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Ways to improve Core Game Map


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@Viger.1347 said:

@"sorudo.9054" said:
  • every major city based on race should sell armors with skins based on that race (just like what they have with weapons)

Pretty sure the game already has this from Cultural Armor Vendors. I recently leveled a Sylvari and bought a full set at level 40 I believe, which is 1 of 3 armor set tiers.

Edit for reference:

that's not what i mean, that's only FOR the race, not for every race WITHIN that one race's fashion.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

  • every major city based on race should sell armors with skins based on that race (just like what they have with weapons)

Pretty sure the game already has this from Cultural Armor Vendors. I recently leveled a Sylvari and bought a full set at level 40 I believe, which is 1 of 3 armor set tiers.

Edit for reference:

that's not what i mean, that's only FOR the race, not for every race WITHIN that one race's fashion.

Genuinely don't understand what you mean.

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Mounting in core Tyria has been discussed numerous times across numerous threads.

Core Tyria was never designed with mounts in mind, meaning they can feel small when mounting. Furthermore, mounts are locked behind a pay wall for a reason. ArenaNet need revenue to continue supporting and developing their title. They are not going to give out one of their key selling points for free.

You want to experience mounting in Guild Wars 2? Buy PoF. Otherwise, stop asking for it.

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@Viger.1347 said:

  • every major city based on race should sell armors with skins based on that race (just like what they have with weapons)

Pretty sure the game already has this from Cultural Armor Vendors. I recently leveled a Sylvari and bought a full set at level 40 I believe, which is 1 of 3 armor set tiers.

Edit for reference:

that's not what i mean, that's only FOR the race, not for every race WITHIN that one race's fashion.

Genuinely don't understand what you mean.

every main city has their own style of weapons, this fits the race and culture.the armors however are always the basic armor skins, armor vendors will always sell the same regardless of race or culture.if the armors are based on the culture of that city it would make more sense that you can buy them there.

let's say the cultural armor but for every race, i don't mean the ones that already exist but new ones.they don't have to be all explosively shiny but i would expect some basic armor (for starter characters) that actually fits the culture.

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I don't see the points of "culture" or "races".....Black citadel selling charrs stuffs it's logical.

Either you have bad time trying to simply say "I want the cultural vendors of the city to sell more racial armor skins" aka add more cultural armors for a race in its respective city.

Or... you want all the cultural armors at the same place, and to that I answer go speak to the cultural armors skritt in WvW.

Or.... It is simply not clear.But if it is like kharmin stated, I'm against.

But for myself, I just want to see more cultural armors available at those vendors. Three more tiers, that can be bought at level 25, 45 and 70.Those will cover more npcs armors, and the six knows how many of them are waiting to be added....

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They should create a mount (bear) that throw you up high in the air , trying to reach something/do daily .And while you are in the air , the mount will try to traverse the land and catch you , before you splash .New players will get the chance to ride the wild bear for a while (3-4 sec) and then teleported/get superspeed to the player that is falling .The player mid air , should avoid pack of birds

Occasionally the player instead of beeing thrown in the air , will become the bear and will try to catch his body , while new players will tilt his directions control to the left or right to harash him:)

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@kharmin.7683 said:Why would a charr character, visiting the asura home zone want to dress in that culture's armor? Doing so, IMO, would invalidate the concept of cultural armor being solely for the race that lives there.For the same reason why tourists in real world like to dress in pieces of local attire, and why cultural apparel is one of the standard tourist merchandize whenever possible.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Why would a charr character, visiting the asura home zone want to dress in that culture's armor? Doing so, IMO, would invalidate the concept of cultural armor being solely for the race that lives there.

the same as why every single character starts with the same armor, if charr actually started with charr armor i would agree with you but as it stands now that point is now mute.

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