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To be honest Warrior is FINE in PVP


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tbh, warrior survive alone is fine, damage is also fine, but as all these are nerfed across the board,right now team utilities, aoe cc, blinds, utilities outshine self sustain and damage, which is why nobody plays warrior

Unless Anet gives warrior more playmaker potentials, which won't happen 99%, because they would've done it years agothe only outcome for a warrior is to never be relevant,or they just buff warrior passive healing and damage like they did times and times again just to get nerfed back down real quick without much top tier plays because mid-tier players can't deal with it 1v1. <<99% this one

so if you want to get better at PVP and actually learn to rotate and get better at anything else other then 1v1 which u can also do on other classes really well at the moment while being able to perform other stuffand carry your noob team? play another class.

also, warrior now is extremely unfun to play and clunky

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@Lighter.5631 said:tbh, warrior survive alone is fine, damage is also fine, but as all these are nerfed across the board,right now team utilities, aoe cc, blinds, utilities outshine self sustain and damage, which is why nobody plays warrior

Unless Anet gives warrior more playmaker potentials, which won't happen 99%, because they would've done it years agothe only outcome for a warrior is to never be relevant,or they just buff warrior passive healing and damage like they did times and times again just to get nerfed back down real quick without much top tier plays because mid-tier players can't deal with it 1v1. <<99% this one

so if you want to get better at PVP and actually learn to rotate and get better at anything else other then 1v1 which u can also do on other classes really well at the moment while being able to perform other stuffand carry your noob team? play another class.

also, warrior now is extremely unfun to play and clunky

I cringe when my Throw Axe does more than Eviscerate or Decapitate :anguished:

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It's so Fine, that people are trying to convince you, to respec in another class, before match starts.Never seen that before in this game.But i like war so much, so kitten it, i'll teach those magic f***ers what my sword and fists for.

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