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Why isn't ArenaNet doing anything about the bots?

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@"kharmin.7683" said:You might want to review this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/121390/an-update-on-game-security-and-player-reporting-in-guild-wars-2 before accusing Anet of not doing anything.

I think honestly this is empty promise like Alliance and fixing server lag. The server lag is getting more severe while they still chilling in their office while alliance got scrapped maybe?

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@Kurrilino.2706 said:

As example, i do my dailies mostly in ranked PvP because of the skill level. The best way to do that is to stay at the home base.The assumption is that the game is done faster when i don participate. As faster the game is over as faster i have my daily.My character is constantly called Bot and i am reported. Not that i ever got a notice from ANet because they know.So, in reality people accuse someone of being a bot without evidence because the just assume.ANet is fully aware of that and leave players alone. Like you said, bad behavior ingame doesn't mean botting

I guess they should be reporting you for match manipulation instead.

I never mind if everyone is at least trying but my team just gets outplayed. But specifically choosing to interact with the match as little as possible so as to lose faster crosses the line for me. I guess I'd make an exception for someone staying in spawn because the team is getting camped, but it sounds to me like you're just staying at home node from the very beginning for this exact purpose.

This is not completely correct. I don't stay at home from the beginning. Usual the daily is capping a flag or kill someone.All this is easily done with a stealthy Thief. After i have done that, i want the game over as fast as possible.

I would absolutely not call that match manipulation.I don't gain anything or favor a certain team, if my team wins, i am already good with that.It's just more efficient to aim for a loss than for a victory. By going for a victory i just extend the game by lots of minutes.I play the game different than you do. Nothing in the rules makes your or my way to play illegal.

The actual problem i call out since a while is that the most easy Dailies are in PvP and not PVE.As long as this is the case, people are forced to play PvP. You can call them Bot's if it pleases you but ANet won't do anything since they are no botsdoesn't matter how often you report them

Then join the custom farm spvp maps and dont disrupt ranked/unranked

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@Linken.6345 said:

As example, i do my dailies mostly in ranked PvP because of the skill level. The best way to do that is to stay at the home base.The assumption is that the game is done faster when i don participate. As faster the game is over as faster i have my daily.My character is constantly called Bot and i am reported. Not that i ever got a notice from ANet because they know.So, in reality people accuse someone of being a bot without evidence because the just assume.ANet is fully aware of that and leave players alone. Like you said, bad behavior ingame doesn't mean botting

I guess they should be reporting you for match manipulation instead.

I never mind if everyone is at least trying but my team just gets outplayed. But specifically choosing to interact with the match as little as possible so as to lose faster crosses the line for me. I guess I'd make an exception for someone staying in spawn because the team is getting camped, but it sounds to me like you're just staying at home node from the very beginning for this exact purpose.

This is not completely correct. I don't stay at home from the beginning. Usual the daily is capping a flag or kill someone.All this is easily done with a stealthy Thief. After i have done that, i want the game over as fast as possible.

I would absolutely not call that match manipulation.I don't gain anything or favor a certain team, if my team wins, i am already good with that.It's just more efficient to aim for a loss than for a victory. By going for a victory i just extend the game by lots of minutes.I play the game different than you do. Nothing in the rules makes your or my way to play illegal.

The actual problem i call out since a while is that the most easy Dailies are in PvP and not PVE.As long as this is the case, people are forced to play PvP. You can call them Bot's if it pleases you but ANet won't do anything since they are no botsdoesn't matter how often you report them

Then join the custom farm spvp maps and dont disrupt ranked/unranked

I already explained why i chose ranked.The skill level in ranked is way higher than anywhere else.There are no real exhausting matches. As soon as one team has the edge, they finish off fast

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