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On 9/18/2020 at 8:34 PM, DivineBenediction.1870 said:

Who We Are: We are a 6-year-old guild that focuses on PvE content of all kinds. Our player base consists of a variety of new, returning, hardcore and casual players. Many of our members have started our journey through the continent of Tyria back in the days of Guild Wars, while other members have dipped their toes into the world that is GW2 for the first time. Through many adventures, this single guild has grown from just a small group of friends to a guild of over 400+ members.


What to Expect:

We are primarily a North American guild, however, we do have members who are located around the globe (Europe, Australia, NZ, Philippines, South America, etc.). We do not have structured WvW or PvP events but we frequently run events such as Fractals, Strike Missions/Raids, HP Trains, and World Boss Trains, among other smaller in-game events.

Our peak time is on evenings and weekends, starting from 1-2 hours before reset. Many of our in game events are around 5-11pm EST (with some exceptions). We have a frequently updated weekly guild event schedule on our Discord and Message of the Day in game. 


What we Offer:

Level 69 Gilded Hollow guild hall (daily harvesting nodes and various buffs that can be found in our tavern).

A Guild Discord: Full of text and voice channels for you to use and interact with guild leadership and other members. We encourage all members to join and to be active in our discord. Discord is one of the major foundations of the guild as it is often where important announcements are made, where we gather for events, or just to chat with our fellow guildies.

Of course, no pressure, voice chat isn’t required, but feel free talk to us in our very active discord text channels to get to know us!

Advice and help with gear progression/leveling/specializations/builds.  Feel free to ask us questions and a knowledgeable person will be able to assist you.

Seasonal Guild Events: Halloween, Wintersday, and Super Adventure Box in particular.

Occasional Guild Game Nights.


What You NEED to Know: 100% guild rep is not required. Involvement is key. You get what you put into the guild. There will be opportunities for growth into both low-level and high-level leadership. 

We do not tolerate harassment, sexism, racism, or any other form of bigotry. Above all, we do not want our members to feel uncomfortable in game and in our guild. 

Members will be required to be active for ONE day a month. Those who inactive for over a month without contacting a member of leadership will be removed from the guild (you are always welcome to return as well if there is space in our roster).


Who To Contact: Feel free to leave a message in this forum post or contact DivineBenediction.1870 for an invite (by mail preferably).


I'm a player that was really active several years ago and a few months ago rejoined. I'm usually on every other day or every three days (I work at a hospital and it's been really busy). When I was really active years ago, I just started doing fractals and WvW stuff. Since rejoining, I've mostly focused on catching up to the story plot and doing PvE stuff; now focused on map completion and events (currently its the Halloween event). The few friends I played with back in the day really don't really get on anymore and was looking for a group to do events with or learn more about GW2. Even though I'm someone that's had an account almost 8 years old; I still feel like there's so much I don't know. My gamer tag is FalseProphetess, im currently playing my Druid, Ruavan Taarn. Would love an invite to an active guild. 

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Returning player getting back into the game. Never done the raids and most of the other group content. Hoping to jump back in with both feet and enjoy the game like I never have before. Also really interested in getting all my characters fully geared and farming for legendary weapons.

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