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Level 80 Boost Gear, Is it really ours?

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:But, those aren't Infusions.

You're probably right on that, I can't remember since it's been a couple years but at the time they were expensive and couldn't be removed; I also have this foggy recollection that a guildie did put an infusion in but that wasn't me personally. Apologies then, I thought they counted as infusions.

Either way you ought to be able to remove changes to the gear that you yourself put in.

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@Etria.3642 said:You very definitely CAN put the special effects things from Halloween in the exotic free earrings because both I and my daughter did it

Next time, read the links posted. Those are NOT infusions. - "Whoops!"

@Etria.3642 said:Either way you ought to be able to remove changes to the gear that you yourself put in.

Yes, and that's why this implementation of Lvl 80 booster gear makes zero sense. One has to wonder who came up with that idea.

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@dragonsvail.9057 said:I presented the ticket to see if they could help with the problem and I received the notification that they were unable to even determine I ever had the infusion in my inventory. (even though I supplied them a screen shot of the infusion in the trinket).

You should have explained to them that you didn't mean an actual infusion but the base, jewel version of it. So, Polyluminescent Undulating Refractor (Teal), not Polyluminescent Undulating Infusion (Teal). Those are two different items.

@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Etria.3642 said:Either way you ought to be able to remove changes to the gear that you yourself put in.Yes, and that's why this implementation of Lvl 80 booster gear makes zero sense. One has to wonder who came up with
idea.They probably did not want you to be able to remove runes that were already included in the boost gear.

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