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Sword AA


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@lare.5129 said:

@"Chips.7968" said:Apparently thief is support as it can give out boons.support = is not only give boons, or make direct heal. Support = help. If I blind enemy - this is help, if I put criple and meele teammate do push - this is help, if I ress in invisible - this is help. If I invisible finish enemy and teammate can asap switch to another target this is help too..

I just don't see how sword is clearly a support weapon. If it's all about boon strip, then pistol offhand, s/pno, boon-strip then dagger offhand. pistol - for additional stun. And no, boonstip in not main, this is part. Sword mobility, additional shawostep, again mobility, some evade, and etc. It very depend from gameplay style.

The bit about giving out boons is in direct reference to the videos claim (and sword doesn't give out boons either). Sword doesn't blind, doesn't cripple unless mele range and doesn't res in invis. The original post was about thief weapon sword being a support oriented weapon. My subsequent posting is questioning why, and then when someone claimed it is thief's BEST option to support, providing clear evidence to the contrary (short bow imo with reasons why is far better at support given what others claimed made sword the
weapon). The bit the other person made about shadow step and heal trait - pistol also shadow steps and is spammable - d/p but p/d also includes shadow step, and of course, short bow. That shadow step mobility isn't just sword. It's thief in general.

The rest of your post is a bit incoherent so struggling to understand what you mean. You're mixing overall thief weapons/traits when this was specifically about sword and auto attack itself. Meaning I don't really understand what point you're trying to make other than "thief can do support because... " generic list which can be applied to most thief builds or non specific sword things.

So, sometimes sword is very good for support. Yes, it probably is. Along with all the other weapon sets. Is it an actual support weapon? I still disagree and pointed out the (what i believe is a much stronger support weapon) in short bow.

p.s. Support means help - so then every single weapon set with every single trait of every single class is a support weapon... because they all help overcome opposition as you describe. That's just a bit too woolly a definition.

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@"Chips.7968" said:Along with all the other weapon sets. Is it an actual support weapon?Why not ? Shadow-step, some boon-strip, evade .. Is short bow better ? sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes absolutely yes, and I don't see nothing bad have this item on swap. I don't say - "use only sword for support!!!". I say sword is good weapon for it. Best? No. Everyone have his favorite best weapon, and it depend from many many factors.

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  • 4 weeks later...

S/D damage is COMPLETELY pathetic. It's far, far, far, too low. It's like a wet noodle weapon. If infilitrators strike is a problem then give it a 30 second cooldown but having a wet noodle weapon is really unfun.

Also, double sword auto's in PvE since it's bad in PvE too. You can also double pistol whips damage in PvE while you're at it.

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