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The two themes for the next Elite Spec…


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Even though we won’t know what we’re getting until the teasers begin, but from what I “feel” that our class might get as a “last” elite spec (I say last because who knows if they’ll add any more and just add onto our current Elites) is either Hexes or Kits/Conjures.

Hexes could work by means of the following ideas below. As a note, again, these are just quick ideas whipped up:

  • F1 = Mark your foe with a hex for 4s, dealing damage overtime. When the effect ends, the target will suffer heavy damage.
  • F2 = Mark your foe with a hex for 4s, inflicting confusion, torment and vulnerability overtime. When the effect ends, the target and adjacent enemies are inflicted with damage and stacks of confusion.
  • F3 = Mark your foe with a hex for 4s, inflicting slow, weakness and cripple overtime. When the effect ends, the target will be stunned.
  • F4 = Create an expanding area at your target location that grants you distortion every 2s.
  • While inside, boons have a reduced duration and conditions last XX% longer on your enemies while inside the hex. When it ends, you gain 5 random boons.

Then the trait ideas for the shattering mechanic would look something along the lines of the examples below:

  • Whenever you summon an illusion while near foes with hexes on them, you increase their duration by 1sec.
  • When your illusions attack your target with a hex, they do damage or inflict a random condition.
  • Whenever you use a shatter skill, your hex will be expunged from the target(s) and deal heavy damage.
  • Your illusions deal 10% more damage to foes with a hex on them.

And so forth. Basically, Hexes would be more Condition and Power heavy focused.

Then when it comes to the Kits/Conjures, I figured since there’s heavy speculation for a Bard/Minstrel E-Spec, our F1-F4 shatters can be replaced with Kits aka Instruments that give us an array of different skills that can be PWR/CONDI/CC and HEAL based depending on what you choose, which would be great for variety.

Regardless, I do have a strong feeling that the reliance of shatters needs to be done with come the next expansion.

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@necromaniac.7629 said:

@necromaniac.7629 said:mes is getting warhorn according to my big brain

Imagine...yet ANOTHER off-hand aka 2 weapon skills lol...Yeah, I can't either.Thats ok cause tempest had that too haha

Well people need to realize that the next e-spec IDEALLY should be a main hand or two handed weapon because we have to keep in mind that atleast 1 of the skills needs to be a phantasm and then IF by chance it is a warhorn, then the fifth skill would have to be some form of buff/condi/pwr skill and needs to actually be a skill that brings something useful.

Comparing the tempest is a bad example due to the fact that their attunements change their skills, so they essentially get 8 skills as opposed to 2... Regardless, in the end, it’s distasteful that a long awaited expansion gives us only an off hand for practically 1 weapon skill and I’m not gonna count the phantasmal generating skill because I’m sure it would be weak.

No thanks.

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@Tseison.4659 said:

@necromaniac.7629 said:mes is getting warhorn according to my big brain

Imagine...yet ANOTHER off-hand aka 2 weapon skills lol...Yeah, I can't either.Thats ok cause tempest had that too haha

Well people need to realize that the next e-spec IDEALLY should be a main hand or two handed weapon because we have to keep in mind that atleast 1 of the skills needs to be a phantasm and then IF by chance it is a warhorn, then the fifth skill would have to be some form of buff/condi/pwr skill and needs to actually be a skill that brings something useful.

Comparing the tempest is a bad example due to the fact that their attunements change their skills, so they essentially get 8 skills as opposed to 2... Regardless, in the end, it’s distasteful that a long awaited expansion gives us only an off hand for practically 1 weapon skill and I’m not gonna count the phantasmal generating skill because I’m sure it would be weak.

No thanks.

are you forgetting the actual spec...new skills trait etc though? you said tempest bad example, ok what about herald that got shield? " Well people need to realize that the next e-spec IDEALLY should be a main hand or two handed weapon because we have to keep in mind that atleast 1 of the skills needs to be a phantasm" If one of the skills is a phantasm then its either two-handed or off-hand, mes one-handed weps dont have phantasms, nothing you said applies to anything that they have done with the specs, you got the pattern confused, they can literally give any class almost any weapon

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@necromaniac.7629 said:

@necromaniac.7629 said:mes is getting warhorn according to my big brain

Imagine...yet ANOTHER off-hand aka 2 weapon skills lol...Yeah, I can't either.Thats ok cause tempest had that too haha

Well people need to realize that the next e-spec IDEALLY should be a main hand or two handed weapon because we have to keep in mind that atleast 1 of the skills needs to be a phantasm and then IF by chance it is a warhorn, then the fifth skill would have to be some form of buff/condi/pwr skill and needs to actually be a skill that brings something useful.

Comparing the tempest is a bad example due to the fact that their attunements change their skills, so they essentially get 8 skills as opposed to 2... Regardless, in the end, it’s distasteful that a long awaited expansion gives us only an off hand for practically 1 weapon skill and I’m not gonna count the phantasmal generating skill because I’m sure it would be weak.

No thanks.

are you forgetting the actual spec...new skills trait etc though? you said tempest bad example, ok what about herald that got shield? " Well people need to realize that the next e-spec IDEALLY should be a main hand or two handed weapon because we have to keep in mind that atleast 1 of the skills needs to be a phantasm" If one of the skills is a phantasm then its either two-handed or off-hand, mes one-handed weps dont have phantasms, nothing you said applies to anything that they have done with the specs, you got the pattern confused, they can literally give any class almost any weapon

I’m not talking about the traits and skills. That’s besides the point. I’m referring to OFF-HAND and how we shouldn’t get one for the next espec and it ideally should be a main hand or a two handed weapon due to the fact that it would be a waste to get an offhand if the 4th skill has to be a phantasm and then leaving the fifth skill to either be pwr/condi/boon based, but if that’s the case then the fifth skill needs to be something good...

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Kits should never get handed out to other classes in my opinion.

Engineer paid a heavy price to get access to that mechanic. Not only is the engineer class unable to weapon swap in combat, but it is also heavily restricted by having the smallest weapon pool to chose from (just 3 core weapon sets: rifle, pistol/pistol, pistol/shield) and these core weapons also tend to be pretty weak, especially their auto attacks.

Other classes do not have all these handicaps installed, they didn't have to pay the price which comes with kits, so they shouldn't ever get access to them either.

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