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The thief changes that I want.


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I'm still waiting for these changes:

  1. Pulmonary Impact: increase power coefficient from 0.75 to 0.9 in WvW and PvP.
  2. Backstab: increase base power coefficient from 0.9 to 1.0. Increase flanking power coefficient from 1.8 to 2.0 in. (in WvW and PvP) - Malicious Backstab: keep the current base power coefficients.
  3. Heartseeker: base power coefficients (in WvW and PvP):
    • above 50%: 1.2
    • below 50%: 1,5
    • below 25%: 1,8.
  4. No Quarter: Increased ferocity from 250 to 300 in PvE, PvP and WvW
  5. Burst of Agility: Lesser Haste recharge time 25 sec.

General competitive change:Revealed should last 6 seconds in WvW and PvP in order to balance the "stealth-hit-dodge-stealth" mechanic.

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@AikijinX.6258 said:I feel as though the burst of agility stun break is pretty much useless a majority of the time. The stun break doesn’t need to be proc’d as soon as the quickness proc’s. It needs to be reserved for when we actually get stunned in my opinion.

Burst of Agility breakstun is useless cause the trait need you to hit from flanks and of course if you are stunned you can not hit. AN can easily remove breakstun from this trait.This trait increase your damage thanks to Quickness boon and fit well with Dagger/Pistol Backstab and Sword/Dagger Flanking Strike.60 seconds of cooldown make it completly useless right now.

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And there are only two changes I wanna see (which don't require a bigger overhaul):

  • make Signets of Power the pistol / harpoon gun trait instead of Deadly Aim

  • change the activation condition for Signets of Powers bonus effects to "on crit"

But that's not going to happen, not because the proposed changes wouldn't have the desired effect and not because it would be too much work to implement but because A-Net doesn't seem to understand the issues this class is facing and makes changes seemingly only based on usage data which are not reflective of the whole picture (not even close).

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You do realize that stealth is thieves only defense unless using evasive builds. If they double the length of reveal, they need to halve the length and qty of every other professions blocks, invulns, etc.

Or halve their armor

That's not going to happen.I'm guessing you play an evasive build. Yes they typically have a hard time against stealth builds but its far from impossible to win. Also other builds that you kill often have an easier time against stealth.

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I agree. I called personally called for the same Backstab and Heartseeker changes back when they first revealed the patch that nerfed Backstab (and everything else). I also agree on PI, although I would push it a tad bit further personally.

Revealed is the only iffy one. I can't really get behind it in sPvP because Stealthing for long periods of time is, in my experience, not actually a good move anyway. I would be more behind it for WvW if it weren't for how Scouts and marking currently works.

No Quarter is neither here nor there for me. The issue with Critical Strikes (in PvP) is that it is a very strong damage traitline. It can make Marauder stats on Thieves feel like they actually have Berserker stats (at least when they crit, which they do even more). The problem is that, other than Invigorating Precision, it doesn't really much in the way of utility. In PvP, damage is nice, but doesn't get you too far unless you back it up with Utility/Survivability. At least, that is what tends to be the case with Thieves.

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@"SlitheSlivier.1908" said:You do realize that stealth is thieves only defense unless using evasive builds.

That's not true: stealth is thief only defence if you make a build only based on stealth.My D/P Daredevil build, with Shadow Arts and Trickery, has dodge, mobility, damage reduction, blind, condi cleans..

5-6 seconds of Revealed instead of 3 (in WvW) or 4 (PvP) would only makes things a little bit more fair, specially if Backstab would increase his base power coefficient to 2.0.

I'm guessing you play an evasive build. Yes they typically have a hard time against stealth builds but its far from impossible to win. Also other builds that you kill often have an easier time against stealth.

I'm a main thief, I play D/P daredevil with Deadly arts andTrickery, D/P Daredevil with Shadow Arts and Trickery, Staff, Sword Dagger with Core and Daredevil, condi Daredevil with D/D, condi core with P/D and sometimes also Deadeye Rifle and S/P Daredevil..My fav? Old Classical D/P Daredevil, but the problem is not what I want to play.

3 seconds of Revealed was fine before the 25 February competitive content update: less power damage has been a great buff for stealth builds. Increase Revealed time would be a sort of balance. Anyway this is only my opinion, based on the "direction" I would like the class to take.

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@SehferViega.8725 said:

@"SlitheSlivier.1908" said:You do realize that stealth is thieves only defense unless using evasive builds.

That's not true: stealth is thief only defence if you make a build only based on stealth.My D/P Daredevil build, with Shadow Arts and Trickery, has dodge, mobility, damage reduction, blind, condi cleans..

5-6 seconds of Revealed instead of 3 (in WvW) or 4 (PvP) would only makes things a little bit more fair, specially if Backstab would increase his base power coefficient to 2.0.

I'm guessing you play an evasive build. Yes they typically have a hard time against stealth builds but its far from impossible to win. Also other builds that you kill often have an easier time against stealth.

I'm a main thief, I play D/P daredevil with Deadly arts andTrickery, D/P Daredevil with Shadow Arts and Trickery, Staff, Sword Dagger with Core and Daredevil, condi Daredevil with D/D, condi core with P/D and sometimes also Deadeye Rifle and S/P Daredevil..My fav? Old Classical D/P Daredevil, but the problem is not what I want to play.

3 seconds of Revealed was fine before the 25 February competitive content update: less power damage has been a great buff for stealth builds. Increase Revealed time would be a sort of balance. Anyway this is only my opinion, based on the "direction" I would like the class to take.

There are so many things wrong with your statement. To list just a couple:-i said if you are building a Shadow Arts/stealth based build, which is common and meant to be for thief and mesmer. Don't compare it to evasive acro builds or the perma-blind cancer shenanigans. Apples and oranges. Thus what i said strongly applies.-upping the Revealed means you kill thief sustain builds (such as rifle deadeye) since most other classes can not only out-burst thieves but also will out-sustain thieves too since you are killing their defense.

  • the update didn't change anything because thieves also got damage nerf. We don't magically do more damage than other classses, and in fact, do less.
  • if anything the 4s reveal in pvp should be reduced to 3sec.
  • if you have a hard time killing thieves and mesmers using stealth it is either because you are on the wrong side of the rock paper scissors game, or more likely, just need to learn how to play against it. As much as i hate saying l2p, generally that's the case for people crying about stealth, the rest of us can still make the kills without much hassle anyway. Making reveal 6 seconds would be too easy imo for my necro and ele, and i know Shadow thieves have no chance against heralds, Guardians, or warriors without it either.
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@SlitheSlivier.1908 said:

@SlitheSlivier.1908 said:You do realize that stealth is thieves only defense unless using evasive builds.

That's not true: stealth is thief only defence if you make a build only based on stealth.My D/P Daredevil build, with Shadow Arts and Trickery, has dodge, mobility, damage reduction, blind, condi cleans..

5-6 seconds of Revealed instead of 3 (in WvW) or 4 (PvP) would only makes things a little bit more fair, specially if Backstab would increase his base power coefficient to 2.0.

I'm guessing you play an evasive build. Yes they typically have a hard time against stealth builds but its far from impossible to win. Also other builds that you kill often have an easier time against stealth.

I'm a main thief, I play D/P daredevil with Deadly arts andTrickery, D/P Daredevil with Shadow Arts and Trickery, Staff, Sword Dagger with Core and Daredevil, condi Daredevil with D/D, condi core with P/D and sometimes also Deadeye Rifle and S/P Daredevil..My fav? Old Classical D/P Daredevil, but the problem is not what I want to play.

3 seconds of Revealed was fine before the 25 February competitive content update: less power damage has been a great buff for stealth builds. Increase Revealed time would be a sort of balance. Anyway this is only my opinion, based on the "direction" I would like the class to take.

There are so many things wrong with your statement. To list just a couple:-i said if you are building a Shadow Arts/stealth based build, which is common and meant to be for thief and mesmer. Don't compare it to evasive acro builds or the perma-blind cancer shenanigans. Apples and oranges. Thus what i said strongly applies.-upping the Revealed means you kill thief sustain builds (such as rifle deadeye) since most other classes can not only out-burst thieves but also will out-sustain thieves too since you are killing their defense.
  • the update didn't change anything because thieves also got damage nerf. We don't magically do more damage than other classses, and in fact, do less.
  • if anything the 4s reveal in pvp should be reduced to 3sec.
  • if you have a hard time killing thieves and mesmers using stealth it is either because you are on the wrong side of the rock paper scissors game, or more likely, just need to learn how to play against it. As much as i hate saying l2p, generally that's the case for people crying about stealth, the rest of us can still make the kills without much hassle anyway. Making reveal 6 seconds would be too easy imo for my necro and ele, and i know Shadow thieves have no chance against heralds, Guardians, or warriors without it either.

I think increasing the Revealed time is meant to push traits like Flickering Shadows, which would let you conserve resources and time put into maintaining Stealth.

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