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Elder dragons are not technically dragons

Daniel Handler.4816

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@draxynnic.3719 said:"Crystal", scientifically, is a very broad term - Kralkatorrik seems to be limited to rock crystal. Ice seems to be outside his purview, and I expect that salt and anything else that's soluble in water at room temperature is also outside his domain.

So Kralk is the elder dragon of rocks-that-women-covet?

Elder Bling Dragon?

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@CharterforGw.3149 said:Maybe the elder dragon's were smaller more normal and maybe even kind dragons, but with all the magical energy the absorbed got corrupted, it twisted their bodies and affected their minds.

Well, we see in Bloodstone Fen that too much magic makes people go crazy. Maybe the same is true for dragons, but their tolerance is higher...

Which could well explain the Forgotten attempt to "cleanse" Kralkatorrik - perhaps they found that their cleansing ritual also made the subject more able to tolerate magic without becoming an omnicidal maniac, so they hoped they could magically restore Kralkatorrik's sanity as a prelude to being able to negotiate with it.

(Bonus points if they succeeded, but Kralkatorrik was still feeling threatened and paranoid enough that he Branded them anyway.)

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@"Daniel Handler.4816" said:It's kinda complicated because slush is also a liquid crystal. But then again both Kralkatorrik and Primordius can make basalt, an extrusive igneous rock (lava that cools too quickly to crystallize).Um, when did Kralk make basalt? Whenever he's flown over landscape, the land turns into either purple dust or crystalline life. The basaltic rock we find in the Desolation is definitely not touched by Kralkatorrik, and while I haven't exactly explored all of the Elonian region, I don't remember anything in the brand looking like basalt rock. I don't think I've seen basaltic Destroyers either, but I'd be less surprised to see that then a basaltic Branded.

As for the comment about "what defines a crystal", while scientifically crystallization can result in different patterns, Kralkatorrik's crystals all seem to be similar, of the see-through variety. It's not like there's all sorts of gemstones that Kralk can create, like rubies, sapphires and emeralds, but those purple crystals that I'll call Kralkatorrium.

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@Rognik.2579 said:

@"Daniel Handler.4816" said:It's kinda complicated because slush is also a liquid crystal. But then again both Kralkatorrik and Primordius can make basalt, an extrusive igneous rock (lava that cools too quickly to crystallize).Um, when did Kralk make basalt? Whenever he's flown over landscape, the land turns into either purple dust or crystalline life. The basaltic rock we find in the Desolation is definitely not touched by Kralkatorrik, and while I haven't exactly explored all of the Elonian region, I don't remember anything in the brand looking like basalt rock. I don't think I've seen basaltic Destroyers either, but I'd be less surprised to see that then a basaltic Branded.

As for the comment about "what defines a crystal", while scientifically crystallization can result in different patterns, Kralkatorrik's crystals all seem to be similar, of the see-through variety. It's not like there's all sorts of gemstones that Kralk can create, like rubies, sapphires and emeralds, but those purple crystals that I'll call Kralkatorrium.

It's trivia from Edge of Destiny. And not every branded in game is solely purple/crystalline.Branded_Minotaur_concept_art_2.jpg

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