuff I had to avoid I could see, like a shockwave from Tequatl, stones being thrown. I actually had a visual rather than no visuals and just AoE rings.Visuals made me lag a lot, so I prefer AoE rings.Visuals made it to easy to avoid, so I prefer AoE rings.Having boss teleport or do charging attacks all over the zone and AoE rings covering the entire fighting area, I really enjoy the intensity of the boss fights.Please more of this content!

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I have heard of fractals.I really dislike Jade Maw, too easy.Jade Maw is too original Guild Wars 2, it has too many visuals, like tentacle swing and something above my head letting me know I'm targeted.I prefer less visuals and more AoE rings that keep popping up super fast that I don't even have time to enjoy the visuals.

I prefer more bosses that teleport all over the zone doing hundreds of AoE rings, and if AoE hits you, 80%+ hp is taken away.Twlight Oasis Fractal is good example, but the AoE rings need to deal incredibly more damage if you get hit by one of them.

I do not enjoy looking at the boss, I enjoy looking at the ground, at the AoE rings appearing so frequently, because it makes the game super intense, and super fun, especially when they deal incredible amount of damage.

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:I have heard of fractals.I really dislike Jade Maw, too easy.Jade Maw is too original Guild Wars 2, it has too many visuals, like tentacle swing and something above my head letting me know I'm targeted.I prefer less visuals and more AoE rings that keep popping up super fast that I don't even have time to enjoy the visuals.

I prefer more bosses that teleport all over the zone doing hundreds of AoE rings, and if AoE hits you, 80%+ hp is taken away.Twlight Oasis Fractal is good example, but the AoE rings need to deal incredibly more damage if you get hit by one of them.

I do not enjoy looking at the boss, I enjoy looking at the ground, at the AoE rings appearing so frequently, because it makes the game super intense, and super fun, especially when they deal incredible amount of damage.

You are a very wierd man.

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