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A heavy armour character can craft medium armour.

Provided they have the relevant crafting profession.

Armourers make Heavy ArmourLeatherworkers make Medium ArmourTailors make Light Armour

The same is true for weapons, any character can make any weapon type provided they have the right crafting profession.

Blacksmiths make Swords, Greatswords, Maces, Hammers, Axes, Daggers, Spears and ShieldsArtificers make Staves, Scepters, Tridents and FociHuntsmen make Longbows, Shortbows, Pistols, Rifles, Torches, Harpoon Guns and Warhorns

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Thank you so much for your answer, being my first MMO and still pretty new to the game am kinda overwhelmed with info at the moment and overlooked which craft made what. Just assumed armourer meant all armour lol and same for weapons. Am about to learn my weapon crafting and without your answer I would have probably chosen the wrong one. :)

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I’d also like to point out that let’s say you do armorsmithing and weaponsmithing. You may think you can only do two crafting professions. This is not entirely true. So let’s say you picked up that nice leather working pattern and learned it....

You can swap out one of your current professions and pick up leather working in its place while not losing any progress in the profession that you swapped out. You will then see that you are able to make that sweet pattern you picked up and used.Keep in mind swapping professions on a single player like this is very costly. You gotta pay a certain amount of silver / gold each time you do it.Another nice thing to know... if you learned the pattern on one character, it carries over to any character on your account. So if you did leather working on a different toon you would still see that sweet pattern you used on your original toon. (At least I am 95% sure this is how it works lol)

Hopefully that all made sense and helps even the slightest bit. I’ve only been playing the game about a year so I’m still learning myself. Enjoy the game!

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@Dunzoh.6739 said:[snip]Another nice thing to know... if you learned the pattern on one character, it carries over to any character on your account. So if you did leather working on a different toon you would still see that sweet pattern you used on your original toon. (At least I am 95% sure this is how it works lol)

Yep, the recipe carries across. Handy for crafting items like insignias, bolts of cloth, ingots, etc.

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@Hesione.9412 said:

@"Dunzoh.6739" said:[snip]Another nice thing to know... if you learned the pattern on one character, it carries over to any character on your account. So if you did leather working on a different toon you would still see that sweet pattern you used on your original toon. (At least I am 95% sure this is how it works lol)

Yep, the recipe carries across. Handy for crafting items like insignias, bolts of cloth, ingots, etc.

Only recipes learned from sheets carry across. "Discovered" recipes (i.e. where you put the ingredients in to see what you make) and "automatic" recipes (e.g. turning logs into planks) have to be learned by each character. (You can see this by looking at your list - learned-from-sheet recipes show up in red if you are below the required level, while automatic recipes don't show up until you are at the right level, and the chat will show you learning them when you get there.)

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