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Deadeye kneeling


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I wish dodges and stow weapon could cancel kneeling.

To kneel after a dodge is strange. Since if I needed to dodge it means that I need to move.Stowing weapons does cancel kneel, but it is at the end of the stow animation, not at the start. And that's weird.

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@SoulSin.5682 said:I wish dodges and stow weapon could cancel kneeling.

To kneel after a dodge is strange. Since if I needed to dodge it means that I need to move.Stowing weapons does cancel kneel, but it is at the end of the stow animation, not at the start. And that's weird.

For what it's worth, you can manually cancel the kneel mid-dodge.

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The entire spec is based on denying interaction and subsequently is weak conceptually.While obviously imbalanced today due to other trait and game-wide changes, I still stand by the fact my proposal for DE would have been better for the game, and the rationale of why still holds.

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