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Hoping for some communication soon.

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@"kratan.4619" said:Personally, I am too busy playing to have a need to have "something to look forward to". I really do not understand that concept at all. I play stuff as it is released. I do not even need to know if anything is in development. If the game gets stale I leave, there is no hanging around hoping it gets better here.

I think that some people burn through the content when it is released and then complain about no new content or communication about new content. /shrug

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"kratan.4619" said:Personally, I am too busy playing to have a need to have "something to look forward to". I really do not understand that concept at all. I play stuff as it is released. I do not even need to know if anything is in development. If the game gets stale I leave, there is no hanging around hoping it gets better here.

I think that some people burn through the content when it is released and then complain about no new content or communication about new content. /shrug

I think this massively over simplifies the issue

Everyone will play the game differently and view the content and longer term goals of how they play in a different way. Some will be happy just to play what is in front of them and some will burn through it with a desire for more. Neither of those are bad ways to play or view the game. The content has noticeably shrunk in in size and is very much geared to more regular bite sized chunks made up of mostly repeatable elements. That wont appease everyone and it is absolutely justifiable for many to want to look forward and hope for a horizon that contains something more meaty and substantial.

Wanting to know what's coming for their favourite game is a perfectly healthy and natural thing to feel for many no matter how quickly players choose to go through the content.

It also helps cultivate a more positive dev-community relations. I think it is too late in GW2's case as that damage is irreparably done in my opinion, but there is a certain feel good factor when the devs are talking about both the current and forthcoming content. There will always be moaners and whingers because the internet has become little more than outlet for those to say what they would never really say to someone's face, but the majority of the people always seem to be very happy when Anet are talking and interacting with them.

Ultimately there is little to no harm in communicating compared to silence. Someone people will hold them to "promises", but they are ignorable and rarely represent any significant quarter of the community no matter how loud they might try and make themselves

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