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How to define unwinnable games


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@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:Every game where the team chat gets unnecessarily crowded = 90% certain a loss. For some reason people think they benefit off of distracting their teammates and themselves.

they bad, they know it, they ventbut occasionally you see people do things so stupid words cant describe it, as someone that played league for 10 years as a jungle ( you look at what your team is doing 24/7 ) it makes you question if our species can be truly called " intelligent "

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I believe that the most impactful time comes in the very first match.

Depending on our comp, we try to have 3 mid, 1 close and 1 on a stand-by role, coming mid, but moving out if needed.If we cap close fast, we can outnumber mid. If we start wiping mid, before their 5th member arrives, we will most probably win (assuming it's a map with no extra ways of getting points outside of nodes).

Because once you wipe for the first time and get the kill points, control 2 points and push for the far node to put pressure on the enemy sideline, they won't be able to easily come for your close node, unless they got a thief or mesmer, when our team decides not to push far and contest mid and close, rotating to help.

We may still lose, but, taking the first win also shows you whether your enemy can counter you or not and if they can't its far more easy.

Ultimately, 100 points difference can be easily covered, but if any team reaches 300 score and the enemy is 150> then it's most probably a win, unless something happens. And for those maps with extra points, usually commiting to the nodes and interrupting the enemy from getting to the special "nodes" will deny them of points.

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