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Rev traitlines could need polish


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Imo the rev should get a bit more rework inside the traitlines, like they did with corruption not so long ago.

Invocation is because of the +20% critchance&Rising tide as Power-only an too necessary traitline for power builds (damage wise). Those maybe be moved to Devastation.Salvation offers through the Barrier&perma dmg reduction an far higher sustainbump than retribution with Steadfest Rejuvenation & the inconsistent dmg reduction from the evade-vigor ,which is too short and doesnt even trigger on every dodge,because u have to know exactly when u will dodge an attack.

Since Retribution doesnt give Stability&dmg-reduction on stab, its only working very poorly with jalis.Same with the barrier-thing on Salvation. Ventari cant pump out boons. Orbs+their target prio is very wacky.

corruption is good, but got reworked not so long ago anyway.

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Actually, this seems reasonable. Salvation outshines Retribution in the subject of damage mitigation. And the orbs are a bad mechanic overall.

Also, I don't feel like Retribution needs the whole Retaliation line, because it doesn't really do anything with the Legend.Devastation could have a line dedicated to Quickness ans Invocation be even more about energy drain/regain.

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They need streamlining for sure.

Retribution should focus on the Retaliation stat and Weakness, which compliments Jalis well.What we have now is a weird mix between

  • Retaliation (several bad traits which can't work alone),
  • Dodging and Vigor (again to support Dodge Retaliation trait which makes no sense)
  • and two competing Anti range traits in the same Adept tier which again, makes no sense. (Dome of the Mist vs Close Quarters)

Devastation could be streamlined to boost critical damage, vulnerability and burst damage as well as engagements.Yet we have 1/3rd of the traits dedicated to a Siphoning skill for no reason.Imo they should move the Siphon to Impossible Odds, reworking the skill entirely, and fill the 3 slots taken by Battle Scar traits with more options for Vuln application or Critical strike (as someone mentioned above, moving Roiling Mist to Devastation)

Invocation is mostly a "general" trait for critical strikes, but doesn't have any proc on crit effects strangely.It also deals alot with Legend swapping, but not as Minors, but as Master traits for no reason.

Salvation - orbs lmao

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In my opinion, the biggest problem with rev traits currently is that new minor trait in invocation that replaced empty vessel which gives fury on interrupt. The replacement for arguably our strongest trait is one that does nothing except give fury on a trait line that already has a minor trait that does nothing except give fury on a class that has never had any trouble maintaining fury. It's a redundant completely wasted trait slot that wouldn't even be noticed if it didn't work at all (hell it might be bugged for all I noticed). Invocation seems to set up as the rev equivalent of the warrior's discipline, ele's arcana, thief's trickey, etc. Aka the trait line associated with the class mechanic but all the minor traits are based around fury for some reason, change it so the new one has to do with energy management or legend swap in some way.

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@ArthurDent.9538 said:In my opinion, the biggest problem with rev traits currently is that new minor trait in invocation that replaced empty vessel which gives fury on interrupt. The replacement for arguably our strongest trait is one that does nothing except give fury on a trait line that already has a minor trait that does nothing except give fury on a class that has never had any trouble maintaining fury.

It's extremely powerful for Condi Heralds with Mallyx.Everytime they CtA someone, they get free Might through Incensed Response.

It also has only a small 1 sec ICD, allowing the player to potentially CC multiple players in a row for more super Might generationThis allows them to now maintain Fury and Might in Mallyx if they wish to Area control for longer instead of switching back to Glint to Boon up again.

What makes no sense is that such a situational trait is forced into a Minor slot.Meanwhile, dumb traits like Spirit Boon which has really little benefit and is essentially Rev's version of Elemental Attunement is a stupid Master tier trait.

Invocation would be so so much better if all the existing traits were shuffled around.

Example :This is Current Invocation

----------------------Cleansing Channel -------------------------------Spirit Boon-----------------------------------------Song of the MistInvoker's Rage ---Rising Tide------Ferocious Aggression--------Rapid Flow-------Contained Temper---------Charged Mist-------------------Glaring Resolve-----------------------------------Incensed Response-------------------------------Roiling Mist

What I would change it to :

-------------------------------Cleansing Channel---------------------------Contained Temper------------------------Incensed ResponseFerocious Aggressio------Song of the Mist--------Charged Mists------ Rapid Flow-----------Spirit Boon-----Rising Tide-------------------------------Invoker's Rage---------------------------------Glaring Resolve----------------------------Roiling Mists

Adept Tier which revolves around swapping Legends.

Master Tier which are more or less situational or build defining traits.Grandmaster Tier which has powerful traits which are picked based on build.

Charged Mists should have really been a Minor.Spirit Boon should also have been a Minor

Rising Tide is strong.The reason it isn't picked is because Cleansing Channel is a MUST have on Revenant which suffers from low Condition cleanse on every single build except Ventari and Mallyx which doesn't need it anyway.

Glaring Resolve is actually pretty strong but very situational because lol Stunbreaks on Revenant are so bad that yu never wanna use it if possible, hence Master tier.

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@Yasai.3549 said:

@"ArthurDent.9538" said:In my opinion, the biggest problem with rev traits currently is that new minor trait in invocation that replaced empty vessel which gives fury on interrupt. The replacement for arguably our strongest trait is one that does nothing except give fury on a trait line that already has a minor trait that does nothing except give fury on a class that has never had any trouble maintaining fury.

It's extremely powerful for Condi Heralds with Mallyx.Everytime they CtA someone, they get free Might through Incensed Response.

It also has only a small 1 sec ICD, allowing the player to potentially CC multiple players in a row for more super Might generationThis allows them to now maintain Fury and Might in Mallyx if they wish to Area control for longer instead of switching back to Glint to Boon up again.

What makes no sense is that such a situational trait is forced into a Minor slot.Meanwhile, dumb traits like Spirit Boon which has really little benefit and is essentially Rev's version of Elemental Attunement is a stupid Master tier trait.

Invocation would be so so much better if all the existing traits were shuffled around.

Example :This is Current Invocation

----------------------Cleansing Channel -------------------------------Spirit Boon-----------------------------------------Song of the MistInvoker's Rage ---Rising Tide------Ferocious Aggression--------Rapid Flow-------Contained Temper---------Charged Mist-------------------Glaring Resolve-----------------------------------Incensed Response-------------------------------Roiling Mist

What I would change it to :

-------------------------------Cleansing Channel---------------------------Contained Temper------------------------Incensed ResponseFerocious Aggressio------Song of the Mist--------Charged Mists------ Rapid Flow-----------Spirit Boon-----Rising Tide-------------------------------Invoker's Rage---------------------------------Glaring Resolve----------------------------Roiling Mists

Adept Tier which revolves around swapping Legends.

Master Tier which are more or less situational or build defining traits.Grandmaster Tier which has powerful traits which are picked based on build.

Charged Mists should have really been a Minor.Spirit Boon should also have been a Minor

Rising Tide is strong.The reason it isn't picked is because Cleansing Channel is a MUST have on Revenant which suffers from low Condition cleanse on every single build except Ventari and Mallyx which doesn't need it anyway.

Glaring Resolve is actually pretty strong but very situational because lol Stunbreaks on Revenant are so bad that yu never wanna use it if possible, hence Master tier.

that would make the last choice very crappy.Incensed ResponseRising TideRoiling Mists

it would be:More damage or More damage or More damage

also rising tide needs to be made "Not power only".Imo Rising Tide & Ferocious Agression should be connected to one trait , maybe +14%/15% while being over 75% health

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@"Virdo.1540" said:

that would make the last choice very crappy.Incensed ResponseRising TideRoiling Mists

it would be:More damage or More damage or More damage

also rising tide needs to be made "Not power only".Imo Rising Tide & Ferocious Agression should be connected to one trait , maybe +14%/15% while being over 75% health

Yea they should make Rising Tide also affect Condition damage.

And it's not simply "MOAR DAMAGE MOAR DAMAGE MOAR DAMAGE" for the GM line.

It's damage for high Fury generation (Herald mainly)Damage for good sustain or builds that don't want to get hit and want to burst (Stuff like Shiro focused builds with Core or for Renegade)Critical Chance boost (For people who don't like building Precision for some reason)

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@Yasai.3549 said:

@ArthurDent.9538 said:In my opinion, the biggest problem with rev traits currently is that new minor trait in invocation that replaced empty vessel which gives fury on interrupt. The replacement for arguably our strongest trait is one that does nothing except give fury on a trait line that already has a minor trait that does nothing except give fury on a class that has never had any trouble maintaining fury.

It's extremely powerful for Condi Heralds with Mallyx.Everytime they CtA someone, they get free Might through Incensed Response.

2 might for 4 seconds and only if the cc actually lands and it can be any cc not just CtA for that matter, but 2 might for 4 seconds with icd so you can't proc it a bunch of times at once by landing an aoe cc its just not very strong at least not in pvp since Incensed Response is way over nerfed there. I don't think anyone uses incensed response in pvp anymore, it is outclassed by both other traits in its tier and some condi revs run retri instead of invocation anyways because 2 might for 4 seconds is barely noticeable.

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