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Mounts should have new skills

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I think stealth is a terrible idea, as much as I'd enjoy it myself. There's already the ability to fly past mobs (literally on a griffon) which means not engaging in combat with them, and we're not impeded by ccs or cc-like conditions, giving mounts stealth on top of that where there's no threat is I think asking for too much, because it entirely removes the risk of traveling on mounts in the first place and there's already significant amounts of evade with jackal tier 4. There SHOULD be risk with mounts because of their superior movement options, it gives them a nuance that otherwise wouldn't be there.

A faster traveling speed would be nice, but i'm not sure that it's a great idea either, considering that we can already move so fast.

The devs have already stated they thought about having mounted combat, but decided against it because it would take away from elite specs, and that engage skills were the middle ground between no mounted combat (and the clunky nature of dismounting to go into combat) and full mounted combat. I think extra engage skills would be interesting, but not full mounted combat available in open world.

I wouldn't mind it in limited places (like personal story or raids), but I think having mounted combat widely available in open world pve is a bit much. I do feel like having limited mounted combat in an spvp space (not wvw because there's simply too many players to try to balance it out) would be cool, where players fight on mounts of their choosing and joust it out.

My ideal world would have involved mounted combat skills that are adjusted according to the class you play (lightning raptor anyone?) alongside elite specs, but there's no space for mounted combat ala riders of icarus in GW2 currently.

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