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Essence of Light for memorials.

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Is the drop rate on this item super low? My guild has been trying to craft memorials for our departed guildmates and we need several Essences of Light to craft Eternal Flames for our Guild Hall. I leave a character in the Secret Garden to farm the air elementals there, but they don't drop the item for me. I've done this a few times for at least an hour each time, but not a single drop. Is there something else I should be doing?

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I'd recommend trying longer streaks killing them (although with other commitments it can be hard to do more than an hour at a time, I know). Make sure you leave the area on your character from time to time so you aren't hit by the diminishing returns system.

If all else fails, you may be better off farming gold and just buying them from the trading post - if you know you can make the gold for one in 2 hours when getting 1 as a drop is taking you 3 hours, your time is better spent farming gold and buying them (and if you want to go one further in relation to valuing your time, 1 hour of work IRL will buy enough Gems to Gold for quite a few Essence of Light in itself).

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I sometimes feel that the stuff we do for passion, should inspire the way we achieve our goals... The item could be 1 copper in tp but getting it the hard way, could hold some life to it... And when he's crafting it one by one, everyday, he might meet new ppl in the area, talk about the stuff, share experiences and those moments and memories become part of that crafted object... U get the picture

Example: crafting a legendary from step by step achievement (vs) buying a legendary in tp

Idk... Everyone have different idea... My opinion might not suit everyone... It might be just me

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@Illumine Sparkler.6019 said:I went and had a go at getting these last night since the puzzle was a daily, I got 2 in half hour which I don’t think is that bad for a rare drop, maybe magic find in the issue for your attempts, I was running with over 500mf.

I'll try buffing up my MF next time I try. Thanks for the tip!

We thought about buying them from the TP, but felt it would be more appropriate to attempt earning them through combat in this case.

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