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what other builds might i like??

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i've got a few races and classes and it's all fun and dandy, i'm pretty well set up for t3 fractals (geared for t4 but i suck and don't care enough anymore), strikes, raids, any of it. i know everything works in the story but very specifically i like certain "ways" to play - i like power damage over condi, for one, i don't care about any strict adherence to the meta but i usually find too much vitality to be a wasted stat, i really enjoy diviner's gear and getting like 80-100% boon duration on might or fury, that sort of thing, pbaoe is always fun. i have 3 guardians, 2 revenants, 2 thieves, a mesmer, a ranger at level 80 but i haven't done the elite specs yet but even soulbeast, while close, doesn't look as fun as i wanted to be.

wondering if anyone has any fun open world/story builds they use in a similar vein, maybe some weapon set or traits I overlooked. i don't need to take these guys into any hardcore content.

it only marginally matters, but the two characters I'm aiming to make are a female norn and asura; I don't mind making repeats. also, not warrior. i don't really like axe/axe, greatsword feels clunky, and I feel like a glorified NPC. spellbreaker looked so cool conceptually but when i'm more inclined to lean toward to the gameplay, no amount of roleplay fixes combat cohesion for me.

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@"Cuddy.6247" said:wondering if anyone has any fun open world/story builds they use in a similar vein

you're going to get different answers regarding this. as "fun" is subjective and differs from person to person.

to help others suggest a class/build for you, what do you find fun? you mentioned melee-aoe and power damage. do you find a build fun if it has a simple dps rotation? or a complicated one? since you liked diviner's gear would you consider a hybrid-support dps? does it really have to be melee or power dps? if you get into a little more into the specifics, people can start suggesting something for you =)

as for an actual suggestion:i find power dps reaper (greatsword) sort-of fun, easy to play and pretty good for openworld and decent enough for fractals too, maybe you can try that :)

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You should probably play revenant. It's the only class where diviner gear is actually used extensively. If you play renegade and use Kalla legend then you will have more AoE than you would have playing herald. Power is a bit less damage than condi for renegade, but still manages to get a 34K benchmark on par with reaper.

If you just like fury + might you might also look into holosmith, which has the most PBAOE cleave. Photon Forge auto hits 5 targets and is great in openworld against packed mobs.

Mesmer isn't amazing in openworld due to the way clones work. If you are killing trash mobs for example they're largely wasted.

The only time you would run diviner on ranger is for WVW if you run Boonbeast (soulbeast).

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@Infusion.7149 said:You should probably play revenant. It's the only class where diviner gear is actually used extensively. If you play renegade and use Kalla legend then you will have more AoE than you would have playing herald. Power is a bit less damage than condi for renegade, but still manages to get a 34K benchmark on par with reaper.

If you just like fury + might you might also look into holosmith, which has the most PBAOE cleave. Photon Forge auto hits 5 targets and is great in openworld against packed mobs.

Mesmer isn't amazing in openworld due to the way clones work. If you are killing trash mobs for example they're largely wasted.

The only time you would run diviner on ranger is for WVW if you run Boonbeast (soulbeast).

Yeah I don't like my mesmer much but I'm committed to keep him. I've definitely mostly stuck to renegade for fractals although my guardian is geared in zerker armor and weapons (diviner trinkets) for fractals and raids as well. I'll look into holosmith too.

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@"Cuddy.6247" said:Yeah I don't like my mesmer much but I'm committed to keep him. I've definitely mostly stuck to renegade for fractals although my guardian is geared in zerker armor and weapons (diviner trinkets) for fractals and raids as well. I'll look into holosmith too.

GS Power Mirage is quite fun. Swap in Domination for Inspiration for less sustain but more DPS:http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PihAEZlVwUYbMImJWyTrPNA-zRRYBKmKQM4yIwSIiMwk5oaGA-e

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