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New player seeking advice


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Hello all of you gw2 veterans, I'm looking for advice on how to continue with my lvl80 mesmer.

For now, I would just like to to do all story content and start working on the elite specs.I understand that I need to buy exotic armor for gold(?) to be able to complete HoT storyline without too much frustration, but what sort of stats do I need? Are runes very important? If yes, I'd prefer to choose cheaper ones as I don't have alot of gold.

Which weapons are the most effective when soloing? Will they work on group content too if I would ever dive in to dungeons?And lastly build? I have no idea what to do with it. I'm aware of metabattle website, but all their builds seem to be for group content.

Thank you in advance, if anyone will shed some light into this, I just want to get in playing the game! :P

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You can do dungeons for exotic armor, by saving tokens.I think you can also do HOT events/achieves.

I think the usual armor stats are bezerkers, and or condition damage. You can throw in some toughness, if you need it.

For specifics, it would depend on your class and build, a quick google of your class meta should give you suggestions to start with.The weapons would be suggested in the meta too.

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@Nika.8753 said:Hello all of you gw2 veterans, I'm looking for advice on how to continue with my lvl80 mesmer.

Are we talking core meser, chronomancers, Mirage?

It makes a huge difference if you have or do not have access to the expansions.

Assuming you only have access to core mesmer, I'd suggest you run a power build (berserker gear).

If you do have access to PoF, go Mirage and use condi gear (Dire or Rabid gear).

@Nika.8753 said:

For now, I would just like to to do all story content and start working on the elite specs.I understand that I need to buy exotic armor for gold(?) to be able to complete HoT storyline without too much frustration, but what sort of stats do I need? Are runes very important? If yes, I'd prefer to choose cheaper ones as I don't have alot of gold.

Or since we have halloween, you could do the halloween achievements which provide you with 1 set of free exotic armor (obvisouly you would have to chose light armor). Berserker stats is what you want on those.

There are alternative methods to aquiring exotic gear, as mentioned it is available in dungeons too.

@Nika.8753 said:

Which weapons are the most effective when soloing? Will they work on group content too if I would ever dive in to dungeons?And lastly build? I have no idea what to do with it. I'm aware of metabattle website, but all their builds seem to be for group content.

Thank you in advance, if anyone will shed some light into this, I just want to get in playing the game! :P

Here is the post August 8th power mesmer build on quantify: https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/mesmer/power-mesmer-quick-guide/

It's a good place to start. Don't go with Scholar runes, pick something cheaper for now.

The thing about builds, non of them are all-encompassing. You need to get to know your class, your skills and weapons available to you. Read through Kaiyanwan's old guide to get some basic understanding: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/professions/mesmer/Guide-The-Leveling-Open-World-Compendium-1/first#post5342268

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Depends on your playstyle, ultimately.

Right now, my second lv 80 Mesmer is running either:

  • Soldiers gear, Swiftness Runes, with S/S and GS (For Power Builds)
  • Dire gear, Nightmare Runes (with one undead Rune), with Staff and Axe (or Scepter)/Pistol.

Most of my weapon sigils have Energy and Frenzy Runes as a matter of preference.

If I ever get a third set, it would probably be something based on maximizing boon duration for support.

My setup is going to be called silly and overly focused on defense. I mainly explore and run solo. Messers are a great and fun class, but they tend to be squishy once enemies break through all of their teleports, blocks, blurs, distortions, dodges, and mirrors.

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For solo it doesn't really matter, everything works just fine. For Power builds take Marauder stats ( unfortunately you need to craft it, account bound) or buy very cheap berserker gear/weapon or mixture of both. You can buy some pieces with Toughness, if you need more survivability. Greatsword + Sword/x or Staff. Sword for trash mobs, GS and Staff when you want to stay in range, for example when you fight very tough elite bosses group content you don't wanna stay in melee, trust me.You can also play condition with Scepter/Torch Axe/x or Staff. You can buy cheap Siinster or Carrion gear/weapons for a couple of gold.I recommend condition over power, is a bit easier and you get better survivability with your stealth skills.Runes and Sigils are not that important for solo content: Just buy some cheap ones like +7% crit Weapon sigil (Superrior sigil of Accuracy) + Superior Sigil of Air or Blood for Power builds and Sigild with condition duration or Poison on weapon swap for condition builds and you will be just fine for soloing.

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Thank you so much for all of your replies! I'm amazed how friendly and helpful this community is :)

@Taygus.4571 said:For specifics, it would depend on your class and build, a quick google of your class meta should give you suggestions to start with.The weapons would be suggested in the meta too.Thanks for the advice! I stayed away from the metabuilds because for some reason I thought that they would be very bad for solo.

@Cyninja.2954 said:Are we talking core meser, chronomancers, Mirage?It makes a huge difference if you have or do not have access to the expansions.Yes sorry I should have mentioned this, I have both expansions, but I don't have the elite specs unlocked yet.

@Cyninja.2954 said:Or since we have halloween, you could do the halloween achievements which provide you with 1 set of free exotic armor (obvisouly you would have to chose light armor). Berserker stats is what you want on those.I had no idea! Thanks! And cheers for the links, will check those aswell :)

@Mercurias.1826 said:Depends on your playstyle, ultimately.My setup is going to be called silly and overly focused on defense. I mainly explore and run solo. Messers are a great and fun class, but they tend to be squishy once enemies break through all of their teleports, blocks, blurs, distortions, dodges, and mirrors.Thank you, I was just so overwhelmed looking at the TP, not knowing what to buy and thought that there would be only one proper way to go.

@Sifu.9745 said:For Power builds take Marauder stats ( unfortunately you need to craft it, account bound)This sounds like a good plan too! Will be checking crafting options :)

@Sifu.9745 said:You can also play condition with Scepter/Torch Axe/x or Staff. You can buy cheap Siinster or Carrion gear/weapons for a couple of gold.I recommend condition over power, is a bit easier and you get better survivability with your stealth skills.Runes and Sigils are not that important for solo content: Just buy some cheap ones like +7% crit Weapon sigil (Superrior sigil of Accuracy) + Superior Sigil of Air or Blood for Power builds and Sigild with condition duration or Poison on weapon swap for condition builds and you will be just fine for soloing.I think I will settle for power and try condi gear later when I can scrap together a second set :D Going for the sigils and weapons that you recommended, thanks!

@Warlyx.6732 said:u can do living story 2 for gear (and a good introduction to HOT) , and u will get gear in HOT story too , even repeated pieces , that u can choose statsI thought that I needed to get exotic armor before jumping into this, I've red somewhere that HoT enemies are much harder. I suppose I'll just jump in to it and try! :P

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