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Symbolbrand difficulty?


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So a year or so ago, I ran the healing firebrand because I love healing in pvp and coming bac, it's pretty much only used in PvE. So now I am learning the Symbolbrand since it's one of the meta builds.

I went to Godsofpvp and they said it's a 1 our of 5 in difficulty.. Now if I'm wrong or playing it wrong, please inform me because I am still pretty new to GW2 and its PvP (On a serious level) but how is it rated an easy spec when it has around 25 skills to remember, (that includes the 3 tomes) and having to know when to use them?I generally try to dps and switch to heals and shields when my team needs it, and then try to spread fire dps with my dps tome but it tends to get tough remembering lol.

Just curious to what others think about it. I just felt calling it an easy build is a bit off.

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You play around objectives and the build play itself. If you're chasing anyone with it, that's doing it wrong.

The build has all the options to be in complete control at close range and nobody can challenge it without damage reduction or stability because there's a lot of control, blinds, AoEs to stand in and punish people who try to do anything.

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@Shao.7236 said:You play around objectives and the build play itself. If you're chasing anyone with it, that's doing it wrong.

The build has all the options to be in complete control at close range and nobody can challenge it without damage reduction or stability because there's a lot of control, blinds, AoEs to stand in and punish people who try to do anything.

So basically basically you capture a point and let people come to you and use to skills? > @Tharan.9085 said:

You just roll your face over the keyboard and kill stuff, you play symbolbrand

So basically even though you have a ton of skills, if you are patient and people roll up on you, you pretty much have all the tools to beat people? Lol.

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