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Super Dodge Deadeye?


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Signet of Agility restores endurance, so you can use that to dodge 3 times in a row. (4 in PvE.)

Instant Reflexes (Acro trait, rarely used) will give you 2 seconds of automatic evasion when your health dips low, on a 300-sec ICD. Hard to Catch (Acro trait, rarely used) refills all your endurance when CCed, on a 300-sec ICD.

Dagger/Dagger skill 3, Death Blossom, and Sword/Dagger skill 3, Flanking Strike, are both evades. Shortbow 3 also evades while you're jumping back.

Withdraw and Roll for Initiative both evade and look sorta like an oversized dodge roll.

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@Taobella.6597 said:

@Taobella.6597 said:probably just dodge you can dodge forever on thief in WvW. if you are built for it

Don't exaggerate, can we dodge a lot yes, forever, idk if so I want that cool aid. Nerf thief!

do not misunderstand what i am saying just because you can dodge almost forever does not mean you are evaing all damage.

You might want to re-read your own post. As your first post didnt have "almost" in it, hence the call on exaggerating.

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@ferbz.6987 said:

@"Taobella.6597" said:probably just dodge you can dodge forever on thief in WvW. if you are built for it

Don't exaggerate, can we dodge a lot yes, forever, idk if so I want that cool aid. Nerf thief!

Actually they aren't exaggerating all that much, and they are absolutely right about building for it.WvW has access to Endurance food which is the sole reason why yu still see Mirages about to this day.

If managed well in tandem with Vigor, which is extremely easy for Thief to both gain and maintain, yu can pretty much "dodge forever"(Bountiful Theft which is basically run by all Thieves, and Maleficent Seven, as well as the fact that DEs have a Steal which can be resetted with Mercy)

As they said : built for it, but is it exactly an optimal build? That's for one to find out.

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@Yasai.3549 said:

@"Taobella.6597" said:probably just dodge you can dodge forever on thief in WvW. if you are built for it

Don't exaggerate, can we dodge a lot yes, forever, idk if so I want that cool aid. Nerf thief!

Actually they aren't exaggerating all that much, and they are absolutely right about building for it.WvW has access to Endurance food which is the sole reason why yu still see Mirages about to this day.

If managed well in tandem with Vigor, which is extremely easy for Thief to both gain and maintain, yu can pretty much "dodge forever"(Bountiful Theft which is basically run by all Thieves, and Maleficent Seven, as well as the fact that DEs have a Steal which can be resetted with Mercy)

As they said : built for it, but is it exactly an optimal build? That's for one to find out.

He/she is exaggerating, not that much like you pointed out, but doing it. Thank you for agreeing with me. That said, I still said nerf thief at the end tho, shouldn't that make everyone happy?

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