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Fractal Rush Community Goal Reward - RIPPED OFF

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It said in the description of the event to trade in the boxes to increase the community goals....Thought it was pretty clear honestly. If you wanted the chest all you had to do was save until 100 then buy?

It was probably this way because the Fractals are instanced group content, so they had to track participation by players trading in the boxes, the other ones have been open world, like world boss rush.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:Why on earth would anybody save them?

But, I agree that the rewards should happen regardless of whether you buy anything or not, and certainly if you buy one of the expensive ones (which means you had to save them for a while).

1.- So the tokens stockpile in your inventory and then trade them in one go with the npc instead of having to go to the npc daily after you compelte fracs.2.- Materials from the boxes gets devaluated from a bigger offer than deman since everyone is getting them/farming them, so its better to wait a few months to open the boxes and sell the materials instead of filling your mat storage and potentially occupying bank slots because of the excess of mats you get. So there is no actual hurry to trade tokens other than, of course, not receiving the Community Rewards which is the OP's annoyance. I didn't know either until someone commented on it so I had to go trade 1 token.

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@Wolfb.7025 said:

@"Daddicus.6128" said:Why on earth would anybody save them?

But, I agree that the rewards should happen regardless of whether you buy anything or not, and certainly if you buy one of the expensive ones (which means you had to save them for a while).

1.- So the tokens stockpile in your inventory and then trade them in one go with the npc instead of having to go to the npc daily after you compelte fracs.2.- Materials from the boxes gets devaluated from a bigger offer than deman since everyone is getting them/farming them, so its better to wait a few months to open the boxes and sell the materials instead of filling your mat storage and potentially occupying bank slots because of the excess of mats you get. So there is no actual hurry to trade tokens other than, of course, not receiving the Community Rewards which is the OP's annoyance. I didn't know either until someone commented on it so I had to go trade 1 token.

For point 2 it may be better do hoard the chests instead of the tokens, because the last time such tokens were used for the a bonus-event, they automatically turned into junk some time after the event was finished. (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_Mark)

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There was some text on the description of the boxes that mentioned handing them in at npc outside fractal portal and that it was to participate in the community event. I simply got 1 box from a fractal run and handed it in and started the community event. Otherwise I hadn't known how this event worked and what those boxes were.

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@John.8507 said:It said in the description of the event to trade in the boxes to increase the community goals....Thought it was pretty clear honestly. If you wanted the chest all you had to do was save until 100 then buy?

It was probably this way because the Fractals are instanced group content, so they had to track participation by players trading in the boxes, the other ones have been open world, like world boss rush.

That's not the issue.

The NPC offered three items.

Only one of those three items counts towards the community goals and it wasn't noted anywhere that that's the case.

People who only bought the other two items got no credit.

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@Seera.5916 said:

@"John.8507" said:It said in the description of the event to trade in the boxes to increase the community goals....Thought it was pretty clear honestly. If you wanted the chest all you had to do was save until 100 then buy?

It was probably this way because the Fractals are instanced group content, so they had to track participation by players trading in the boxes, the other ones have been open world, like world boss rush.

That's not the issue.

The NPC offered three items.

Only one of those three items counts towards the community goals and it wasn't noted anywhere that that's the case.

People who only bought the other two items got no credit.

I agree. I only bought the boxes in the first tab - I never noticed the other tabs. Given that, in all cases, the players have used the merchant, and given the wording about simply trading with the merchant which omitted exactly what to purchase in order for the purchase to count, the outcome does appear very unfair to those players who traded for the "wrong" item.

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