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How are new players suppose to get into PvP


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@Shaogin.2679 said:

@Shaogin.2679 said:The problem is Solo Queue. People think this toxicity exists only in sPvP, but it is actually present in Fractals, Raids, and other instanced PvE content as well. The big difference is, in the PvE game modes we have more control over who we group with. If someone is being a toxic jerk, we can kick him. We can also just block that player and
to never play in a group with them again. We can also specify
what kind of group we are and what we are looking for in the LFG. This is why toxicity is less rampant in PvE game modes, because the environment doesn't support it.

In sPvP however, you are
to play with whatever teammates Anet assigns you, even if they are known trolls that you have blocked. This is the type of environment that these toxic players flourish in. In PvE, these toxic players find it harder and harder to get into groups as more players avoid grouping with them. In sPvP though, there are no consequences for their actions. They can be as toxic as possible, and they know that no matter what they do, they can just queue up for another match and be forced onto someone else's team.

Now of course some people will say that it is just unfair for players to team up in PvP, they can't find a team, there aren't enough players, whatever. Solo Queue is not the solution to any of these problems though. As for fairness, this is a multiplayer game, that is the main selling point of MMO games. I find it absolutely insane that I cannot play with a team of my friends in an MMO. Also, you
find a group, you
not to. Anet finds a group for you no problem every time you queue. We have a great LFG tool just for finding groups. Even with the most difficult content to find groups for, such as raids, players take it a step further and form Discord communities.

As for the lack of players currently in sPvP (geez I wonder why), the solution still isn't Solo Queue. If you do not have enough players for everyone to make their own teams and play against other teams of equal skill, then how does allowing Anet to make the teams solve anything? If there are a lack of players, then there needs to be different game modes with smaller teams or better incentives/improvements to the game mode to build the player base. But just saying "Screw it, swap to Solo/Duo Queue and put everyone in these crazy messed up toxic teams" is the wrong answer.

And I just know there is going to be that one person that comes in here talking about how we have Tournaments, yes, we do. And you know what? Tournaments are some of the most fun I have had in sPvP. Hell I remember one night we went in just to get the gold, and actually won the entire Tournament. kitten was exciting as hell. Unfortunately, those Tournaments are only every 6 hours and, depending on your team's skill level, you may only play a couple of matches. Tournaments also don't award Ascended Shards of Glory. So go ahead and get out of here with that weak argument.

It is no less toxic in unranked. :wink:

Unranked has no matchmaking and also allows you to solo queue with randoms. Are you saying you queue with a team of friends and rage at them?

You are right. Apply logic and determine if "teamQ possibility" really is the issue. :wink:

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@Barquiel.5610 said:So I just came back from a 4 year break. Decided to jump into PvP and I have to say it has been very unenjoyable.From what I can tell the pvp community wants more people to play this mode. However, anyone new to the mode gets slammed with insults during every single game from both sides of the match. I don't know about you but insulting people isn't exactly how you get people to play the mode you desperately say you want more people to play. In the last week I feel like I've been insulted less in LoL than in a GW2 PVP match.

Then there's the match making. If you go into unranked you are met with fully stacked teams that just 1 shot you over and over again. If you go into ranked it seems better in terms of matching players (I'm silver btw). But even there you are met with such venom it's honestly not enjoyable.

Don't get me wrong. I've watched build video's and practice combos on golems. I've seen video's on how to rotate and what each role does and how do it. However, just cause you watch a video doesn't make you awesome at the task. That takes time and practice. But then every time you try to practice you are met with just insults and BM.

So I'm curious how exactly are newer players suppose to get into pvp, when again the only thing waiting for the newer players is pure venom?

Toxicity will be always there as long as there is some kind of competition. Toxicity in GW2 is actually not as bad as in some other games. Just block people and do your thing. Don't look at chat if it annoys you so much and look rather at map and your rotations. If you are facing coordinated team and you can't win just use the time to look at rotation and test your limit on the class you play - such situation is actually great to see how many enemies you can take on and when it is better to disengage. Where is the opportunity on the map for decap or cap? Etc. Trust me, if you want to get somewhere in pvp you will need to learn to deal with such situations.Also, i would just do ranked if i were you. Rating mean nearly nothing in this game but gives more rewards and you won't be facing 4-5 man premades.

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I always try to rez even when there are 3 enemies nearby attacking me and the guy I want to rez. Just to make sure he does not get toxic starting to complain when I run away. :D (Some do that. Ha ha.)

Well ... actually it depends on the situation. If you want to play efficiently you also need when to rez and when not to. Same for stomping. When I use invulnerability elixir with my engineer I do not need a 2nd guy helping to stomp. But I should not use it on classes that have a teleport skill for downed skill.

The worst is when no one stomps the ones that can safely get stomped. Just so the enemy suddenly downs 1 of the own team and gets a rally for 2 or 3 of their own guys. CC can be fun to use when it is about people rezzing/stomping.

As for new players: Just go straight into it. Yes ranked is recommended. Gives better rewards. More people playing there. And after a while the matchmaking will match you to the correct rating and hopefully you will get a few decent matches (with sometimes totally unbalanced ones in between) where you can learn. Try to stay with a class/profession a bit. (Ideally one you know good from PvE already.) Only if after a while (and maybe trying different builds) it does not work for you ... try another one. But always stay a bit at one profession. Getting pwned when totally new to it ... probably is normal. (Even when trying another elite spec and a totally different build.)

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@Megametzler.5729 said:

@Shaogin.2679 said:The problem is Solo Queue. People think this toxicity exists only in sPvP, but it is actually present in Fractals, Raids, and other instanced PvE content as well. The big difference is, in the PvE game modes we have more control over who we group with. If someone is being a toxic jerk, we can kick him. We can also just block that player and
to never play in a group with them again. We can also specify
what kind of group we are and what we are looking for in the LFG. This is why toxicity is less rampant in PvE game modes, because the environment doesn't support it.

In sPvP however, you are
to play with whatever teammates Anet assigns you, even if they are known trolls that you have blocked. This is the type of environment that these toxic players flourish in. In PvE, these toxic players find it harder and harder to get into groups as more players avoid grouping with them. In sPvP though, there are no consequences for their actions. They can be as toxic as possible, and they know that no matter what they do, they can just queue up for another match and be forced onto someone else's team.

Now of course some people will say that it is just unfair for players to team up in PvP, they can't find a team, there aren't enough players, whatever. Solo Queue is not the solution to any of these problems though. As for fairness, this is a multiplayer game, that is the main selling point of MMO games. I find it absolutely insane that I cannot play with a team of my friends in an MMO. Also, you
find a group, you
not to. Anet finds a group for you no problem every time you queue. We have a great LFG tool just for finding groups. Even with the most difficult content to find groups for, such as raids, players take it a step further and form Discord communities.

As for the lack of players currently in sPvP (geez I wonder why), the solution still isn't Solo Queue. If you do not have enough players for everyone to make their own teams and play against other teams of equal skill, then how does allowing Anet to make the teams solve anything? If there are a lack of players, then there needs to be different game modes with smaller teams or better incentives/improvements to the game mode to build the player base. But just saying "Screw it, swap to Solo/Duo Queue and put everyone in these crazy messed up toxic teams" is the wrong answer.

And I just know there is going to be that one person that comes in here talking about how we have Tournaments, yes, we do. And you know what? Tournaments are some of the most fun I have had in sPvP. Hell I remember one night we went in just to get the gold, and actually won the entire Tournament. kitten was exciting as hell. Unfortunately, those Tournaments are only every 6 hours and, depending on your team's skill level, you may only play a couple of matches. Tournaments also don't award Ascended Shards of Glory. So go ahead and get out of here with that weak argument.

It is no less toxic in unranked. :wink:

Unranked has no matchmaking and also allows you to solo queue with randoms. Are you saying you queue with a team of friends and rage at them?

You are right. Apply logic and determine if "teamQ possibility" really is the issue. :wink:

Good to see you have no counter argument. ;)

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